Order of Worship
Invocation and Lord’s Prayer
Blessing of Palms
Children’s song “Hosanna!”
Pastoral prayer
Children’s song “Hosanna in the Highest”
Scripture – Mark 11:1-11 & 14:3-9
Homily “Pilgrimage to Passion”
Closing Hymn - “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” NCH #216
April 4
Jacqueline Brabbs
April 6
Sally Gerard
April 7
Heather Brackeen
Jeffrey Kolkman
April 8
Jeff Markley
April 11
Deb Miller
All programs and events are online unless otherwise stated.
Sunday, March 28
Palm Sunday
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Palm Sunday Parade (in-person)
2:30 pm Film & Faith: Forty & Over
Monday, March 29
Office Closed
Tuesday, March 30
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
Wednesday, March 31
5:30 pm Rev. Timothy’s Lenten Book Study
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Live
Thursday, April 1
6:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service (in-person)
6:00 pm Search Task Force Meeting
Friday, April 2
Good Friday
7:00 am Good Friday Prayer Vigil
7:00 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Saturday, April 3
9:00 am Easter Service Recording (in-person)
Sunday, April 4
Easter Sunday
8:00 am Sunrise Outdoor Service (in-person)
10:00 am Easter Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys & Concerns
Sunday, March 28: Sunday School
Today at 1:00 pm, all Plymouth people are invited to an outdoor Palm Sunday Parade!
Kids, youth, and families will meet at the Folsom Room door. We will gather at 1:00, and the parade will start moving at 1:15.
Our parade will walk around the church building. If you are watching the parade from your car, park in the lot behind the church, off of Wayne Street. You are also welcome to wear a mask and line our parade route along the sidewalks and church steps around the building.
We look forward to seeing you at this outdoor twist on our Palm Sunday tradition!
Wednesday, March 31: Final Lenten Book Series
During this season of Lent, Rev. Timothy Murphy is leading a book study on Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si”, which focuses ecologically on the care for our common home. It is free online and can be found by clicking the button below.
The group meets every Wednesday through March 31 at 5:30 pm. Those attending this week’s session are asked to read chapter 6, pages 149-180. The link is below.
Limited In-Person Worship for Maundy Thursday, April 1 and Easter Service Recording, April 3
We are offering limited in-person worship for Maundy Thursday. This service will only be available in-person. Additionally, you are invited to attend a limited in-person recording of the Easter Service on Saturday, April 3, which will be broadcast the following day. For both services, we will be accommodating approximately twenty households each.
If you would like to attend the Maundy Thursday service, please pre-register online (click the button below). To watch the recording production of the Easter service, please pre-register online (click the button below). There are designated seating sections for each attending household, which are valid for 1-4 people of the same household. You only need to make one reservation if 4 or fewer people plan to attend from your household. If your household has more than 4 people, we would ask you to make two reservations.
Childcare by Preregistration Only, for 6 years and younger, will be provided by Michelle Grim in Room 11.
Friday, April 2: Good Friday Prayer Vigil
April 2 you are invited to participate in the 12-hour Good Friday Prayer Vigil. Select a 15-minute time during which you will commit to being in prayer. Our Plymouth practice and hope is that the connection between those who pray will create a continuous link throughout the day, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
The person before you will call you at the beginning of your time to pass along the vigil. When you complete your 15 minutes of prayer you will call the person after you. Complete instructions and prayer guides will be sent to you in Holy Week, prior to Good Friday.
Monday Noon, March 29 is signup deadline. We are using a new JotForm. Please click the button below to select your 15-minute time. The difference you will notice is that you won’t be able to see who prays before or after you. That information will be sent to you by Rev. Ruth E. Phillips as signups are filled in. Questions or need help: call Rev. Ruth at 423-9424, ext. 322 or email rep@plymouthfw.org
Sunday, April 4: Easter Sunrise Service
You are invited to an in-person, outdoor service on Easter Sunday. In past years, this was often done in the Folsom Room. We will meet for a simple sunrise service in the Berry Street parking lot near the corner of Berry and Fairfield as the eastern sun rises. The service begins at 8:00 am. No registration is required but wear your mask and practice social distancing.
Sunday, April 4: Sunday School
On Easter Sunday, if you find yourself stopping by Plymouth’s building, keep an eye out for painted Easter Egg stones around our gardens. The “eggs” will be in place at the Sunrise Service, and will stay out until 4pm. Please leave the stones where they are so that other families can enjoy the hunt.
Chapel Class: Sunday, April 11 - “Living the Creative Life”
Artist Mary Southard will be our special guest, via Zoom, from the Congregation of St. Joseph, LaGrange Park, IL. Join Rev. Ruth E. Phillips on April 11 at 9:00 am as we engage in conversation with Sr. Mary. She will share a PowerPoint with us as she talks about her creative story and process, as well as her commitment to eco theology and the universe story.
We have been inspired by Mary Southard’s paintings for several years, including The Children Are Asking for this season of Lent. Now, join us on Zoom to meet this uniquely gifted and inspiring human being.
The Peace and Justice Committee invites you to take a simple survey to help us better understand the justice activities of members and how to help connect members with similar commitments. It takes only a couple minutes to do. Thank you!
Donating for Sanctuary-Chapel Technology Improvements
A Sanctuary-Chapel Tech Task Force is at work to substantially upgrade our video recording equipment. The Task Force is busy evaluating a proposal to ensure that it meets our needs and finding funds to help cover the cost. The Task Force has nearly secured sufficient funds to proceed. However, individual members also have an opportunity to financially contribute to this project! Checks should be made out to Plymouth Congregational Church with “Sanctuary Tech” in the memo line. Alternatively, you can donate online by clicking the button below and make a gift in the “Sanctuary Technology” option.
Once we eventually return to regular Sunday morning in-person services, we still want to be able to livestream and record them on site, as well as our music series events. We expect this project to be a major improvement in our technological capabilities and enhance our online presence for years to come!
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility
The state of Indiana is opening COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to all adults. As of today, anyone 40 and older can sign up to be vaccinated, and as of March 31, anyone 16 and older can schedule to receive a vaccine. You can click the button below to schedule an appointment. If you have difficulty registering online, you can dial 211 from any phone for assistance.
Indiana-Kentucky Conference UCC COVID-19 Guidance
Our conference released further guidance around churches and COVID-19 this week entitled “Healthy Continuity of Ministry and Mission during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” We are including a link below for your review. Church pastoral staff are reviewing the guidelines as they determine what Plymouth’s process will be going forward for this spring. Look for updates in the announcements or as an e-blast.
In order for the office to better serve you, please submit a separate check for each donation made whether it be for pledges, special offerings or any other donation. Checks should be made payable to Plymouth Church. Thank you!
If you have a need to visit the office, we’d love to see you. Remember to schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. No one is at the front desk, so please arrive on time so a staff member is available to greet you and unlock the door. Please wait at the Berry Street entrance and be prepared to sanitize, sign-in, and wear a mask. Please contact Tina Puitz at tmp@plymouthfw.org to make an appointment. Thank you.