Weekly Bulletin
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Joys and Concerns

Sundays at 1:00 pm

Our weekly joys and concerns check-ins continue. Please join this Zoom call at 1:00 pm for a time to name something we are grateful for, a concern we have, and to be in prayer together. Those unable to join by video can call 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code
644-410-868#, then # when asked for the password.
Order of Worship



Invocation & Lord’s Prayer

Special Music

Pastoral Prayer

Scripture – 1 Samuel 3:1-10



Hymn - "Higher Ground”


Chapel Class: The Way of the Buddha
Join Dr. Michael Spath for Sunday Chapel Class at 9:00 am to 9:50 am for a discussion of "The Way of the Buddha." Class topics include: the awakening of Siddhartha to become a Buddha, major teachings and "schools" of Buddhism, Zen arts, the Heart and Lotus Sutras, and H. H., the Dalai Lama (who Dr. Spath hosted in St. Louis), and more. The theme for this week is Triratna – Buddhism’s Three Jewels!

The upcoming themes for Chapel Class are:

  •   January 24 Buddha, he who is “Awake”
  •   January 31 Turning the Wheel of Dharma
  •   February 7 That was Zen, This is Tao
  •   February 14 Happy Valentine’s Day – The Heart Sutra
  •   February 21 The Ox is Loose
  •   February 28 H. H., the Dalai Lama – Compassion Incarnate
Sunday School
On January 17 our Sunday school families will meet for a very short (and very chilly!) in-person outdoor story. The story will start right at 11:00 am, so be on time! If you’d rather not join our well-distanced, masked group, you can pick up the January story box outside of the Folsom Room doors from 11:15 am until noon.
Good Trouble
For over three decades, Plymouth Congregational Church has hosted an annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration. In recent years, we have lost key leaders of the civil rights movement, including one of Dr. King’s most celebrated proteges, Congressman John Lewis; thus, we gather to commemorate and pay homage to Dr. King, evoking the words of John Lewis and others who followed in his footsteps. This dramatic presentation will include the inspiring words of many great civil rights advocates, presented by Rev. Dr. Bill McGill, the Vocal Artists of Heartland Sings, and Plymouth Church’s jazz combo.

Due to the rise in local COVID-19 cases, this event will be held online. You can find more information and register for updates by clicking the button below!
This Week
Janaury 20
Dan Kaufman

January 21
Karen Jenkins
Peg Schilb
Max Watson

January 23
Mary Nance

January 24
Larry Jenkins

January 26
Brittany Ramsey
All programs and events are online unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, January 17
9:00 am Chapel Class
10:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am Outdoor Sunday School Meeting
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns
4:00 pm Music Series: Good Trouble

Monday, January 18
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Office Closed

Tuesday, January 19
1:00 pm Staff Meeting
4:00 pm Moderators Meeting
5:30 pm Board Meetings

Wednesday, January 20
5:30 pm Rev. Timothy's Bible Study
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, January 21
1:00 pm Rev. Ruth’s Book Study
6:00 pm Search Task Force Meeting
7:00 pm Faith in Indiana Statewide Meeting

Saturday, January 23
11:00 am Kairos Visitor Team Meeting

Sunday, January 24
9:00 am Chapel Class
10:00 am Worship Service
11:30 am Annual Business Meeting
1:00 pm Joys and Concerns
January 20: Bible Study
Join Rev. Timothy C. Murphy and Plymouth members at 5:30 pm every Wednesday in an online discussion of the upcoming Sunday’s scripture and how we can apply those lessons to our daily lives and world. Those unable to join by video can also call in at 1-253-215-8782, then enter the code 929-2337-1562#, then enter # when asked for a password.
January 24: Annual Business Meeting
The Annual Business Meeting is Sunday, January 24 at 11:30 am. During this meeting, we will review the past year in a variety of ways, including the Annual Report, and present an overview of what 2021 holds in store for Plymouth, including approval of the 2021 budget.

Due to COVID-19, this meeting will take place via Zoom's webinar format. Instructions and a link will be sent out as we approach the date of the meeting.

This is a “voting” meeting where we, the congregation, set the direction for the remainder of the year. Every vote is important to our spiritual life in this place, so please plan on being present for this very significant gathering. See you there!

Proposed Amendment to Bylaws
In accordance with Plymouth Bylaws, ARTICLE XV – AMENDMENTS, on request by Board of Deacons’ Worship, the Executive Council proposes the following amendment to the Bylaws:


Section 4. Deacons’ Worship Board
G. Review the membership records annually every three years and make recommendations to the Executive Council for determining membership status.
Cedars Hope Building

The Cedars Hope Task Force will be presenting its work and making the following motion to be considered for congregational approval:

The members of Plymouth Congregational Church approve the use of the 527 W. Berry Street building to be leased to a non-profit organization with the intent of providing a housing ministry. Any lease shall not last longer than a 12-month term, which will be eligible for renewal. The congregation also authorizes the addition of an electric car charger port to that building.
Annual Report

The 2020 Annual Report is available as a PDF below. If you would like a printed copy, you may sign up to pick up a copy or have one mailed to you. Plymouth cannot guarantee that mailed copies will arrive on time for the Annual Business Meeting. Physical copies can be picked up at Plymouth Church between January 19 to January 22 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

To sign up for a copy to pick up or to receive one by mail, click the button below!
January 28: Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Join our friends at the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic on January 28 at 5:30 pm for an introductory presentation on the important work they do!

The Clinic believes everyone should have access to justice regardless of their income. They are a faith-based organization that seeks to show God's heart for justice for all, regardless of background or religion, by offering free legal services to those who cannot afford them. The Clinic's goal is to free their clients from the legal burdens that have kept them from flourishing. The Clinic has offices in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, but they also provide services statewide.

Click the button below to join via Zoom! The passcode for this meeting is justice.
January 31: Film & Faith Over 40
Sunday, January 31, at 2:30 pm, if you are 40 years of age or older, you are invited to join Rev. Ruth for a discussion of the newly released film Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. Based on the play by award winning playwright, the late August Wilson, the true story of 1920’s blues singer, Ma Rainey, is told with raw intensity. Viola Davis portrays the title character in an Oscar worthy performance. The late Chadwick Boseman excels in his role as Levee, a member of Ma’s band, in his last film before his premature death from colon cancer.

The movie is available on Netflix. Watch the movie at your convenience and then join us for discussion via Zoom.

You must sign up by Saturday noon, January 30, by emailing rep@plymouthfw.org in order to receive the Zoom link directly from Rev. Ruth for the January 31 discussion.
General Announcements
A Note from the Office
In order for the office to better serve you, please submit a separate check for each donation made whether it be for pledges, special offerings or any other donation. Checks should be made payable to Plymouth Church. Thank you!
Visiting Plymouth
If you have a need to visit the office, we’d love to see you. Remember to schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. No one is at the front desk, so please arrive on time so a staff member is available to greet you and unlock the door. Please wait at the Berry Street entrance and be prepared to sanitize, sign-in, and wear a mask. Please contact Tina Puitz at tmp@plymouthfw.org to make an appointment. Thank you.