Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, December 4, 2022

In Our Prayers 

New this Week: Ruth Anne Sprunger

Charlie Belch, Donna Belch, Janis Bohnstedt, Clara Bowling, Matthew Carter, Michael Clifton, Teresa Clingaman, Kris Conner, Diana Cornwell, Janelle Couture, Brad Crowder, Bill Deans III, Lynda and Mike Eckard, Ann Filler, Ed Gomez, Cheryl Harkenrider, Joan Hartwig, Sarah Howard, Bob Huff, Nancy Jordan, Alli Keith, Tony Kell, Ginny Laudadio, Brian Laurenz, Carol Lewark, Joan Lipscomb, Gerald Lockwood, Sandy Lockwood, Skyler Lockwood, Connie Mabe, Kelly Massey, Bev McFadden, Jane Meredith, Jack Meredith, Peter Michels, E. Louise Misegades, Jim Nelson, Cindy Ottinger, Bonnie Pennock, Noel Resor, Claire Roney, Jacqueline Sanders, Max Schilb, Rick Schilb, Barbara Senn, John Shannon, Erin Shaw, Maureen Shea, Travis Sheets, Shirley Slater, Johanna Smith, The Spitler Family, Terry Springer, Marian Waltz, Dana Wichern, Sandra Woodruff Cully, Stan Volz

Chancel Flowers

Chancel flowers today are dedicated by Nada O'Neal, in memory of her niece, Brookley Louks, missing since 2002.

The acolyte for today is Claire Roney.

Sunday Service
Join us for our weekly worship service at 10:00 am in-person, or through our livestream on our YouTube Channel.

If you miss out on our live broadcast, the worship service will be available on our YouTube Channel and listed by date on the Sermon Archive.
Join us for online worship!
Our in-person worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We continue to record and livestream our services, with the recorded video available by Sunday evening. Masks are optional but strongly encouraged.

Active Waiting

Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 4, 2022

PSALM 85 © 2003 by John August Swanson

Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-in continues Sunday. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.

Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password.

Click here to join Joys & Concerns 

Order of Worship


Welcome & Announcements

Centering Moment

Call to Worship: Psalm 85:8-13

Hymn No. 110 “Now Bless the God of Israel” | FOREST GREEN

Invocation & Lord's Prayer

Passing of the Peace

Lighting the Second Advent Candle

Response Song: “While We Are Waiting, Come”

Peace Prayer

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10

Sermon: “Anticipating Shoots of Peace”

Communion Hymn No. 109 “With Joy Draw Water” | ST. COLUMBIA

Invitation to Communion


Closing Hymn No. 116 (v. 1-2, 4, 6-7) “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel | VENI EMMANUEL



This Week


December 4

Ray Lehman

December 7

Veronica Beifus

Bill Hambrick

Keyes McGregor

December 8

Mary Gilliom

Shirley Slater

December 9

Jennifer Atienzo-Fisher

December 10

Laura McCoy

Next Week's Birthdays

December 11

Jan Evrard

Riley Grim

December 12

Dave Craker

December 13

Doris Grandos

December 14

Linda Hambrick

December 15

Alan Chambers

December 16

Rhonda Eitsert

Paul Lewark

Ryleigh Minchski

December 17

Judy Dahl

Johanna Smith

Virginia Zimmerman


Sunday, December 4

Second Sunday of Advent

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

9:00 am Standish Wreath Pick-Up

10:00 am Worship Service

11:15 am FW Pride Gift Wrapping Party

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

4:30 pm Las Posadas Procession

Monday, December 5

Office Closed

Tuesday, December 6

9:30 am Religion and Culture Class with Michael Spath

1:00 pm Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Executive Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 7

2:45 pm Study Connection

5:15pm Wednesday Night Live

7:00 pm Luminous Night Service

Thursday, December 8

10:30 am Library Committee Meeting

1:00 pm Study Group Online

6:30 pm ICMEP UN Human Rights Day Commemoration

Saturday, December 10

6:30 pm Family Game Night

Sunday, December 11

Third Sunday of Advent

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:15 am Reproductive Rights Action Team Meeting

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

2:30 pm Film and Faith Forty & Over

Important Recurring Automatic Donation Info

ATTENTION! Do you have a recurring online donation to Plymouth set up with your bank account or credit card? Because Plymouth is moving to a new giving platform, these automatic payments will end by December 31. If you wish to continue with automatic payments, you will need to enter your bank/credit card info on the new platform by following this link. If you wish the payment to be posted to your 2023 pledge, please choose the Operations 23 fund and a start date of 1/1/2023 or later.

Thank you for your patience with this transition. This new giving platform provides you as a donor greater access and control over your giving and streamlines the recordkeeping for the church staff, so it's a win-win! If you have questions or need assistance, please call the office at (260) 423-9424 and ask for Tina Puitz, Office Manager or Stephen Cook, Financial Administrator.

