Fall/Winter 2023 Worship Service Schedule

Sunday Mornings | 8 am  9:40 am


Sunday, December 24, 2023 | Fourth Sunday of Advent & Christmas Eve

10:30 am | 2 pm | 4:30 pm | 8 pm

Dec. 24 Worship Service Bulletin

PoP Highlights


Be a GREETER at PoP!

Thank you to everyone who has helped in our Greeter Ministry at any point in time — it is very much appreciated!

Sign-up opportunities for GREETING THROUGH END OF FEBRUARY are available online.

We are especially in need of greeters during the 2 PM Christmas Eve service!

Serving God by being a Prince of Peace GREETER is a fun way to meet new folks and connect with others in our congregation.

Please check out the online form to read a brief description of greeter responsibilities and choose some Sunday mornings to greet at PoP! Thank You!

Prince of Peace Food Drive

Reverse Advent Calendar Project Wraps up THIS Sunday!

New this year during Advent, we've launched a "Reverse Advent Calendar Project" to support the Prince of Peace Food Drive Ministry. The foods collected from this project will go towards the February 2024 PoP Food Drive.

Traditionally, each day in Advent, a small gift is received; this year, we asked you to consider making a gift instead.

Daily through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, we've asked you to deposit a nonperishable food item into a grocery bag or box in your home. Donations can be dropped off December 25, 2023 - January 7, 2024 at Prince of Peace during church office hours (9 AM - 3 PM, M-Th) or at church worship services.

For more information and a list of food items, please check out this document.

Thank you for your support of the PoP Food Drive Ministry, and we hope you had fun with the PoP REVERSE Advent Calendar Project!


Worship this Sunday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve

As you plan your upcoming holiday weekend, please join us for one of the FOUR worship services that Prince of Peace is offering on Christmas Eve THIS Sunday, Dec. 24: 10:30 am, 2 pm, 4:30 pm & 8 pm. Services will be held both in-person and online (popappleton.org).

In addition, our worship services on New Year's Eve NEXT Sunday, Dec. 31 are at the usual times of 8:00 am & 9:40 am.

Dec. 24 Worship Service Bulletin

Option for our Little Ones During Christmas Eve Worship

The PrayerDeck in the back of the sanctuary will be removed this weekend to make room for additional seating. Please find an expanded PrayerGround in the Narthex if your little ones need a break during any of the services. Please be aware that there is NO coverage in the Nursery for any of the worship services this Sunday.


On Behalf of the Staff of Prince of Peace, We Wish You a Very Merry & Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Back Row: Colleen Sargent-Day, Colleen Perrine, Erin Larson, Sondra Joten, Cindy Romnek

Front Row: Debbie Burgess, Pastor Jennifer Denetz, Pastor Roger McQuistion, Barbara Ekern

Not pictured: Peter Juhl, Andy Palmbach, Tom Richmond

Holiday Church Office Hours

Please be aware of our adjusted office hours during the holidays:

  • Monday, December 25 – closed
  • Tuesday, December 26 – closed
  • Wednesday, December 27 – 9:00 am – Noon
  • Thursday, December 28 – 9:00 am – Noon
  • Friday, December 29 – closed
  • Monday, January 1, 2024 – closed

If you have an emergency, you may reach Pastor Roger directly on his cell phone, which is listed in the Membership Directory.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Prince of Peace!


Now Hiring: Room Setup Coordinator

We are looking for someone to do room setups in the Congregational Life Room and Fellowship Hall. This position is paid with flexible hours, and the work occurs on an as needed basis, according to the needs posted on our church calendar. The position would require the candidate to be able to lift and move tables and chairs and work independently. Let either Pastor Roger or Pastor Jennifer know of your interest.

2024 Prince of Peace Delegates Needed!

The PoP Personnel Committee is currently seeking congregation members to represent Prince of Peace at the following events in 2024:

  • Appleton Conference
  • Saturday, February 3, 2024
  • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Appleton
  • Crossways Camping Annual Meeting
  • Saturday, March 16, 2024
  • St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Neenah
  • Linwood Community, a Ministry of Fox Valley Lutheran Homes Annual Meeting
  • Saturday, April 20, 2024
  • Linwood Commons, Appleton
  • Synod Assembly
  • Friday, May 17, and Saturday, May 18, 2024
  • Oshkosh Convention Center, Oshkosh

Delegate nominations will be approved at the Prince of Peace Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 28. If you are interested in serving as a delegate at one or more of these 2024 events or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Roger, Pastor Jennifer, or Nan Bunnow or at 920-841-2393. Thank you for your consideration!


