A newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
June 8, 2020

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Check out the highlights from our graduation ceremony on Friday. For all the videos, click the button below:
Senior Spotlight: Sam Dupray
An Article by Staff Member Andy Stone
Sam is definitely a person who is motivated to go places! He has a clear career path and has shown excellent focus during his time here at Sanborn. He is quiet and polite, making a positive impact in the classroom without drawing attention to himself. During Sam’s senior year he interned with Jason Kamps Builders and learned about demolition, preparing the area for framing, as well as framing, finish work and doing siding. Mrs. Alley-Violette, the Career Pathways Coordinator, describes Sam as a “goal driven young man who spent most of his senior year expanding his knowledge in the world of carpentry.” His internship has created a path for Sam to continue his career pathway goals and continue a career in construction with the goal to become a licensed carpenter. Mrs. Belcher had the pleasure of working with Sam in Wellness I and II and had this to say about him, “Sam was always a pleasure to have in class. He was a hard worker and was always smiling.” Lastly, Mrs. Arena, Sam’s guidance counselor adds, “It has been a pleasure getting to know Sam over the past two years. He is a quiet, kind young man who's empathetic nature will take him far. Sam, good luck with everything!" Sam is definitely ready to take on the world! Best of luck Sam!
Senior Spotlight: Mack Hanisco
An Article by Staff Member Andy Stone
I had the pleasure of getting to know Mack as a sophomore and he has continued to say “hi” in the hallways and keep me updated with his schooling, sports, and musical ventures. Mack’s happy-go-lucky and engaging nature are contagious! Mack is an amazing golfer and has been a part of the Sanborn Golf Team, performing quite well and standing out as a role model for younger golfers on the team. Mrs. McCarthy, Mack’s guidance counselor, has this to say about him, “Mack has this great calming personality and it seems that he is relaxed about everything. But if you are talking to him and want to see him smile, talk about golf or music. He can be found playing on a golf course, working on a golf course, or at a computer with musical instruments working on his creations. It's here that he is really comfortable, practicing his swing or creating music. While his plans are fluid after graduation, his talents are impressive and I know they will take him far in life.” Mr. Adams, the golf coach and tech teacher also knows Mack quite well and has so many positive things to say about him. “Mack was this quiet freshman who came out for the golf team, who ended up playing all four years at Sanborn Regional.  He was a great asset to the team’s four year run and coming in second place for the states (but we would have won it if it wasn't for it being canceled).  I have seen Mack grow from the quiet freshman to a talkative, polite young man.  On the golf course Mack had a swing that other coaches loved to watch, every match I would have a coach say that he had a great smooth swing.  I will miss Mack and the other golf gang members and wish them all the luck.  Please keep playing golf Mack, you have a great swing and touch for the game.” So many people have positive things to say about Mack that I could write about him all day! Mr. Cass added, “Mack is one cool kid. Though he may seem quiet and reserved, when you let him loose on a laptop and some music editing software he makes some amazing EDM. Good stuff -- I hope we hear more from this guy in the future!” It’s been a pleasure getting to know you Mack! Best of luck keep being the great person we all know you to be!!!
Senior Spotlight: Bridgette Bolduc
An Article by Staff Member Andy Stone
We all know Bridgette to be sassy and likeable! Mrs. Healey describes Bridgette as a “young lady who will surely find success in whatever she chooses to do after high school. I will miss her and her sister always strolling in after the bell with their coffees and letting everyone know what's on their mind whether we asked or not. She has a wonderful sense of humor and I will miss her smiling face.” Bridgette’s positivity and gregarious nature make her someone who is unforgettable and a real pleasure to get to know. Mrs. Alenskis had this to say, “ I have known Bridgette for 3 years. She has made so much progress during her high school career. She has gained self confidence not only in her academics, but also as an individual. Bridgette is a hard worker, very determined, easy to talk to, and fun to interact with! I wish her the best of luck as she begins this next chapter of her life!” Mrs. Babcock also had more great things to say about Bridgette! “Bridgette is a student I look forward to interacting with every day! I love her sass and her "get out of my way" attitude. She has demonstrated the ability to set aside all that she has going on (work, driving, family, and friend time) and get to work on what she needs to do to graduate. She takes the time to talk with her teachers whenever they stop her in the halls and she is fiercely loyal to her family and close friends. Bridgette has expressed interest in becoming a landscaper some day. Given her tenacity and negotiation skills I believe she can take on any task. I'm going to miss our daily banter. Best wishes for a bright future and please come back to visit us Bridgette!” Bridgette wants to become a manager and own her own store - she certainly has the right attitude and personality to do that! I know for sure that you will be successful Bridgette, and you must keep us all in the loop as you soar out in the world!!!! Thanks so much for brightening so many of our days.
Senior Spotlight: Abbigayle Bowden
An Article by Staff Member Jules Ryan
Abbigayle Bowden is thoughtful, quietly silly, and extremely empathetic. Abbi is a listener. She pays attention to what is going on around her and engages when she is ready for her voice to be heard. This makes the wise things that she has to say all the more powerful because you can tell that she chooses her words carefully and crafts the message that she wants to share.

