Illumination © Mary Southard, Used with permission. | |
"Light of the World"
2024 Stewardship Campaign
"You are the light of the world." - Matthew 5:14a
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Joys and Concerns
Sundays at 1:00 pm
Our weekly joys and concerns check-in continues Sunday. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together.
Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 829-3823-4464#, then # when asked for the password.
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Order of Worship
Prelude: Robert Nance, organ
Welcome & Announcements
Centering Moment
Call to Worship: Saints, by Maren C. Tirabassi
Hymn No. 299 “For All the Saints” | SINE NOMINE
Invocation & Lord’s Prayer
Passing of the Peace
Response Song: “This Little Light of Mine”
Peace Prayer
Witnessing Steward: Tony Kell
Dedication of Memorial Gifts
Remembering Our Saints
Pastoral Prayer
Anthem: “More Love to Thee” | Gilbert Martin
Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon: “Faithful Witnesses”
Hymn No. 472 “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” | PRECIOUS LORD
Prayers for Healing
Hymn No. 78 “Part in Peace” | CHARLESTOWN
Postlude: Robert Nance, organ
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Every year, on the Sunday nearest to All Saints' Day, Plymouth Church remembers those saints among us who have died over the past year. Below are those members of Plymouth that we remember this year. Please click the button below to see the list of memorial gift dedications for this past year.
Plymouth Members Who Died October 27, 2022 – October 29, 2023
David Childs - 10/27/2022
Harriet Siples - 10/28/2022
Carol Lewark - 12/20/2022
Joan Hartwig - 12/20/2022
Virginia L. Laudadio - 3/12/2023
Carol Shedd - 3/17/2023
Rick Schilb - 3/22/2023
Janis Bohnstedt - 4/10/2023
Doris Grandos - 4/12/2023
Mimi Rolland - 8/21/2023
Terry Green - 9/26/2023
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October 29
Steve Rinehart
October 30
Simeon Gray
Charlene Holly
November 2
Katherine Caldwell
Louise Misegades
November 3
Scott Avery
Next Week's Birthdays
November 6
Mary Argus
Timothy Cunningham
November 7
Al Bohnstedt
William Spindler
November 8
Lidija Hurni
Miles Nicholson
November 9
Rose Pyle
November 10
Mary Ann Cree
Michael McCoy
Cindy Ottinger
November 11
Julie Creek
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Sunday, October 29
All Saints Sunday
8:30 am Fellowship Hour
8:30 am Parish Nurses
9:00 am Education Hour
9:00 am Worship Rehearsal
10:00 am Worship Service
11:15 am Reproductive Rights Action Team
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)
Monday, October 30
Office Closed
5:30 pm Centering Prayer Group
7:00 pm Tapping Into Faith
Tuesday, October 31
9:30 am Michael Spath Religion and Culture Class
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
Wednesday, November 1
3:30 pm Study Connection
5:15 pm Wednesday Night Live
7:00 pm Vigil of Lament for Israel and Gaza
Thursday, November 2
1:00 pm Study Group (online)
1:30 pm Memorial Gifts Meeting
Sunday, November 5
Commitment Sunday
Daylight Saving Time Ends
8:30 am Fellowship Hour
9:00 am Education Hour
9:00 am Worship Rehearsal
10:00 am Worship Service
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns (online)
1:00 pm Boar's Head All Cast Meeting/Costume Fitting
4:00 pm Plymouth Music Series: Virtuosic Vocals - The Principal Artists of Heartland Sings
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Sunday, October 29: Chapel Class on Afghan Refugee Resettlement | | |
The Afghan Refugee Taskforce will be presenting information about their work over the past two years during Chapel Class on Sunday, October 29. Come learn about their efforts in resettling Afghan refugee families in Fort Wayne, the current state of resettlement efforts, and find out how you can get involved! Chapel Class is available in-person or on Zoom at 9:00 am. The password for Zoom is 063060. | | | |
Monday, October 30: Centering Prayer Meeting Weekly | | |
The Centering Prayer group at Plymouth has began meeting every Monday evening at 5:30 pm, in the Chapel. Centering Prayer is an ancient form of Christian meditation that dates back as far as the 14th century and is practiced by Christians all over the world. The main idea behind Centering Prayer is to let go of all thoughts in order to open oneself to the healing presence of God within. Plymouth’s Centering Prayer group is open to anyone, regardless of one’s level of experience. Beginners are encouraged to drop in anytime. Whether you can come once a week or once a month, or just once in a while, we’d love to see you there! Join us Monday, October 30 at 5:30 pm! | | | |
Monday, October 30: Tapping Into Faith | | |
Friendly reminder that E&M will host Tapping Into Faith at Mad Anthony’s on Monday, October 30 at 7:00 pm. We won’t be getting spooky, but we will lean into the spirit of All Hallows and offer up remembrances of our own saints. As always, this will be a wonderful chance to get to know your fellow Plymouth folks a little better, and to welcome any other community members who might attend. If loosely guided conversation and story-sharing, good food & drink, and good people sound like a pleasant evening, come on in!
