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Psychedelics and the

Dynamicsof Transformation:

A Jungian View

Saturday, April 6, 2024

9:30 am – 12:30 pm EST

In person at First Community AND on Zoom

During the 1960s and 1970s, Timothy Leary was arrested 36 times.  As a clinical psychologist at Harvard University, he founded the Harvard Psilocybin Project which he led from 1960 to 1962, testing the therapeutic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD and psilocybin which, at the time, were legal in the United States. In 1968, both were declared a Schedule 1 controlled substance (no medical value) as Congress felt they were a “cultural threat to American values and the Vietnam war effort.” In 2019, Denver decriminalized psilocybin. In 2020, Oregon became the first state to both decriminalize psilocybin and legalize it for therapeutic use. Colorado followed in 2022. Ketamine was first approved for use in the United States in 1970. It became a Schedule III non-narcotic substance under the Controlled Substance Act in 1999. Medical marijuana is now fully legal in 37 states (but still illegal under federal law as a Schedule I drug).

Join us on April 6, to listen to Dr. Jim Fidelibus, a member of our JACO community, as well as Dylan Rivard, a counselor in Colorado who uses psychedelics in his practice, to explore how this evolution impacts us today

What happens when psychedelics are used in treatment? What are the stages of a psychedelic journey? Would Jung believe psychedelics to be of value or would he continue to challenge the value of a spiritual experience with a pill? How do/can they impact the individuation process? Can they truly help to open the door to a numinous experience? What is some of the current research and leading theories of psychedelic therapy? What happens when one compares and contrasts emerging psychological models with traditionally held indigenous viewpoints? What role do the issues of culture and oppression play in the emerging psychedelic landscape?

CEUs will be available. The cost is $45 for members / $55 for non-members.

Register Here for the Psychedelics Program

The Unconscious Takes Note: Jungian Influence on the Poetry of

Paula J. Lambert

Saturday, June 15, 2024, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST followed by a reception.

In person at First Community and on Zoom.  

We are delighted to announce that Paula J. Lambert, an award-winning Ohio poet whose work has long been influenced by the work of C.G. Jung and her own intense dream work, will be our speaker in June. Ms. Lambert has authored five chapbooks, including Uncertainty (The Only Hope We Have) (Bottlecap Press 2023) and four poetry collections.  Her newest collection of poetry, As If This Did Not Happen Every Day (Sheila-Na-Gig Editions 2024), will be the focus of her presentation. This collection moves forward from the mostly bird-oriented poems she has been working on for years, focusing now on creatures such as fish, whales, turtles, and snakes. In her presentation she will draw upon Jung materials as well as read from her own work. Ms. Lambert’s work reflects her belief that salvation, if it is to be had, is not in mimicking the patriarchal. Rather, grace lies within the larger, divine concept of a collective feminine intending to bring the world back to its natural balance.

Though this is a free program we deeply appreciate donations. A suggested gift amount is $15. Thank you so much for your support.

My Donation
Request for Poetry Program Zoom Link


The JACO Book Club is continuing its study of Part 1 of Jung’s Man & His Symbols. 

The next meeting is March 10, 2024 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST 

We will continue our discussion of the Section entitled “The Archetype in Dream Symbolism.” 

If you are not already signed up, we would love to have you join us.

Zoom Link for Book Club

Available Dream Groups

We hope that everyone who is interested in dream groups has found others with a similar interest. But, if you have not and are still looking, we have three individuals who are interested in leading and/or participating in a dream group.

Beth Brown - Beth lives on the north side of Columbus and is willing and interested in hosting a dream group at her home.

Contact Beth at [email protected].

Camela Furry - Camela lives in Dayton and is interested in starting a group that meets in person or online. She is in her second year of a Dream Work Certification program.

Contact Camela at [email protected].

Amy Kisei - Amy lives in Columbus and currently hosts an online drop-in dream group once a month on Sundays from 8 – 9:30 p.m. Her approach is focused more on embodied imagination and less on interpretation.

Contact Amy at [email protected].

Mary Marx - Why I serve

At last … depth psychology is relevant in today’s world…we are all asked to see the social, political, economic realities that face us in our daily life and certainly in society, societal affairs. We’re asked to look at those with a perceptive eye—with an eye toward what lives behind, what motivates our actions and our behaviors. 

So, depth psychology really is a way of seeing, a mode of being… A way of seeing into that which lives underneath the institutions, the structures, and the behaviors from which we’re all a part of and from which we all grow out of. What is Depth Psychology? Click here.

Special Edition Coming Soon: A 35th Tribute to One of JACO's Founders and Creator of the JACO Art Gallery - Claire Hagan-Bauza!

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Jung Association of Central Ohio

1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43212

 [email protected]

