Weekly Bulletin
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-in resumes today. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.

Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 944-1809-2407#, then # when asked for the password.
Order of Worship


Opening Hymn: NCH#531 “God, Speak to Me, That I May Speak”

Welcome & Announcements
Invocation & Lord's Prayer
Passing the Peace

Response Song: "Draw the Circle Wide"

Peace Prayer

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture: Mark 6:6b-13

Sermon: "Sent Out to Serve"

Invitation to Communion

Closing Hymn: NCH#540 "We Plant a Grain of Mustard Seed” (vs. 1-3, 6)


This Week
August 1
Leonard Iaquinta
Anne Boyko

August 2
Ross Binkley

August 3
Tom Lindhuber
Sasha Chemey
Sunday, July 18
9:15 am Fellowship Hour
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Monday, July 19
Office Closed
10:00 am Music Marathon

Tuesday, July 20
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
4:00 pm Moderator's Meeting
5:30 pm Board Meetings

Thursday, July 22
12:30 - 4:30 pm Open Prayer in Sanctuary
1:00 pm Study Group (online)

Saturday, July 24
12:00 pm Fort Wayne Pride Vendor's Market

Sunday, July 25
9:15 am Fellowship Hour
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)
Monday, July 19: A Music Marathon Fundraiser
Plymouth Music Series proudly supported local musicians during the pandemic by providing paid opportunities for them to perform and earn a living. As a result, the music series depleted its funds for presenting free concerts to the community.

In an effort to replenish the music series fund, Maestro Robert Nance has pledged to play a music marathon from the sanctuary of Plymouth Church.

The Marathon starts at 10:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm tomorrow, July 19, and will be livestreamed via YouTube. The Sanctuary will also be open during the marathon and all are welcome to enjoy the music live from the sanctuary (note: please bring a mask, which is required for everyone while moving around the church, though it may be removed when seated).

Everyone is encouraged to register for this event. Tickets are free and help us keep you up to date on this event. Register here.

Supporters are invited to make a donation to the music series to help reach our goal of $10,000.00. To make a donation via the Plymouth Website, click here. Click "Donate" and select "Plymouth Music Series" when making your donation. You can also donate via Eventbrite or in person on the day of the marathon.

If you need assistance with your reservation or making a donation, please call the Plymouth office at (260) 423-9424.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, July 31: July Supply Drive
Saturday, July 31, 9:00 am to 11:00 am, the Evangelism and Marketing Board will be collecting for the School Supply Closet at the Wayne Township Trustee Office. This is a fantastic service to the community, providing backpacks filled with grade-appropriate school supplies, free of charge, to any student. The only limitation is whether they have what they need, so that’s where we come in!

They are requesting the following school supplies:
  • Book Bags, Pencil Pouches/Cases, Index Cards, Erasers, Highlighters, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Pens, Pencils, Glue Sticks, Rulers, 2-Pocket Folders, 3-Ring Binders, 1-Subject Notebooks, Composition Notebooks, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, and Ear Buds (with auxiliary cord plugin – not wireless – for use in online learning and at study stations).

Collection will be held rain or shine at the Folsom Room entrance. We hope to see you at the port cochère!
Saturday, August 14: An Evening with the TinCaps
Congregational Life presents an evening with the TinCaps on Saturday, August 14 at Parkview Field against South Bend Cubs. Game starts at 7:00 pm. Fireworks following game. All tickets $14.00. Tickets on sale in the Folsom room after Sunday service.
General Announcements
Announcing New Associate in Pastoral Care
We’d like to welcome Licensed Minister January Simpson as our new part-time Associate in Pastoral Care. Her responsibilities will include being part of the pastoral care team, representing the church through regularly scheduled visits to church members confined to their home or a care facility, occasionally assisting with hospital visitation, and assisting in the planning and leading of memorial services. In addition to this paid position, January continues in her service in other voluntary roles as a church member, such as serving as chair of the Evangelism and Marketing Board and the Benevolence Committee. Be sure to congratulate her on this new opportunity in her ministerial journey!
Open Prayer in Sanctuary on Thursdays
Due to numerous requests, Plymouth has decided to open our sanctuary on Thursdays from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm for a time of personal prayer. Please enter through the Berry Street Office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact our receptionist Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or jss@plymouthfw.org with any questions.
Sanctuary Flower Donation Sign Up
Now that we are back in our sanctuary for worship, we again offer the opportunity to sign up for a Sunday to sponsor the chancel flowers. Members have used this opportunity to remember family and friends, celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or other events. After the service, members volunteer to divide up the flowers to take to those who are not able to attend church services. Your donation of the flowers serves two purposes: to beautify the sanctuary and bring joy to members who cannot be in church. If you wish to take some of your donated flowers home, go to the kitchen after the service to claim your bunch.