This can be seen in Abbi’s writing. From the time Abbi was a Freshman way back when, she has consistently impressed me and her other teachers with her ability to turn a phrase in a way that is well beyond her years. Her knack for observation translates to the written word in a beautiful way. English was not the only course Abbi excelled in over her time at Sanborn. She is also a dedicated student in the realm of math and sciences. In fact, Abbi will be pursuing a degree that encompasses both sides of her academic skills.

At Unity College, Abbi will have the opportunity to blend these academic strengths while also working with animals. If you have ever had a conversation with Abbi, you know that she is very passionate about animals and appropriate care for all creatures. I am so excited to see how this passion will pair with the education she will receive at Unity, which is known for being “America’s Environmental College.”

Science teacher (and fellow animal lover) Ms. Grella says, “Abbi was one of the most dedicated and hard-working students I have ever had. She puts 110% into everything she does, no matter how small the assignment is. I was lucky enough to have her two years in a row for science and she will be very missed!”

Ms. Harbel, who knew Abbi as a Freshman but taught her again her senior year, says, “Abbi may be quiet and soft-spoken, but under that is a fierce heart that wants to do what is right and protect those who can’t use their own voice. I saw this come out in our many discussions in Holocaust Studies, where Abbi showed insight, empathy, and compassion towards the struggles of others. I saw this when she saw injustice online or in our school and sought out adults who could help. I know that wherever she goes, she will always look out for those she loves and those who struggle and will make a difference in our world.”

Abbigayle, I am so proud of how far you have come since the start of your freshman year. High school isn’t always easy, but you found your way through and are now moving on to a program where I know you will flourish. If you have the chance to speak with Abbi, wish her good luck as she moves on to this next chapter--her Sanborn family will certainly miss her.
Senior Spotlight: Andrew Pelosi
An Article by Staff Member Eva Lang
If you ever wanted to know what a well-rounded student looks like, all you have to do is look at Andrew Pelosi. I had the pleasure of first meeting Andrew when I became his Wellness teacher in his freshman year. Andrew’s demeanor is a very quiet but most respectful student that I have had the pleasure of working with!

Andrew is a dedicated, strong, and competitive student/athlete, who has a no-nonsense working attitude that has carried him through his high school career. As a hockey player, he doesn't shy away from the difficult conversations that are necessary in a leadership position, and he always leads by example with his quiet diligence and commitment to excellence!

Andrew will graduate as a NH Scholar and with a 32 Credit College and Career Diploma with Distinction and completed his second year at Seacoast School of Technology in their Digital Media Arts program.

Aaron Cass, an English teacher, had nothing but wonderful words to say! “Andrew Pelosi is one of the most well-mannered kids I've ever taught. He is kind and sincere, and for the two years, I've taught him he has thanked me each day at the end of class. It's like a dream come true for a teacher -- thanks, Andrew!

I wish the best of luck to you, Andrew, in your future endeavors, I am sure you will be successful in whatever you choose to do! Congratulations to you and the Class of 2020!
Senior Spotlight: Mitchell Nickola
An Article by Staff Member Eva Lang
As a teacher, I have been very fortunate to have worked with Mitchell as a student. Mitchell is the kind of student that every teacher wants to have in their classroom. Mitchell is a hard worker and dedicated student who has impressed many teachers and peers by his ability to take a setback, learn from it, and then excel. He is the kind of person who maintains a positive attitude even in the face of struggle.

Mitchell is completing his second year at Seacoast School of Technology in their Computer Science program, he will graduate as a NH Scholar and with a 32 Credit College and Career Diploma with Distinction. In the fall Mitchell will be attending Great Bay Community College.

Mitchell has also been an active member of the school band over the past four years. Matt Bradd says, “Mitchell is one of my band kids. He plays trombone and has come a tremendous way in the last couple of years. He will be sorely missed in the band program!” This says a lot to Mitchelle’s interests and dedication to the school’s band.

Mitchell, I wish you all the best and know that whatever path you choose, you will do well and those who meet you along the way will be grateful to have met you! Congratulations to you and the Class of 2020!
Senior Spotlight: Deven Bonanno
An Article by Staff Member Becca Garone
When I think of Devin, I immediately think of his kind smile. He has a quiet, gentle way about him, never wanting to be the center of attention, but also not a stranger to a little harmless mischief.

I first met Devin his junior year when he was in 2 of my art classes,

Art 1 and Ceramics. I loved watching his confidence grow throughout the year in Art 1 and was thrilled to see him continue with Art 2 ... he will admittedly tell you with a laugh that ceramics is “not his thing” but was always there with a smile and willing to help, even when he didn’t want to touch clay.

In the art room, you would find Devin in his special seat near the window. He would sit there patiently, quietly working (or daydreaming) Seeing his drawing and painting skills improve over the last 2 years has been something any art teacher would be proud of and I hope he continues to make art a part of his life!!

I will miss his smiling face in the hallway and seeing him hard at work near the windows.