PoP Game Day Event

Sunday, Jan. 14 | 1-3:30 pm

On Sunday, January 14, from 1-3:30 pm, Prince of Peace is having a Board Games Day Event! Bring yourself and a friend, some snacks if you wish, and an eagerness to have fun!

Games for all ages will be provided by PoP member, Ashley Bubolz, who will be hosting this event for the congregation ages 6 and up in the Narthex.

We hope to see you there for an afternoon of fun and fellowship!

Last Sunday/Week in Review

Photo 1: As was announced a few weeks ago, Cindy Romnek has resigned her position as Office Administrator at Prince of Peace. Last Sunday, Dec. 17, the Personnel Ministry hosted a reception between services, as well as a formal recognition during services, to honor Cindy, as well as recently retired Ruth Nelson, former PoP Financial Administrator, and to show our appreciation for all of their many wonderful contributions during their time as Prince of Peace staff members. Thank you for helping to celebrate these two women and to wish them all the best in their new adventures. We are excited for Cindy and Ruth, rejoice in the many gifts they’ve developed and shared with us, and wish them both God's many blessings as they embark on the next chapter of their journey.

Photo 2: The Prince of Peace Pageturners Book Club enjoyed pizza and a lively discussion of A Redbird Christmas, by Fannie Flagg, at their Christmas gathering last week. Back Row: Kathy Buffington, Karen Peckham, Leah Johnson, Cindy Robarge, Linda Miller, Sharyn March and Pam Christianson. Front Row: Pat Henningsen, Marilyn Helmeid, and Janet Hemmen.

Photo 3: The PoP Adopt-a-School initiative with Horizons Elementary School has been busy the apast few weeks. On Friday, Dec. 8, PoP members helped the Horizons Service Club make 3 no-sew quilts to donate, and Service Club students rang bells for the Salvation Army at Pick ‘n Save on Tuesday, Dec. 12.

PoP 2023 Faith Formation Christmas Program: The Global Connection Recap

Well, the PoP 2023 Faith Formation Christmas Program is in the books! The performance of The Global Connection by our Faith Formation students was a delight for Colleen and Barbara to prepare and for all of us to watch on Sunday, December 10.

Everyone looked fabulous in their charming Christmas attire and did such a wonderful job with staying in character, smiling, saying their lines clearly and singing their hearts out. Our students and adult readers shared how Christians in different cultures celebrate Christmas and that the ties around the world that bind us all is Jesus! Congratulations to all our students—Colleen, Barbara and all of us are so proud!!

THANK YOU, families, for all your support of the PoP Faith Formation program and this year's Christmas Program! Thank you, also, for sharing your children with us every Sunday morning. We are so proud of your kiddos for all their hard work in practicing and preparing for the Christmas Program, and for all their participation in Faith Formation at PoP. We truly delight in their energy, kindness and love every week.

Also, THANK YOU to our Faith Formation teachers, helpers and EVERYONE who has had a hand in this year’s Christmas Program! It truly takes a village to make this happen, and we want to especially thank our VILLAGE FOLKS: Rebecca Egan, Adam Guthu, Keali Lison, Bobbi Jo Propson, and Anna & Bryan Reinhold. Your time, effort, creativity and enthusiasm are cherished, and we appreciate YOU!

And finally, a HUGE THANK YOU to our ringleader, musician extraordinaire, and script creator, Miss Colleen! We are so blessed to have you and appreciate all the creativity, passion and love you pour into your ministry at Prince of Peace. Bravo!

Please enjoy some photos from the joyous morning, as well as the video of the Christmas Program.



Faith Formation classes will resume on Sunday, Jan 7, 2024.

From everyone at Prince of Peace, we wish you all a very joy-filled & Merry Christmas and a safe & Happy New Year!

Mission Jamaica 2024 Fundraiser Update & Thank You!

