City Council News
Council accepts Operation Stonegarden grant for SVPD

The Sierra Vista City Council approved the acceptance of an Operation Stonegarden grant totaling nearly $100,000 to support the Sierra Vista Police Department’s efforts to support federal agencies with border security.
Provided by the Arizona Department of Homeland Security, the grant covers $83,913 for overtime and full employee related expenses and $12,460 for mileage. State and local agencies participating in Operation Stonegarden enforce state law and coordinate enforcement efforts with federal partners to provide overlapping layers of public safety for the communities they serve.
Operation Stonegarden deployments enhance SVPD’s proactive enforcement of state drug trafficking and traffic laws in Sierra Vista and the immediate surrounding areas. These funds are also being used to support SVPD’s participation in Operation Safe Streets.
In other business:
·        The City Council accepted a warranty deed needed for public-right-of-way along the eastern side of Judd Street, adjacent to Los Arcos Estates. The City is in the process of preparing a grant request for improvements that support safe pedestrian access to transit stops in the area. The proposal includes constructing curb, gutter, and a shared use path along the eastern side of Judd Street, between Timothy Lane and Busby Drive. Los Arcos agreed to donate about 0.81 acres of property needed for the right-of-way improvements.
·        The City Council adopted a resolution restating the City’s commitment to fair housing in Sierra Vista. Mayor Rick Mueller also issued a proclamation declaring the month of April as Fair Housing Month.
·        Mayor Mueller issued a proclamation declaring the month of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
·        Mayor Mueller issued a proclamation declaring April 12, 2022, as Education and Sharing Day.
·        The City Council recognized the 2021 Sierra Vista Fire & Medical Service Award winners.
·        The City Council recognized the 2022 Water Wise Youth Poster Contest winners.
More information from Thursday’s City Council meeting is available in the supporting documents for the Thursday, April 14, City Council meeting. They can be accessed via the “City Council” folder on the City’s document server
City Council meetings can be streamed live and past meetings can be viewed on YouTube. The meetings are also aired on Cox Channel 12. Learn more or in the “Council HQ” page at