Joys and Concerns
Sundays at 1:00 pm
Our weekly joys and concerns check-in resumes Sunday. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.
Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password.
Please note: the code and link for Joys and Concerns has changed. The updated link is used here.
Order of Worship
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship
Hymn No. 289 “Come Forth, O Love Divine” | DOWN AMPNEY
Invocation & Lord's Prayer
Passing the Peace
Response Song: “Deep Within Our Hearts" | Amy Barlow Liberatore
Peace Prayer
Mission Moment: Just Neighbors
Pastoral Prayer
Scripture: Luke 8:26-39
Sermon: "Listening from the Margins"
Communion Hymn No. 337 “Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether” | UNION SEMINARY
Invitation to Communion
Hymn No. 401 “O God in Whom All Life Begins” | NOEL
June 19
David Weber
June 20
Kirby Volz
June 22
Michele Dollarhite
June 23
Steven Price
Cammy Sutter
June 24
Laura Ramsey
June 25
Diane Bauer
Gordon Walter
Next Week's Birthdays
June 26
Jan Modesitt
June 27
Harriet Siples
June 28
Beth Lauer
Kyra Mendenhall
June 30
Jon Allmandinger
James Arata
Roberta Braunlin
Joann McDonald
Sunday, June 19
Father's Day
8:30 am Fellowship Hour
9:00 am Worship Rehearsal
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns
Monday, June 20
Office Closed
Tuesday, June 21
12:00 pm Women's Book Study
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
4:00 pm Moderators' Meeting
5:30 pm Board Meetings
Thursday, June 23
1:00 pm Study Group (online)
5:30 pm Nominating Committee Meetings
Saturday, June 25
11:00 am - 4:00 pm Plymouth Pride
Sunday, June 26
Plymouth Pride Service
8:30 am Fellowship Hour
9:00 am Special Pride Chapel Class
9:00 am Worship Rehearsal
10:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am Parish Nurse
11:15 am Environmental Action Team Meeting
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns
Sunday, June 19: Children's Activity Book for Sale
Looking for a good summer read for children? On Sunday, June 19, a delightful, interactive book of short stories will be for sale in the Folsom Room for $10. The book, Once Upon a Time, by author Bill Deans and illustrator Paul Demaree, is intended for children of all ages. There is space to draw and/or to write your own stories. This colorful book with little lessons for all is a good summer activity. 100% of the proceeds will go to the RCH Peace Studies Scholarship. Come to the table in the Folsom Room after the service on June 19 to purchase your copy.
Tuesday, June 21: Women's Book Study
The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak is the next book to be discussed for the Women's Book Study on Tuesday, June 21 at 12:00 pm in the Amistad Room. We welcome any reader who self-identifies as a woman to drop in to join us. Please contact Judith Beineke at with any questions.
Saturday, June 25: Plymouth Pride!
E&M is thrilled to say this year we are hosting a Plymouth Pride event, on Saturday, June 25, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. This event has it all; an opening workshop ("Biblical Self-Defense for LGBTQ+ Folks & Allies" with Rev. Leah Robberts-Mosser), resource tables, food trucks, activities for kids, local musicians, and drag queens! This event is free and open to the public! Bring your friends and celebrate pride with Plymouth!
Sunday, June 26: Special Chapel Class - Faith-Based LGBTQ+ Affirming Practices
As part of Pride at Plymouth, E&M is offering a special chapel class on Sunday, June 26 with Rev. Leah Robberts-Mosser, who will lead a workshop on Faith-Based LGBTQ+ Affirming Practices.*
This workshop explores different practices that affirm LGBTQ+ identities with an emphasis on the preferential option for the poor and the practice of radical hospitality found within the Bible. Pastor Leah will discuss affirming practices from a faith-based perspective, highlight LGBTQ+ affirming Biblical passages, and provide current terminology, best practices, and common identities within the LGBTQ+ community.