2023 Pledge Form Reminder

For all those who have pledged for 2023, thank you! For those who have yet to pledge or fill out the time and talent form, there is still time. Just visit this link to set up your pledge. Every bit helps as we prepare the 2023 budget and look forward to a new year of community-building, service, and sharing the good news!

Poinsettia Order Forms Due December 4

It’s time to order your Christmas poinsettias! Ordering poinsettias is an easy way to remember, honor, and celebrate loved ones and friends, while helping to decorate our church home for Christmas. To order, please fill out the order form and return it with your check to the church office by Sunday, December 4. Poinsettias are $11.00 each. Please take your plant home with you following the 10:00 pm worship service on Christmas Eve.

To place an order, please either click the button below to print off a copy of the order form to fill out and return to the church office, or pick up an order form in the church office on Sunday morning. If writing a check, please write "Poinsettia Order" on the memo line.

Print Order Form Here

Sunday, December 4: Rev. Murphy Chapel Class Presentation

While Rev. Ofner-Seals is away this Sunday, December 4, the current Chapel Class series will take a one-week interlude with a special presentation from Rev. Murphy. He will be sharing the paper he presented at a conference earlier in November, focused on the structural limits to the United States’ constitutional system and offering some ideas on how the US could become a more representative democracy. There will be a time for questions and comments. Join us at 9:00 am in person or on Zoom. The passcode to attend via Zoom is 063060.

On Sunday, December 11, Rev. Sara Ofner-Seals will conclude her series on the prophetic message of the mystics. Mysticism is a thread that weaves throughout every major religion and is often a small, alternative movement of those unwilling to acquiesce to the powers that be. Many of the mystics throughout history resisted control by the hierarchy of the church and offered prophetic ideas that were ahead of their time. Over the course of this series, we’ll hear about how the mystics of many times and places have resisted empire, patriarchy, ecological abuse, economic injustice, materialism, and violence.

Zoom Link

Sunday, December 4: Las Posadas Procession

Plymouth children and families are invited to our second Las Posadas celebration on Sunday, December 4. This is a Mexican Christian tradition, focusing on the Holy Family seeking shelter, being denied initially, and finally being welcomed. Participants will process throughout the building and sing the Las Posadas song in English, which will conclude with a celebration in the Folsom Room with refreshments. All ages are invited to experience this event, which runs from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Note: while participants will be inside for the vast majority of the time, there will be one section that will involve being briefly outside, so warm coats are encouraged.

Wednesday, December 7: Luminous Night Service

Join us at 7: 00 pm on Wednesday, December 7 for our annual Luminous Night Service. This is a service for those who may be grieving or feeling lonely or sad during the holiday season. It is a quiet, contemplative service with readings of scripture and poetry, along with reflective music and a chance to light candles in honor of loved ones lost. It is also a time to reflect on our hopes for the year ahead and center ourselves in God’s abiding presence during all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. All are welcome to attend this service of lament and promise.

Thursday, December 8: ICMEP Human Rights Day

Indiana Center for Middle East Peace's 9th annual Commemoration of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be held at Plymouth Church on Thursday, December 8 at 6:30 pm. This even will feature Fort Wayne leaders (Kyle Miller, newly elected IN state representative for 82nd district, Jan Evrard of The Human Library & Oxford Neighborhood Association, Ewelina Connolly of Amani Family Services, Jeff Markley of Positive Resource Connection) sharing “Why I Do What I Do," plus readings, and excerpts from the UN’s Universal Declaration. Please join us. Free, open to the public, masks strongly encouraged.

Saturday, December 10: Family Game Night

Please join fellow Plymouth members and friends for our next family game night on Saturday, December 10 at 6:30 pm. Bring snacks and your favorite game to introduce. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 11: Film and Faith 40 & Over

By popular demand, there will be a Film and Faith for those 40 and over on Sunday, December 11. We will be watching the 2006 film Children of Men. It is a rated R dystopian sci-fi drama about the rebirth of hope in a world that has lost it. Rev. Murphy thinks this is thematically a Christmas movie. Is he right? Has he lost his senses? Find out! We will gather at 2:30 pm and have a discussion afterwards. Please enter through the Folsom Room side entrance. Folks are encouraged to RSVP to Rev. Murphy at tcm@plymouthfw.org.

General Announcements

Boars Head Ticket Distribution Days!

Tickets for the 2022 Boars Head and Yule Log Festival will be distributed on Sunday, December 4, 11, and 18. Please stop by the Folsom Room and get your tickets. Just a reminder all church members are entitled to 6 tickets for this years Festival. You may also get 6 tickets as a Festival Patron, so if you’d like to become a Patron, we can get you set up at that time. We look forward to seeing you! 

