Weekly Bulletin
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-ins continue. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together. Those unable to join by video
can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code
944-1809-2407#, then # when asked for
the password.
Order of Worship



Invocation/Lord’s Prayer

Special Music

Pastoral Prayer

Scripture – John 17:6-19

Message - "In the System but not of the System"

Invitation to Communion


Closing Hymn – “O God of Love, O God of Peace” NCH571


This Week
May 26
Charlie Coffeen
Jim Sidell

May 27
Sue Godsell
Jim Nelson

May 28
Richard Robinson

May 29
Andrea Moll

May 31
Judson Chasey
Cathy Clifford Nicholson
David Lewellyn
All programs and events are online unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, May 16
9:00 am Education Hour
10:00 am Worship Service
11:30 am Transition and Grieving AP
1:00 pm Joys & Concerns

Monday, May 17
Office Closed

Tuesday, May 18
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
4:00 pm Moderator's Meeting (in person)
5:30 pm Board Meetings (in person)

Wednesday, May 19
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, May 20
1:00 pm Study Group Online

Saturday, May 22
9:00 am Limited In-Person Service Recording
12:00 pm Kairos Visitors Team Meeting

Sunday, May 23
9:00 am Education Hour
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys & Concerns
2:30 pm Faith & Film: Forty & Over
4:00 pm Pentecost New Orleans Style
Festival Worship (in person)
Wednesday, May 19: Bible Study
Join Rev. Timothy C. Murphy and Plymouth members at 5:30 pm every Wednesday in an online discussion of the upcoming Sunday’s scripture and how we can apply those lessons to our daily lives and world. Those unable to join by video can also call in at 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 978-5908-1418#, then enter # when asked for a password.
Sunday, May 16 | Transition and Grieving Associate Pastor
It’s hard to believe but Rev. Ruth Phillips is retiring in three weeks. As church members, we need spaces to grieve all that we will miss once she retires. The next opportunity to meet with Rev. Timothy Murphy and other church members will be today at 11:30 am. This will be a space to discuss what she has meant for us and Plymouth Church. This gathering will be via Zoom; please use the button below to join in this transition process.
An Update from the Search Task Force
Many of you have asked for an update on the search to find and call an associate minister for Plymouth. While much of our work requires confidentiality, we also feel it necessary to let everyone know where our search stands. To date we have received 12 profiles of potential candidates to view. Of those 12, the task force decided not to extend interviews to 6 candidates - and 6 candidates have been granted a first and second interview. Of the 6 we have interviewed, 1 candidate has completed a neutral pulpit in Fort Wayne and we have extended the opportunity to another candidate (the details are still being discussed).
Our discernment continues and we hope to offer a candidate to the congregation very soon. We feel it would be inappropriate to put an exact timeline to it. While Reverend Ruth’s upcoming retirement date is on our minds, we are careful not to let that rush the process of discerning where God may be leading our task force. Please rest assured that we continue to work diligently to find the best possible associate ministerial candidate to serve Plymouth Church into the future.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve,
Beth Walker & Bill Vrabel - co-chairs
Roger Eversole
Linda Hite
Dee Hoffman
Kristen Miller
Kyle Miller
Sandy Moliere
Chris Randolph
Upcoming Events
Sunday, May 23 | Film & Faith: Forty and Over
Concrete Cowboy is available on Netflix for you to watch at your convenience, and then, join us for lively discussion on May 23, 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Email Rev. Ruth E. Phillips rep@plymouthfw.org by Sunday, May 23, 11 am, and she will send you the Zoom link, meeting ID and Passcode.