We will provide appetizers for all to share, and you are welcome to buy whatever meal or beverage you’d like, of course.
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Wednesday, November 1: Wednesday Night Live Programming | | |
Wednesday Night Live programming continues this Wednesday, November 1. At 5:15 pm there will be adult choir rehearsal, children’s choir rehearsal, and Bible Study with Rev. Timothy, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm. The Bible Study with Rev. Timothy can be attended in person or via Zoom using the link below. The passcode to join via Zoom is 648589. All activities are open to anyone in the church, regardless of membership status. Come for activities, or just come for dinner and fellowship! The suggested cost for dinner is $10 per person, though no one is ever turned away due to inability to pay. If you plan to come for dinner, please sign up in the Folsom Room in advance so our caterer knows how much food to prepare. Hope to see you there! | | | |
Wednesday, November 1: Vigil of Lament for Israel and Gaza | | |
All are invited to the Plymouth Chapel for a time of prayer and lament on behalf of the terrible loss of life in Israel and Gaza on Wednesday, November 1 at 7:00 pm. We will offer prayers of solidarity and compassion on behalf of all who are grieving, prayers of safety for those currently in danger, and prayers for a just peace in which both Israelis and Palestinians can live safely together with dignity and freedom from oppression and fear. All are welcome. | | | |
Sunday, November 5: Chapel Class on Addiction Recovery for the Trans Community | | |
On Sunday, November 5, we will be welcoming Justin Calloway from Road 2 Recovery in Fort Wayne to talk about addiction recovery services in the city, as well as to discuss their most recent efforts to start a recovery house specifically for transgender women. This house would be the first of its kind in Fort Wayne and the entire state of Indiana and is a huge need in our community. Learn more about the work Justin is doing and support a great cause! Chapel Class begins at 9:00 am on Sunday morning and is open to all adults in person or on Zoom. The password for Zoom is 063060. | | | |
Sunday, November 12: Plymouth Week at Just Neighbors Shelter | | |
Our next week to provide dinner at the Just Neighbors family shelter is coming up Sunday, November 12 through Friday, November 17. Each night, we are responsible for providing a main dish, a side dish/vegetable, fruit, and dessert. You can sign up to provide one part of the meal, or the whole meal. If you are interested in helping, please use the link below to sign up. | | | |
Sunday, November 12: Moral Messaging on Reproductive Rights | | |
The Reproductive Rights Action Team invites you to a training on ‘moral messaging’ on Sunday, November 12 at 2:00 pm. The training will be led by Rev. Terry Williams from Faith Choice Ohio. This one-hour, interactive training will equip you to use abortion-positive language rooted in religious values to help lift up abortion as a moral good. Come prepared to dive deep into the words, frameworks, and stories that we use to talk about abortion justice and reproductive freedom. This training is free and open to anyone in the community, so please feel free to invite friends! | | | |
Wednesday, November 15: Israel-Palestine Conversation | | |
Do you have questions about the current war between Israel and Hamas? Would you like to know more about the historical context of the conflict? Are you confused by competing narratives in the media and wondering where the truth lies? Join us on Wednesday, November 15 at 6:45 pm for an informal discussion with Rev. Dr. Michael Spath, Rev. Timothy, and Rev. Sara to learn more. This is a safe space to ask your questions and share honestly with one another. The discussion will take place in the hapel immediately following Wednesday Night Live dinner. RSVPs are appreciated but not required—please email Rev. Sara at [email protected] to let us know if you plan to come. All are welcome. | | | |
Tuesday, November 21: Plymouth Women's Book Study | | |
Next month's selection for Plymouth's Women's Book Study is Both/And: A Memoir by Huma Abedin.
"A New York Times bestseller, this extraordinary memoir from Huma Abedin—Hillary Clinton’s famously private top aide and longtime advisor—offers “a gripping testament to the power of a woman finding her voice, owning her ambition, and sharing her truth.” - Glennon Doyle
"The daughter of Indian and Pakistani intellectuals and advocates, Abedin grew up in the United States and Saudi Arabia and traveled widely. Both/And grapples with family, legacy, identity, faith, marriage, motherhood—and work."