Children's Sunday School Updates

Family Mailings

Advent Family Packets were sent out in the mail last month. These packets are full of advent stories, a simple craft, a calendar to color, and encouragement for families celebrating advent at home. If you or a family you know would like this mailing, please contact Katie Watson.

Advent Devotionals

Advent devotionals are available for free in the Folsom Room. These booklets, titled "Now In Flesh Appearing..." include something for all ages -- scripture, readings, coloring pages, and journaling or discussion questions. Please take one for yourself and anyone who would enjoy it.

Crossroad Christmas Collection

The Knit & Kibitz and Standish ladies are asking for the entire congregation to be included in the collection for Crossroad. Here is a list of “wishes”:

  • Art supplies (coloring and sketch books, colored pencils, markers, paints). No spiral notebooks.
  • Toys and Games (cards, board games, Legos, DVDs (G or PG rated movies), DVD players).
  • Clothes (boys and girls ages 9-18 varied sizes clothes, shoes, underwear, socks, hats, coats.) No drawstings on any clothing item.
  • Gift cards or cash (envelope in office).

There is a bin in the Folsom Room for donations. Items will be delivered on December 12. If you have a question ask Anne Hughes or Becky Hollingsworth.

Holiday Outreach Opportunities - UPDATED

Thank you in advance for being the church!

Now – December 4 (FW Pride Christmas)

If you’d like to participate in FW Pride’s Christmas this year, but aren’t sure about sponsoring a family solo, E&M is organizing an “Angel Tree” for a larger family. Beginning November 8, you can choose one gift item to purchase (usually $25-$30), and help a family have a happy Christmas.

The tree is located in the Folsom Room, and each ornament features one gift requested. Instructions are on the back of the ornament. Please be sure to keep the ornament with your gift so we know the intended recipient.

If you want to drop off unwrapped presents early, you may do so in the bin under the tree in the Folsom Room. Again, please keep the gift and the ornament together in the bag or box you use to drop off your present.

If you’d like to join us for a wrapping party on Sunday, December 4, after service, we will have plenty of wrapping paper and ribbons and pizza! It should be a fun time.

Now – January 1

During this season, we will be collecting unopened canned/boxed food items. From what is collected, we will work to help keep the community pantry in the parking lot stocked during the winter. Please ensure cans have “pop tops” so they can be opened without a can opener if necessary. Canned meats and beans, hearty soups and pastas, and potatoes are treasures! Peanut butter, shelf-stable microwave meals, and instant oatmeal are easy for kids to prepare! Canned fruit, canned veggies, and condiments really complete a meal! Shelf-stable milk is a miracle!

The pantry gets used quite a bit. Any time you are here and notice that it could use some restocking, feel free to grab a few things from the collection bin and put them out for people to use.

Boar’s Head Kitchen Crew Volunteers Needed

The Boar's Head and Yule Log Festival is December 29 and 30, 2022. Between the 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm services, the kitchen crew serves food to the cast, orchestra, and crew. The kitchen crew is always looking for additional volunteers to spend a few hours or the entire afternoon/evening in the kitchen preparing food. A big thanks to those kitchen crew members who return year after year. We also gladly welcome new crew members. Between making sandwiches and cutting fruits and vegetables, there is a lot of lively banter and conversation. We usually get started early in the afternoon each day. If you would like to be part of the kitchen crew on one or both days, please send an email to Diana Bauer at dcb1120@gmail.com. Boar's Head is a huge part of Plymouth and the kitchen crew makes an important contribution to the overall production!

Calling All Knitters, Crocheters, and Weavers!

The Indiana Kentucky conference of the UCC is hosting General Synod in June 2023, and it has been a tradition for the hosting conference to provide prayer shawls for delegates and others in attendance. Would you be willing to help by knitting or crocheting one or two shawls? Let Rev. Sara (smo@plymouthfw.org) know if you would like to commit to making one (or three!).

COVID-19 Protocols: Masking Strongly Encouraged

While masks remain optional in worship, we strongly encourage wearing them whenever possible. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services if you find yourself at risk of being around groups or otherwise unable to attend services in person.

Desk Coverage Volunteers Needed

Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to cover the 1:00 pm Staff Meetings on Tuesdays. If you would like to assist, please sign up with Jake in the office or sign up by clicking the button below.
Sign Up Form

Open Prayer in the Sanctuary

For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or jss@plymouthfw.org with any questions.

Plymouth Church Linktree

The following links can be found on our Linktree:

  • Donate
  • Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Sign Up
  • Chancel Flower Dedication Sign Up Form
  • Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
  • Plymouth Google Calendar
  • Plymouth's Social Medias

Plymouth Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Questions? Contact the office at 260-423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org
Plymouth Church | plymouthfw.org
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