Inspired by the YA novel Ghetto Cowboy by Greg Neri, the movie tells the story of a troubled teen, Colt (Caleb McLaughlin), who spends the summer in Philadelphia with his estranged father, Harp (Idris Elba). While Concrete Cowboy itself is fiction, the film is heavily inspired by the real-life riders of North Philly, which date back to the 1800s. Both the novel and film took inspiration from the Fletcher Street Riders, a community of Black horse-riders throughout North Philadelphia.
Sunday, May 23 | May Chapel Class
Join us on Sunday, May 23, at 9:00 am, to hear the latest news about redistricting using the 2020 Census results. Peg Maginn and Lucy Hess, representing the League of Women Voters, will give us the update, discuss how this might impact our communities, and give ideas of how we might influence and even participate in the outcome. Join us on Zoom with this link.
General Announcements
A Celebration of Spring | Plymouth Music Series
On Sunday, May 2 at 4 p.m. Plymouth Music Series premiered a concert from the Folsom Room entitled “A Celebration of Spring” The concert featured THE SERENADE FOR STRINGS by Tchaikovsky and THE SEASONS by Vivaldi.  If you have not yet enjoyed this performance, you can still view it on YouTube for the next month or so. Click the button below to watch the concert!

This was a welcome opportunity for our area string players who have been struggling for income all season due to the pandemic and other ongoing issues with the career musicians in our city. Your donations have been a source of meaningful, practical support for these musicians and all the performers you have supported all season long. As planned and promised, we dedicated every dollar this season toward hiring our local musicians for the concerts we planned at Plymouth Church. So, we end the season satisfied with our efforts, but with a pretty empty bowl!

If you can, please make a donation to the Music Series; it will definitely help us plan more such concerts in the future! Go to www.Plymouthfw.org/donate and choose “Music Series"

Thank you for your support and for helping to keep our local musicians making music in our community!
Peace Studies Scholarship Recipient
The Peace and Justice Committee is happy to announce the recipient of the 2021-2022 “Richard C. Hess Peace Studies Scholarship.”

Ms. Sanelisiwe Ncube, from Zimbabwe, is working toward a Master of Arts: Theology and Peace Studies from the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Theological Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. The forthcoming Bell will carry the complete announcement.
Bread for the World Letter Writers Needed
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. The pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in our safety net and food systems. Child hunger in both the U.S. and abroad has skyrocketed. Specifically, we want Congress to:

1) Make the Child Tax Credit (CTC) in the American Rescue Plan permanent and available to all children regardless of immigration status. The CTC expansion would move millions of children out of poverty, as well as help reduce hunger and narrow the racial wealth gap exacerbated by unemployment as a result of COVID-19.

2) Increase U.S. leadership and funding for global nutrition programs without which an entire generation may be denied of their God-given right to flourish.

Letters to Congress supported with prayer are a bold witness to God’s justice and mercy. If you want to help with writing 3 letters, one each to, Senator Braun, Senator Young and Representative Banks, please contact Lucy Hess at: lrh22@frontier.com or 484-4430. Letter templates and legislators’ addresses will be provided. These letters can be sent via snail or email. Your letters can be the difference to convince our legislators to make these nutrition programs possible this summer and fall.
Peace & Justice Survey
The Peace and Justice Committee invites you to take a simple survey to help us better understand the justice activities of members and how to help connect members with similar commitments. It takes only a couple minutes to do. Thank you!
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility
The state of Indiana has opened COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to anyone 12 and older. You can click the button below to schedule an appointment. If you have difficulty registering online, you can dial 211 from any phone for assistance.
Indiana-Kentucky Conference UCC COVID-19 Guidance
Our conference released further guidance around churches and COVID-19 this week entitled “Healthy Continuity of Ministry and Mission during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” We are including a link below for your review. Church pastoral staff are reviewing the guidelines as they determine what Plymouth’s process will be going forward for this spring. Look for updates in the announcements or as an e-blast.
A Note from the Office
In order for the office to better serve you, please submit a separate check for each donation made whether it be for pledges, special offerings or any other donation. Checks should be made payable to Plymouth Church. Thank you!
Visiting Plymouth
If you have a need to visit the office, we’d love to see you. Remember to schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. No one is at the front desk, so please arrive on time so a staff member is available to greet you and unlock the door. Please wait at the Berry Street entrance and be prepared to sanitize, sign-in, and wear a mask. Please contact Tina Puitz at tmp@plymouthfw.org to make an appointment. Thank you.