Our Mission Jamaica 2024 team would like to thank all Prince of Peace members for your generous gifts of money, time, items to fill 4 suitcases, and the making of beautiful potholders for the WestHaven staff. We were able to send a check to Jeff Peterson, our Mission Jamaica coordinator, in the amount of $1,376.60. That means 196 chickens, of which the Faith Formation children contributed 35. Thank you! Thank you!

The team is still asking for more homemade potholders for the WestHaven staff. Please drop any you have in the Church Library by January 4. Many thanks!

WELCA Christmas Potluck Recap

The annual Prince of Peace Women of the ELCA Christmas Potluck was held on Saturday, Dec. 9 in the Fellowship Hall. Approximately 20 women attended this year’s event, which started with a potluck meal and socializing with old friends and new. Following the meal, PoP member and physical therapist, Stephanie Allaire, shared tips on fall prevention. This was followed by an Advent devotion led by Nancy Nagan. Sondra Joten provided the group with musical accompaniment during the devotion. In kind gifts were collected for Harbor House, and an offering was collected for Lutheran Disaster Relief.

Thank you to everyone who helped with setup and cleanup, who prepared the food, and who came to gather for the event. Please check out some photos from a wonderful time that was had.



PoP 2024 Congregational Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the PoP 2024 Congregational Annual Meeting on Sunday, Jan. 28. Time TBD. Stay tuned for more details!

PoP Building an Inclusive Church (BIC) Update

Educational Sessions Offered in January & February 2024

Prince of Peace has been on a discernment journey of becoming an intentionally more welcoming congregation, particularly in regard to the LGBTQIA+ community, for about a year and a half. After some online training offered by ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation (an independent 501(c)3 organization), a team of PoP members formed in May of 2022, calling themselves the PoP Building an Inclusive Church (BIC) team, and began discussing and planning how to move forward with the process.

Much has occurred since then, including frequent PoP BIC meetings, one-on-one conversations and small group discussions between PoP BIC team members and congregation members, providing progress reports to Church Council, presenting to the congregation during the Spring Annual Congregational Meeting on May 21, 2023, and more team meetings over the summer and fall of this year to discuss how to move forward in providing educational opportunities to the congregation.


And this is where the PoP BIC Team is today: ready to take the next step of providing educational opportunities to the congregation.

On the first Sunday of the new year, January 7, 2024, the PoP BIC Team will begin offering educational sessions to the congregation. There will be two sets of three sessions offered in the Congregational Life Room (CLR) following the second service, from 11 am - 12 pm. Each session will be facilitated by either Pastor Roger or Pastor Jennifer. Refreshments will be provided.


The first set of educational sessions will take place on Sundays, January 7, 14 and 21.


The second set of educational sessions will take place on Sundays, February 4, 11, and 18. These sessions will be a repeat of the January sessions for those that are not able to attend all 3 dates in January.


In each set, each session is different and builds upon the previous, so we ask that you please try to attend all three if you can. The January sessions will be similar in formatting to those in February, but the sharing and discussions may vary depending upon attendance of PoP BIC Team members.


At these sessions, there will be sharing by the PoP BIC team members, viewing of videos, and a time for questions and discussion.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either Pastor Jennifer or Pastor Roger, or any of the PoP BIC Team members: Margie Bricco, Don Carpenter, Cindy Czarnik-Neimeyer, Erin Larson, Beth McQuistion, and Nancy Scheuerman.


We hope you will join us to learn more about how Prince of Peace can become an intentionally more welcoming congregation to ALL of God’s children.

Please feel free to read the most recent detailed report provided to Council for more background info on the initiative.


December 2023

Christmas Eve Worship Services Sunday, 12/24

10:30 am ∙ 2 pm ∙ 4:30 pm ∙ 8 pm


Office Closed Monday, 12/25 & Tuesday, 12/26

New Year's Eve Worship Services Sunday, 12/31 | 8 am ∙ 9:40 am


January 2024

Office Closed Monday, 1/1

2024 Annual Congregational MeetingSunday, 1/28

February 2024

The Family Radio Network’s Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive Sunday, 2/11 - Sunday, 3/3

Ash Wednesday – Wednesday, 2/14


Upcoming Youth Ministries Special Dates & Events

  • Sunday, Dec. 24: NO FAITH FORMATION - Merry Christmas!

