Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, November 26, 2023

In Our Prayers 

Charlie Belch, Donna Belch, Mary Bir, Ruth Bracht, David Carter, Matthew Carter, Teresa Clingaman, Deb Conklin, Kris Conner, Ann Corral, David Cornwell, Brad Crowder, Lynda and Mike Eckard, Ed Gomez, Susan Green, Dan Hannie, Cheryl Harkenrider, Joseph Harkenrider, Charlene Holly, Sarah Howard, Bob Huff, Kyle Huff, Nancy Jordan, Alli Keith, Tony Kell, Brian Laurenz, Joan Lipscomb, Gerald Lockwood, Sandy Lockwood, Skyler Lockwood, Connie Mabe, Kelly Massey, Jane Meredith, Jim Michels, Lori Michels, Peter Michels, Ralph Miser, Pete Morris, Ron Muckway, Jim Nelson, Bonnie Pennock, Zoey Pinedo, Rainee Purdue, Jacqueline Sanders, Calvin Scantlin, Max Schilb, Barbara Senn, John Shannon, Maureen Shea, Travis Sheets, Claire Sims, Shirley Slater, Johanna Smith, The Spitler Family, Terry Springer, Ruth Anne Sprunger, Diana Swayze, Penny Trzynka, Nate Vanover, Stan Volz, Marian Waltz, Thea Westerman, Dana Wichern, Maryanne Williams, Sandra Woodruff Cully


Sympathy is extended to Dawn Wiley in the death of her brother, Doug Wiley, on November 17, 2023, in South Whitley, IN.

Chancel Flowers

Chancel flowers today are dedicated in celebration of Larry and Beth Walker’s wedding at Plymouth, 40 years ago today on November 26. 

Sunday Service

Join us for our weekly worship service at 10:00 am in-person, or through our livestream on our YouTube Channel.

If you miss out on our live broadcast, the worship service will be available on our YouTube Channel and listed by date on the Sermon Archive.

Join us for online worship!

Our in-person worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We continue to record and livestream our services, with the recorded video available by Sunday evening. Masks are optional.

Joys and Concerns

Sunday at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-in will meet at 1:00 pm this Sunday. Please join this Zoom call for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.

Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password.

Click here to join Joys & Concerns

Order of Worship


Welcome & Announcements

Centering Moment

Call to Worship: Psalm 65:5-13

Hymn No. 538 "Standing at the Future's Threshold" | LUX EOI

Invocation & Lord’s Prayer

Passing of the Peace

Response Song: “Give Thanks”

Peace Prayer

Hymn No. 583 "Like a Mother Who Has Borne Us" | AUSTIN

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Sermon: "What You Do Defines You"

Hymn No. 608 "Christ Will Come Again" | IDA



This Week


November 26

Chris Randolph

November 27

Nancy Kilduski

November 28

Eric Congdon

November 29

Ed Gomez

Marvin Paschal

November 30

Brent Blalock

Stan Holdeman

Konrad Spitler

December 1

Alexis Degitz

Jim Schmidt

Zoey Spath Pinedo

Next Week's Birthdays

December 3

Jennifer Ferguson

Toby Watson

December 4

Ray Lehman

December 7

Veronica Beifus

Bill Hambrick

Keyes McGregor

December 8

Mary Gilliom

Shirley Slater

December 9

Jennifer Atienzo-Fisher


Sunday, November 26

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Parish Nurses

9:00 am Education Hour (No Adult Chapel Class)

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:00 am Hanging of the Greens

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

Monday, November 27

Office Closed

5:30 pm Centering Prayer Group

Tuesday, November 28

9:30 am Michael Spath Religion and Culture Class

1:00 pm Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Anti-Racism Action Team Meeting

Wednesday, November 29

3:30 pm Study Connection

5:15 pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, November 30

Poinsettia Order Forms Due

1:00 pm Study Group (online)

Friday, December 1

6:00 pm City of Churches Tour

Sunday, December 3

First Sunday of Advent

8:30 am Fellowship Hour

9:00 am Education Hour

9:00 am Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

11:15 am Las Posadas Procession

1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)

4:00 pm Plymouth Music Series: Canto de Corazón

Sunday, November 26: No Chapel Class

Chapel Class will not meet on Sunday, November 26. We will resume on December 3 at 9:00 am for Rev. Sara's "O Little Town of Bethlehem" Chapel Class series.