As always, we invite anyone to join us who self-identifies as a woman. We shall meet in the Amistad Room at 12:00 pm on Tuesday November 21. If you would like to join us by Zoom, please email Laura McCoy. Other books coming up are Cobalt Red by Siddharth Khan in January, and Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver in February. There will be no meeting in December.
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Folsom Room Construction Update | | |
The renovation of the Folsom Room and the two adjacent hallways is nearing completion with a few items, such as replacement carpet tiles, awaiting delivery. These spaces will remain available for programming and fellowship, but expect things to be in transition for a while yet. Thank you for your understanding! | | | |
Stewardship Campaign Nears Conclusion | | |
Stewardship Campaign Nears Conclusion
Sunday, November 5, is the final Sunday of our Stewardship Campaign, called “Commitment Sunday.” If you have not already submitted a pledge form for 2024, either in person or via our website, please do so no later than then. Thank you!
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Loving Our Neighbors: Winter Drive for Afghan Refugees | | |
On behalf of the Plymouth Afghan Refugee Task Force, the E&M Board has organized a winter clothing and diaper drive for our Afghan neighbors. We don’t have to tell you how cold the winters are here, and these families have zero winter coats, no boots, and so forth. Let’s help keep them warm and dry!
Donations should be left in the Folsom Room by Sunday, November 5!
Because the drive is for specific families, there are specific sizes needed. We have created a SignUp Genius to help ensure that the needs of each person are met, and that we don’t end up with an avalanche of only size 2 boots. The SignUp Genius is accessible by clicking the button below.
If all of the items on the SignUp are already claimed when you visit, these families also have constant need for diapers! Diapers needed in sizes 4-6, as well as adult diapers in sizes small and medium for two older children with disabilities.
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Safety Committee Looking for Security and Communication Volunteers | | |
Plymouth’s Safety Committee is looking for security and communication volunteers to assist the office Receptionist during the 10:00 am Sunday service by being on standby in the Narthex. Duties include but are not limited to:
- Greeting & welcoming late comers in the Narthex and directing them to the Sanctuary
- Communicating with the Receptionist via radio in the instance of an emergency (inclement weather, medical emergency in the sanctuary, fire, etc.)
- Retrieving medical equipment such as the wheelchairs or first aid kits
- Helping to direct first responders in case of an emergency or assisting others with evacuations.
If you have any interest, please Contact the Safety Committee chair, Patrick Vonderau at [email protected].
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Online Directory and Emergency Contact Information | | |
Plymouth’s directory is going digital! You can now sign up for account access on the Plymouth Website. This will allow you to see your own personal information, see your giving and contributions for the year, and access the new Plymouth Church Directory. By moving to a digital directory, we keep our commitment to protect the environment by being an Earthwise congregation, while also guaranteeing that we have up to date information right at your fingertips. Once the request is processed, you will receive an e-mail from the office with your unique username and password allowing you to log in via the "Member Login" button on our website.
At the same time that we are providing this fantastic service, we are also collecting emergency contact information that will be kept on file in case you were to become seriously injured or ill at a church service or event. Such information will be kept private and only used in emergency situations by staff.
To sign up for either please visit here or see Jake Slone, Church Receptionist, in the office for a paper form.
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COVID-19 Protocols: Masking Optional | | |
Masks are optional in worship and church programming. If you are feeling under the weather or prefer to wear a mask around others, it is an ongoing option. A high-quality mask provides good protection against infection even if others around you are not wearing one. We will continue to offer livestreamed and recorded worship services for anyone unable to attend services in person. | | | |
Desk Coverage Volunteers Needed During Staff Meetings | | |
Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to cover the 1:00 pm Staff Meetings on Tuesdays. If you would like to assist, please sign up with Jake in the office or sign up by clicking the button below. | | | |
Open Prayer in the Sanctuary | | |
For a time of personal prayer, the sanctuary will be available Tuesday through Thursday during office hours. Please enter through the Berry Street office entrance and check in with our receptionist. Contact Jake Slone at (260) 423-9424 or [email protected] with any questions. | | | |
The following links can be found on our Linktree:
- 2024 Stewardship Campaign Website
- Study Connection Volunteer Sign Up
- Plymouth Directory Login
- Chancel Flower Dedication Sign Up Form
- Donate
- Past Chapel Class Series
- Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Sign Up
- Plymouth Google Calendar
- Plymouth's Social Media
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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
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