Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, March 26, 2023

In Our Prayers 

Charlie Belch, Donna Belch, Mary Bir, Janis Bohnstedt, Clara Bowling, Matthew Carter, Teresa Clingaman, Kris Conner, Janelle Couture, Brad Crowder, Margie Dougherty, Lynda and Mike Eckard, Ann Filler, Ed Gomez, Cheryl Harkenrider, Joseph Harkenrider, Bob Huff, Nancy Jordan, Alli Keith, Tony Kell, Brian Laurenz, Joan Lipscomb, Gerald Lockwood, Sandy Lockwood, Skyler Lockwood, Connie Mabe, Kelly Massey, Jack Meredith, Jane Meredith, Peter Michels, Jim Nelson, Cindy Ottinger, Bonnie Pennock, Noel Resor, Claire Roney, Jacqueline Sanders, Max Schilb, Barbara Senn, John Shannon, Erin Shaw, Maureen Shea, Travis Sheets, Shirley Slater, Johanna Smith, The Spitler Family, Terry Springer, Dana Wichern, Sandra Woodruff Cully, Stan Volz

The acolyte for today is Evan Miller.


Sympathy is extended to Sandy Shavlik, David and Daniel Fuhrman, and Rick Shedd in the death of their mother, Carol Shedd, March 17.

Sympathy is extended to Peg Schilb and family in the death of her husband, Rick Schilb, March 22.

Sunday Service
Join us for our weekly worship service at 10:00 am in-person, or through our livestream on our YouTube Channel.

If you miss out on our live broadcast, the worship service will be available on our YouTube Channel and listed by date on the Sermon Archive.
Join us for online worship!

Our in-person worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We continue to record and livestream our services, with the recorded video available by Sunday evening. Masks are optional but encouraged.

Healing Touch © Mary Southard, www.ministryofthearts.org. Used with permission.

Steadfast Shepherd

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-in continues Sunday. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.

Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password.

Click here to join Joys & Concerns

Order of Worship

Prelude: “Sheltered in the Arms of God, In the Garden” and “Because He Lives”

Welcome & Announcements

Centering Moment

Call to Worship: Psalm 130:1-6

Hymn No. 292 “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” | TRENTHAM

Invocation & Lord’s Prayer

Passing of the Peace

Response Song: “Shepherd Me, O God” by Marty Haugen

Peace Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Anthem “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” Spiritual, arr. Hopson

Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Sermon: “Can These Bones Live?”

Hymn No. 286 “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness” | SPIRIT



This Week


March 29

Ruth Bracht

March 30

Carol Roberts

March 31

Christine Archer

Katherine Helder

Next Week's Birthdays

April 2

David Christianson

April 3

Sam Lipscomb

Jerry Schmeling

Jessamyn Schmidt

April 4

Janelle Couture

April 6

Sally Gerard

April 7

Heather Brackeen

Jeffrey Kolkman

Jeff Markley


Sunday, March 26

Fifth Sunday of Lent

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am OWL Class

11:30 am Environmental Action Team Meeting

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Monday, March 27

Office Closed

5:30 pm Centering Prayer Group

7:00 pm Tapping Into Faith

Tuesday, March 28

1:00 pm Staff Meeting

Wednesday, March 29

2:45 pm Study Connection

5:15 pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, March 30

1:00 pm Study Group Online

Sunday, April 2

Palm Sunday

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am OWL Class

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Sunday, March 26 and Sunday, April 2: Upcoming Chapel Class Presentations

On Sunday, March 26, Pastors Martin and Sandy Garcia from Amistad Presbyterian Church will be sharing about their ministry with migrants from Central America. They will discuss the current situation at the southern border and the realities for migrants who are settling here in Fort Wayne. On Sunday, April 2, Rev. Sara Ofner-Seals will lead us in a deep dive into Holy Week. We’ll learn about its history and theological significance, and we’ll discuss the various ways Holy Week is observed around the world. Chapel Class begins at 9:00 am on Sunday morning and is available in person or on Zoom. To join via Zoom, the passcode is 063060.