Sunday, November 26: Hanging of the Greens

Advent is just around the corner! After worship on Sunday, November 26, we will have our annual “Hanging of the Greens” where we decorate the Sanctuary, Folsom Room, hallways, and the building generally as we prepare for the season. Folks are welcome to stick around after worship that day for as little or as long as they are able to help in the decorations. There’s something for everyone to help with, all ages and abilities are welcome!

Monday, November 27: Centering Prayer Meeting Weekly

The Centering Prayer group at Plymouth meets every Monday evening at 5:30 pm, in the Chapel. Centering Prayer is an ancient form of Christian meditation that dates back as far as the 14th century and is practiced by Christians all over the world. The main idea behind Centering Prayer is to let go of all thoughts in order to open oneself to the healing presence of God within. Plymouth’s Centering Prayer group is open to anyone, regardless of one’s level of experience. Beginners are encouraged to drop in anytime. Whether you can come once a week or once a month, or just once in a while, we’d love to see you there! Join us Monday, November 27 at 5:30 pm!

Wednesday, November 29: Wednesday Night Live Programming

Wednesday Night Live programming will resume Wednesday, November 29. At 5:15 pm there will be adult choir rehearsal, children’s choir rehearsal, and Bible Study with Rev. Timothy, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm. The Bible Study with Rev. Timothy can be attended in person or via Zoom using the link below. The passcode to join via Zoom is 648589. All activities are open to anyone in the church, regardless of membership status. Come for activities, or just come for dinner and fellowship! The suggested cost for dinner is $10 per person, though no one is ever turned away due to inability to pay. If you plan to come for dinner, please sign up in the Folsom Room in advance so our caterer knows how much food to prepare. Hope to see you there!

WNL Bible Study Zoom Link
Upcoming Events

Chapel Class Schedule Through December 31

Believe it or not, we only have a handful of Chapel Class sessions left before the end of the year! Here is what you can look forward to as we close out the year:

December 3, 10 & 17 – “O Little Town of Bethlehem” – We sing the carol every year, but how much do we really know about the little town of Bethlehem? Rev. Sara will be teaching this three-week series, delving into the history of this Palestinian city, its status as part of the occupied West Bank, and what’s happening there right now as war rages less than two hours away. We’ll also discuss ways we can be in solidarity with Palestinian Christians living in the city.

December 24 & 31 – no class due to Christmas Eve and New Years Eve holidays

Chapel Class begins at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings and is open to all adults in person or on Zoom. The password for Zoom is 063060.

Chapel Class Zoom

Sunday, December 3: Las Posadas Processional

For the third year in a row, Plymouth is organizing a Las Posadas processional, inspired by the Mexican Christian tradition. The one big difference is we have heard your suggestions, and we are going to do it right after the worship service instead of the usual mid-afternoon time. Folks should plan on gathering in the Folsom Room to begin around 11:30 am on Sunday, December 3. After a quick overview of the tradition, we will begin the procession throughout the building as we re-enact the Holy Family’s search for lodging and shelter before finally being welcomed. This is a great event for families and children, though all ages are welcome. We conclude with a celebration in the Folsom Room with traditional Christmas tamales (Shh! It’s a surprise!) There’s a sign-up sheet in the Folsom Room. Capacity is limited to 50 people processing but others are encouraged to assist in the responsive singing at the different stations throughout the building or helping set up in the Folsom Room while everyone is away during the procession.

Wednesday, December 6: Luminous Night Service

Our annual Luminous Night service will be held on Wednesday, December 6 at 7:00 pm. This is a quiet, contemplative service for those who are grieving, experiencing feelings of sadness, or otherwise feeling a need to lament during the holiday season. We will offer prayers and sing songs that speak of our need to grieve, but also speak of God’s promises of comfort to those who mourn. All are welcome to this service of lament and hope.