  • Sunday, Dec. 31: NO FAITH FORMATION - Happy New Year!

  • Wednesday, Jan. 3: Confirmation Classes resume

  • Sunday, Jan. 7: Faith Formation resumes

  • Sundays, Feb. 18, 25, Mar. 3, 10, 17: Sundays in Lent Confirmation Service Projects | 9-11 am | CLR

  • Sundays, March 3, 10, 17: First Communion Classes | 9:30 - 10:15 am | Gathering Room

  • Sunday, April 7: First Communion Sunday

  • Wednesday, April 17: LAST DAY OF CONFIRMATION!

  • Sunday, April 28: CONFIRMATION SUNDAY!

  • Sunday, June 16 - Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (dates tentative): Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Prince of Peace | Theme: "Under the Sea" | Times & Details to Come!

  • Tuesday, July 16 - Saturday, July 20, 2024: 2024 ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans

Library Corner

Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your Soul, by Jennifer Tucker, explores the ancient practice of breath prayer—Scripture-centered prayers paired with intentional breathing to help focus your mind on God’s promises while physically calming your body. Anxiety does not have to be an obstacle to your faith. The author explains the proven health benefits of breath work, how to do it, and shares examples of prayers to go with the breathing arranged by topic. Each prayer is accompanied by a brief devotion and the author’s beautiful illustrations.


Mission Endowment Outreach Fund (MEOF)

Grant Application Deadline: Thursday, Feb. 1

The Mission Endowment Outreach Fund (MEOF) is a means by which special financial gifts of members, friends of the congregation, organizations and corporations can be received and distributed to enhance the program and ministries of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church – both within and outside its walls. Applications are welcomed for any of the following causes:

  • Ministry opportunities within our congregation
  • Community outreach efforts
  • ELCA synod agencies and institutions
  • ELCA ministry opportunities nationally and internationally

The next application deadline is Thursday, February 1, 2024. Please find the application on the church’s website or in the narthex. Submit the application to the office by Feb. 1, 2024. Grants will be finalized and distributed the second half of February 2024. Any questions? Feel free to contact Pam Gruner.

Now Hiring: Office Administrator

With the upcoming retirement of Cindy, Prince of Peace is looking for an Office Administrator to fill the position that will become vacant at the end of December.

Job Title: Office Administrator

Job Type: 30 hours/week

General Description of the Purpose of this Position:

The Office Administrator is a part-time, 30 hours per week position responsible for Prince of Peace’s master church calendar, the management of the church office functions and all essential records maintenance, communication correspondence and database management. This position is an integral part of all ministries. Most importantly, this person will often be the first point of contact and reference for visitors and members. As such, an attitude of welcoming hospitality and good communication skills are essential. This person must strive to embody our mission of “A Family of Christians, Growing in Faith and Reaching Out in Love.”

Please read the full job description for more info. Please also share with any qualified family member, friend and anyone who you think may be interested in the position, and prayerfully consider joining our team! Keep the entire job search process in your prayers, as well.

If interested in applying, contact either of the pastors ([email protected], [email protected]) if you would like more info, or send your résumé, cover letter and a list of references (2 professional, 1 personal) to [email protected]

Thank you!

I Love to Tell the Story

We concluded our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, I Love to Tell the Story, for our Annual Commitment Appeal, on Sunday October 29. Thank you to everyone who has turned in their 2024 Intent Cards to help us plan the budget for the upcoming year.

If you haven't yet done so, please plan to fill out and bring your Intent Card and Electronic Giving Authorization Form to Worship this Sunday. You may also turn them in any time during church office hours or fill out and submit the online Intent Card form.

Thank you, as you consider how you have experienced the love of Jesus, both in your life and through the ministry of Prince of Peace, and through this love, how you are called to give of your time, talents and treasures to Prince of Peace in the coming year.

Lots of exciting things happening now and on the horizon at Prince of Peace and in the community! Please also check out the archive of Weekly Announcements on the PoP website!


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Office Hours

9:00 am - 3:00 pm | Monday - Thursday

Visit our website: popappleton.org

Fall/Winter 2023 Worship Service Hours

Sundays | 8 am 9:40 am

Prince of Peace is ...
... a Family of Christians, Growing in Faith and Reaching Out in Love
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