Whether you're an ally or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, there’s always more to learn about the relationship between our faith and the way we can celebrate and support one another and our neighbors. If you, or folks you know, are part of an organization striving to be more inclusive and welcoming to LGBTQ+ staff, customers, or guests, this workshop will provide some excellent material to start from. Feel free to invite friends – and if they stay for worship, even better!
*This workshop is part of a host of Professional Development Trainings and Curricula offered by the LGBTQ Homeless Workgroup of Cunningham Township, Champaign County, Illinois
Sunday, June 26: Parish Nurses
The Parish Nurses will be available in the Folsom Room after worship on Sunday, June 26 for a variety of healthcare resources and support. Supported by Marion Health, the Parish Nurse Program "provides registered nurses who are committed and called to help the congregation stay well and improve the overall health and healing ministry of individual faith communities." Please note the Parish Nurse Program does not provide prescriptions or diagnostics.
If you would like to learn more about this program and how to volunteer (including non-medical volunteer opportunities), please contact Erin Shaw at or 260-224-0860. Click the button below to learn more about the Marion Health Parish Nurse Program.
Plymouth At Just Neighbors
Plymouth hosts evening meals at Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network, located at 2925 East State Blvd., several weeks throughout the year. Our next rotations are July 10 through July 15 and November 13 through November 18. Many members of our congregation have provided food for this worthwhile program for many years, but we always welcome new participants. Just Neighbors’ mission is to serve homeless families by uniting religious congregations, community volunteers, and local agencies in a cooperative effort to provide shelter, meals, and compassionate professional support.
Each evening, Sunday through Friday, volunteer organizations provide a full meal which consists of main course, a vegetable, fruit, dessert, and anything else you may want to contribute. Dinner is served between 5:15 pm and 5:30 pm. Feel free to drop off your contributions earlier in the day if needed.
At the present time, we go to the back of the building off of Santa Rosa Dr. and call the number posted on the door. Someone from Just Neighbors will come to the door and take your contributions. If you have food that needs to be heated up, please put some instructions on the container(s) and the families can take it from there. We ask that you prepare food for 24 hungry adults. There are children and adults staying at Just Neighbors and the number of individuals changes from week to week, so this is the guideline we use. This year, the weekly numbers have been less and when I post our week I will provide information as to the current numbers. The staff at Just Neighbors often tells me that they look forward to the Plymouth weeks because we bring a wide variety of meals.
This is a great opportunity to pass on the true meaning of “no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here,” by providing part or all of a healthy meal to the families that find themselves in need of shelter at Just Neighbors. Some Plymouth members provide an entire meal and others work together with someone providing the main course and others providing the other items.
If you would like to be added to the group mailing list for Just Neighbors, please provide your email address and contact information to Diana Bauer, Questions always welcome and you can call Diana Bauer at 260-414-5582.
Seeking General Synod 2023 Volunteers
The bi-annual national gathering of the United Church of Christ, called General Synod, will be in Indianapolis from June 30 to July 4, 2023. As such, the Indiana-Kentucky Conference will be its host. The Conference is inviting members of local congregations such as ours to volunteer to assist in a variety of tasks, such as ushering, staffing a help desk, hospitality, serving as pages for plenary and business sessions, and more. In total, they are seeking 300 volunteers from throughout the Conference to assist for part or for the duration of General Synod. If you would like to volunteer, please email Thank you!
Desk Coverage Volunteers Needed
Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to cover the 1:00 pm Staff Meetings on Tuesdays. If you would like to assist, please sign up with Jake in the office or sign up by clicking the button below.
COVID-19 Protocols: Optional Masking
Masks are currently optional during worship. This is not a prohibition on masks but only an announcement that they are now optional for individuals. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one, so please continue to wear a mask if you find it necessary or beneficial. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services if you find yourself at risk of being around groups or otherwise unable to attend services in-person.
Open Prayer in the Sanctuary
For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or with any questions.
The following links can be found on our Linktree:
- Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Sign Up
- Chancel Flower Sign Up Form
- Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
- Plymouth Google Calendar
- Plymouth's Social Medias
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Questions? Contact the office at 260-423-9424 or