Chapel Class Zoom Link

Monday, March 27: Tapping Into Faith

Friendly reminder that E&M will host Tapping Into Faith at Mad Anthony’s on Monday, March 27 at 7:00 pm. It’s a wonderful chance to get to know fellow Plymouth folks a little better and sometimes welcome folks from the community into fellowship. Loosely guided conversation and story-sharing, good food & drink, and good people – what more could you want?!

We will provide appetizers for all to share, and you are welcome to buy whatever meal or beverage you’d like. Come on over!

Wednesday, March 29: Lenten Book Study

Rev. Murphy’s Lenten Book Study of Walter Wink’s The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium concludes this Wednesday, March 29 at 5:15 pm in the Chapel. We are discussing the spirituality of systems and institutions, breaking cycles of violence, and Jesus’ third way, among other topics covered in the book. The study is also available via Zoom, and the passcode to attend is 805552.

Lenten Book Study Zoom Link
Upcoming Events

Holy Week and Easter Schedule at Plymouth Church

  • Sunday, April 2 at 10:00 am – Palm Sunday service
  • Thursday, April 6 at 6:00 pm – Maundy Thursday supper and service with foot washing and communion
  • Friday, April 7 from 7:00 am - 6:45pm – Good Friday prayer vigil (participants pray from home)
  • Friday, April 7 at 7:00 pm – Good Friday Tenebrae service
  • Sunday, April 9 at 7:30 am – Easter Sunrise service, followed by Easter breakfast
  • Sunday, April 9 at 10:00 am – Easter Celebration service

Friday, April 7: Good Friday Prayer Vigil

There will once again be a prayer vigil on Good Friday during which individuals are invited to sign up for 15 minutes of prayer at home throughout the day, leading up to the Good Friday Tenebrae service. If you would like to sign up for a time slot to pray, please go to our online sign up by clicking the button below. If you are unable to access the online sign-up, you may call Jake in the office to request a time. You may sign up for one or more 15-minute slots. After you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions and resources for your prayer time. Please consider joining in this opportunity for personal prayer and reflection during Holy Week.

Good Friday Prayer Vigil Sign Up

General Announcements

Peace and Justice Committee Seeks Members

Are you interested in the peace and justice work of Plymouth Church? Consider joining the Peace and Justice committee! The Peace and Justice committee oversees and supports the work of our many justice and service action teams, awards a yearly Peace scholarship, decides on the recipient of Plymouth’s annual Amistad award, and much more! The Peace and Justice committee meets every third Thursday at 5:00 pm. Our next meeting is Thursday, April 20. Come and check us out!

IKC Open and Affirming Survey

The Indiana-Kentucky conference has designated a group of leaders to engage the Open and Affirming process at a conference level. Just as individual congregations can go through this process, each conference of the UCC is invited to have this important conversation as well. To that end, our team has put together a few questions that we invite you to answer honestly. Your responses will help us better understand where we are as a conference and discern the best way to move forward. We are grateful for your help as we seek to offer extravagant welcome to our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Christ. The survey can be found at the button below.


Calling All Knitters, Crocheters, and Weavers!

The Indiana Kentucky conference of the UCC is hosting General Synod in June 2023, and it has been a tradition for the hosting conference to provide prayer shawls for delegates and others in attendance. Would you be willing to help by knitting or crocheting one or two shawls? Let Rev. Sara (smo@plymouthfw.org) know if you would like to commit to making one (or three!).

COVID-19 Protocols: Masking Encouraged

While masks remain optional in worship, we encourage wearing them whenever possible. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services if you find yourself at risk of being around groups or otherwise unable to attend services in person.

Desk Coverage Volunteers Needed During Staff Meetings

Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to cover the 1:00 pm Staff Meetings on Tuesdays. If you would like to assist, please sign up with Jake in the office or sign up by clicking the button below.

Sign Up Form

Open Prayer in the Sanctuary

For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or jss@plymouthfw.org with any questions.

Plymouth Church Linktree

The following links can be found on our Linktree:

  • Chancel Flower Dedication Sign Up Form
  • Donate
  • Past Chapel Class Series
  • Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Sign Up
  • Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
  • Plymouth Google Calendar
  • Plymouth's Social Media

Plymouth Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Questions? Contact the office at 260-423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org
Plymouth Church | plymouthfw.org
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