Those who want to sign up can do so by filling out the form, linked here, or they can call/email the office. Payment can be made through the donation link on our website (included in the form) or they can mail cash/a check to the office. Donations for the selected Sunday(s) must be to the office by the prior Tuesday. The cost for one bouquet is $50. If two members sign up for the same Sunday, we will have two bouquets that week.

Contact the church office at (260) 423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org with any questions.
Join the Jubilee
Evangelism & Marketing wants to extend a huge thanks to all who have donated so far to our RIP Medical Debt campaign. As of the writing of this announcement, we have raised enough money to eliminate nearly $1.3 million in medical debt. Now that is some good work! Imagine what we can raise by the end of September! Remember, any donation is a great donation; $1 forgives $100, $5 forgives $500 – you can do so much good with so little.

In the expectation that the blessing of our abundance can do good work in the world by liberating those shackled with unpayable debts, we invite you to consider a contribution. Every dollar you donate will be used to purchase $100 in medical debt. Please give what you can and rejoice as it multiplies one hundred times.

The fundraising campaign will run through September 26, and our fundraising goal is $20,000 – or $2,000,000 in medical debt relief – but if we end up raising more than that our joy will increase with our giving. Please feel free to share the link with your friends and family – the more the merrier! Click the button below to visit our fundraising campaign page. There is also a link on our “Contribute” page at plymouthfw.org. Scroll down and click on “Campaign." Information can also be found on Facebook. Thank you!
Seeking CPR/Defibrillator Instructor
The Safety Committee, a sub committee of the Deacons Board, needs a CPR/Defibrillator instructor that has access to the necessary training equipment to provide recertification training for those employees, safety committee members and volunteers who took the course two years ago. We hope to find someone in the congregation with that ability. This event would be available for our new employees as well and any new volunteers. Anyone interested should contact Tom Braun at (260) 403-0384 or tmbraun1@frontier.com.
Seeking New Technology Volunteers
In July, the sanctuary will receive a much-needed upgrade to its audio and video equipment, allowing for a wonderful expansion of Plymouth’s digital ministry. We need some folks to learn to operate the new equipment and to assist with recording the worship services. Ideally, there will be several willing volunteers, so the duty remains light. John Escosa has been faithfully serving in this capacity for quite some time, and it will be good to expand the team!

Advanced tech skills are not required. Possessing these traits will be useful:
  • Technology competent: Having a basic understanding of audio/video equipment operation (such as what happens when one adjusts controls on a stereo, radio, or television)
  • Observant: Capable of anticipating a sequence of events and being prepared to make necessary adjustments to controls
  • Discerning: Able to listen and watch for changes in the appearance of an image or the sound in the room
  • Willing to take direction from participants in worship who are not technologically proficient

Anyone interested in joining or learning more about the specifics of the technology team is encouraged to attend the equipment training session which will be conducted once the equipment installation is complete. Please email either John Escosa at gtrplr2@aol.com or Cammy Sutter at cammysutter@gmail.com to be notified when the training will occur.
Seeking Ushers
With our worship services returning to mostly normal, we need volunteer ushers to welcome folks and hand out bulletins. There are a few other minor duties involved, like collecting the pew pad attendance sheets, counting people in the sanctuary, etc. As an usher, the amount of energy you expend is minimal and it will help the congregation! If you are interested in serving as an usher, and would be willing to be placed on an usher’s schedule, or if you have any questions, please contact Bill Lambert at (260) 445-6270 or billlmbrt@gmail.com. Thank you!
Visiting Plymouth
If you have a need to visit the office, we’d love to see you! Our office is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Appointments are no longer necessary to visit the office during these days. On Fridays, our office will be open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm by appointment only. Contact the office at (260) 423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org with any questions.
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility
The state of Indiana has opened COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to anyone 12 and older. You can click the button below to schedule an appointment. If you have difficulty registering online, you can dial 211 from any phone for assistance.