Friday, December 8: Annual Report Articles Due

As 2023 comes to a close, it is time to start thinking about the Annual Report. For those with a required piece, the deadline for submissions for the 2023 Annual Report is Friday, December 8 at 11:59 pm. Submissions must be sent to edp@plymouthfw.org in the form of a Word Document using size 11 Times New Roman font with single spacing. Submissions must be no longer than 2 pages. A submission over 2 pages will be returned to you with a request for revisions.

Click the button below for a list of those required to write an article.

Annual Report Submission Roster 

General Announcements

Poinsettia Order Forms Due November 30

It’s time to order your Christmas poinsettias! Ordering poinsettias is an easy way to remember, honor, and celebrate loved ones and friends, while helping to decorate our church home for Christmas. To order, please fill out the order form and return it with your check to the church office by Thursday, November 30. Poinsettias are $11.00 each. Plants will be placed in the sanctuary Sunday, December 24. Please take your plant home with you following the 10:00 pm worship service on Christmas Eve.

To place an order, please either click the button below to print off a copy of the order form to fill out and return to the church office, or pick up an order form in the church office on Sunday morning. Please include "poinsettia" in the memo line of your check.

Poinsettia Order Form

Online Church Directory Update

In order expedite a functional directory, Plymouth will be switching from an opt in system to and opt out system. What does this mean for you? What steps will you need to take to ensure your place in the directory? Nothing! We’ll do all the work. Starting December 5, all Plymouth members will be automatically included in the online directory! Now, if you do not wish to be a part of this undertaking, you may email Jake Slone no later than December 4 at jss@plymouthfw.org. After that you will be automatically added to the online directory. You may request to be removed from the directory at any time.

Online Access Emails Are Not a Scam

In the coming months, Plymouth staff will be working on getting all members online access in preparation for the switch to the online directory. If you receive an email stating that your password and username has been changed, don’t worry. It is not a scam. It is an automatically generated e-mail that we can’t change when you are being assigned a randomly generated password.

Stewardship Campaign Pledge Forms

Our Stewardship Campaign has formally concluded, but you can still submit a pledge form for 2024 if you have not already done so, either in person or via our website, with a digital link below. Thank you!

Online Pledge Form

Safety Committee Looking for Security and Communication Volunteers

Plymouth’s Safety Committee is looking for security and communication volunteers to assist the office Receptionist during the 10:00 am Sunday service by being on standby in the Narthex. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Greeting & welcoming late comers in the Narthex and directing them to the Sanctuary
  • Communicating with the Receptionist via radio in the instance of an emergency (inclement weather, medical emergency in the sanctuary, fire, etc.)
  • Retrieving medical equipment such as the wheelchairs or first aid kits
  • Helping to direct first responders in case of an emergency or assisting others with evacuations.

If you have any interest, please contact the Safety Committee Chair, Patrick Vonderau at pvonderau8585@icloud.com.

COVID-19 Protocols: Masking Optional

Masks are optional in worship and church programming. If you are feeling under the weather or prefer to wear a mask around others, it is an ongoing option. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services for anyone unable to attend services in person.

Desk Coverage Volunteers Needed During Staff Meetings

Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to cover the 1:00 pm Staff Meetings on Tuesdays. If you would like to assist, please sign up with Jake in the office or sign up by clicking the button below.

Sign Up Form

Open Prayer in the Sanctuary

For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or jss@plymouthfw.org with any questions.

Plymouth Church Linktree

The following links can be found on our Linktree:

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign Website
  • Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
  • Plymouth Directory Login
  • Chancel Flower Dedication Sign Up Form
  • Donate
  • Past Chapel Class Series
  • Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Sign Up
  • Plymouth Google Calendar
  • Plymouth's Social Media

Plymouth Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Questions? Contact the office at 260-423-9424 or office@plymouthfw.org
Plymouth Church | plymouthfw.org
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