Sunday, February 21, 2021
Joys and Concerns
Sundays at 1:00 pm
Our weekly joys and concerns check-ins continue. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together. Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code
644-410-868#, then # when asked for the password.
2021 Lenten Theme:
"Passion of Earth"
Order of Worship
Invocation/Lord’s Prayer
Lenten song – “Touch the Earth Lightly” vs. 1
Pastoral prayer
Special music
Scripture – Genesis 1:20-31
Invitation to Communion
Closing song – “We Cannot Own the Sunlit Sky” NCH#563
Chapel Class: The Way of the Buddha
Join Dr. Michael Spath for Sunday Chapel Class at 9:00 am to 9:50 am for a discussion of "The Way of the Buddha." Class topics include: the awakening of Siddhartha to become a Buddha, major teachings and "schools" of Buddhism, Zen arts, the Heart and Lotus Sutras, and H. H., the Dalai Lama (who Dr. Spath hosted in St. Louis), and more. The theme for this week is The Ox is Loose!
The upcoming themes for Chapel Class are:
- February 28 H. H., the Dalai Lama – Compassion Incarnate
February 24
John Escosa
February 25
Linda Balthaser
Vicki Bandor Braun
Ashlee McCrory
February 28
Betty Deans
March 2
Andrea Grim
March 3
Maia Maddela
March 4
Lucy Hess
Terry Dougherty
All programs and events are online unless otherwise stated.
Sunday, February 21
First Sunday in Lent
9:00 am Chapel Class
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns
Monday, February 22
Office Closed
Tuesday, February 23
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
Wednesday, February 24
5:30 pm Rev. Timothy’s Lenten Book Study
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Live
Thursday, February 25
1:00 pm Rev. Ruth’s Book Study
6:00 pm Search Task Force Meeting
Sunday, February 28
Second Sunday in Lent
9:00 am Chapel Class
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys & Concerns
2:30 pm Film & Faith: Forty & Over
3:00 pm Film & Faith: 25-39
Wednesday, February 24: Lenten Book Series
During this season of Lent, Rev. Murphy is leading a book study on Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si”, which focuses ecologically on the care for our common home. It is free online and can be found by clicking the button below.
The group meets every Wednesday through March 31 at 5:30 pm. Those attending this week’s session are asked to read chapter 1, pages 15-44. Note that we are using a new link to join online, see button below.
Sunday, February 28: Film & Faith: Forty & Over
Film & Faith: Forty & Over will meet February 28, 2:30 pm on Zoom to discuss the movie Radium Girls. Executive Producer Lily Tomlin tells the true story of the young women exposed to hazardous chemicals at a watch factory in the 1920s. Available on Netflix, watch at your convenience.
To join the discussion, sign up with Rev. Ruth E. Phillips by Saturday Noon, February 27. She will send you the Meeting ID and Passcode.
Sunday, February 28: Film & Faith: 25 - 39
Film & Faith: 25-39 will meet February 28, 3:00 pm on Zoom to discuss the movie Kiki’s Delivery Service. From acclaimed director, Hayao Miyazaki, it tells the story of a teenage witch who moves to the big city and starts a delivery service via flying broom.
To join the discussion, sign up with Rev. Timothy C. Murphy by Saturday Noon, February 27. He will send you the Meeting ID.
Saturday, March 6: Supply Drive
The Evangelism & Marketing Board is excited to announce that our monthly supply drives are starting up again! We don’t trust February to leave quietly, so our first supply drive will be Saturday, March 6, from 9:00 – 11:00 in the morning. Because we don’t trust March much more than February, we will be using the side entrance (port cochère) instead of setting up in the parking lot. Use the alley behind the church to access small driveway for the port cochère.
Our first supply drive of the year is to help the Boys & Girls Clubs of Fort Wayne! This incredible organization serves around 500 students each day, offering programs to help with academic performance, skills development, social development and support, and so much more. Each BGC member receives a supply bag for their school work and other activities, and we have been asked to help stock them up on these supplies.
Donation suggestions include: Pencils, Scissors, Masking Tape, Crayons, Color Pencils, Washable Markers, and Reusable Water Bottles (with good lids).
Our second supply drive, for Fairfield Elementary, is already scheduled for Saturday, March 27, and then the last Saturday of the month going forward. So mark your calendars and be on the lookout each month for supply drive announcements!
In Case You Missed It: LOVE SONGS Music Series
Just in case you missed the music performance of LOVE SONGS: In Celebration of Valentine's Day, no worries! You can view the recording on our YouTube Channel. Click the button below so you don't miss out on this lovely, Valentine's Day Music Series.
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility
The state of Indiana recently expanded the age range of who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. As of February 1, anyone 65 and older can schedule to receive a vaccine. If you are eligible, you can click the button below to schedule an appointment. If you have difficulty registering online, you can dial 211 from any phone for assistance.
In order for the office to better serve you, please submit a separate check for each donation made whether it be for pledges, special offerings or any other donation. Checks should be made payable to Plymouth Church. Thank you!
If you have a need to visit the office, we’d love to see you. Remember to schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. No one is at the front desk, so please arrive on time so a staff member is available to greet you and unlock the door. Please wait at the Berry Street entrance and be prepared to sanitize, sign-in, and wear a mask. Please contact Tina Puitz at to make an appointment. Thank you.