Art teacher Jillian Swist added this: Deven is one of those people you can’t help but smile when you talk with him. I had the pleasure of working with Deven in Art Two this year, and his genuine questions and curious nature always made my day. Deven has a great sense of humor and he always ready to laugh. I’ve enjoyed getting to know Deven and his gentle soul and comedic personality. To top it all off, Deven is just a likable guy. I wish you the absolute best, Deven!

Congratulations Devin!! I am so happy for you and know you will do great things!
Personal Item Pick Up Plans For Students in Grades 9-11
Personal Item Pick Up:

This is a two part process.

ONE: On June 8, between 8:30AM-2PM, students in grades 9-11 will be invited to come to the campus to pick up personal belongings that they do not wish to leave in the building until we reopen. We are asking students to let non-essential items stay in their lockers, which will remain untouched and secure. Students are required to complete THIS SURVEY by 6/3/2020 to notify school administrators of any belongings they would like to have retrieved from the building.

TWO: Students will SIGN UP for a 20 minute appointment slot to limit the number of cars on the campus to twenty at any one time. All will be required to stay in their cars at all times and a staff member will come out to assist. As long as students complete the survey above, items will be pulled ahead of time by a staff member to make the pick-up process run smoothly.

Textbook and Chromebook Drop Off:

Students are being asked to hold on to their Chromebooks, textbooks, and any other school equipment that is normally returned at the end of the year until the school reopens. Students who are not planning to return to Sanborn next year can make arrangements to drop these items off with Principal Brian Stack by emailing him at
Tentative Summer Prom Date
Food Distribution for Families in Need for the Summer in the Summer Months
Dear Families,

As the year is winding down, we would like to give you some information about lunch deliveries for the last few weeks of school. Memorial Day is on Monday, May 25th. We will not be delivering lunches on this day or on Tuesday. However, you will have received a breakfast and a lunch for each of your children with the previous Friday's delivery. We will be delivering on Wednesday, May 27th and Friday May 29th.

The last day of school is June 2nd which is a Tuesday. The last day for lunch deliveries will be Friday June 5th. Beginning on Monday June 8th families may come to the Sanborn Regional High School on MWF to pick up lunches for your children between 10 and 11. Staff will be in the front of the school waiting to put bagged lunches into your car. Lunch pickup will continue in this manner until Monday June 29th. In order to ensure that we have enough lunches everyday for pickup, we will be creating a survey which you will find on your child’s school website for families to indicate their interest in picking up food. Food will be available on a first come, first served basis; thus it is important for you to complete the survey so that we may prepare enough lunches on a daily basis.

The Sanborn Regional School District is exploring ways to continue to provide meals for pickup during the summer months. Once we have received approvals, we will let families know through the schools’ Facebook pages as well as the community pages and Mr. Ambrose’s Constant Contact Newsletters.

We recognize that despite the State of NH allowing businesses to reopen, not everyone will be back to work. If you and your family experience issues with job/income loss or food insecurity, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will help direct you to resources both in our district as well as in our community. Please reach out to me at
Sanborn District Releases Important Information Regarding Summer Programming and Prom
The Sanborn Regional School District has received guidance from the State that all District facilities are to remain closed for the summer to the public due to the COVID19 pandemic. As a result, the following plans will be put in place to address regularly-scheduled summer events.

Extended School Year Programming

Locating Extended School Year (ESY) programming in school buildings in Sanborn will not be an option this year. We are planning for the summer based upon currently known and anticipated health/safety recommendations, and therefore, have decided that ESY services will occur in a remote learning fashion. This applies to students with Extended School Year (ESY) services on their IEP. In addition, if your child has an IEP, you should have received a letter regarding Extended School Year services. Please refer to this letter for additional information. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your current Special Education Case Manager and/or Building Coordinator (LEA).

Summer Enrichment

All summer enrichment camps are cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause families who were counting on the camps running. If you have already submitted payment to the high school, the District will be issuing you a refund. You can expect to receive a check in 3-4 weeks in the mail. Please email Sally L’Antigua at with any refund questions.

Athletics and Recreation

Until further notice, all summer athletic / recreation programs are cancelled. Coaches are prohibited from personally participating in individual or group activities. This includes direct (on-site) supervision of student-athlete workouts from any distance, or coaching summer league teams at any location, whether they are permitted by local authorities or not. Coaches are encouraged to provide student-athletes with drills and skill work to be done independently. Coaches will actively discourage student-athletes from participating in any athletic activities with their non-family peers.

Sanborn Athletics leadership will actively monitor the advice from the NH Department of Education, various health-related agencies (such as the CDC) and the NH Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) for guidance on any changes to these guidelines. We hope to have a decision on outdoor activities starting on or around July 1 by the middle of June.


The Junior Prom, originally scheduled for May, will be held when social distancing restrictions lift. Right now the class has booked a tentative date with the venue (Castleton in Windham) of July 30, 2020. The class also has fall dates on hold, should they be needed.
Driver Education Information
The next Driver education course will begin June 14, 2020 and run until July 29, 2020. Classroom academics will be done remotely via zoom. Driving will start when the Governor lifts the restriction.

The prior May course and June course will run together. The student cannot be younger than 15 years and 9 months old on June 14, 2020. Sign-up online at:, Rick & Karen
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
SoRock is a community coalition designed to promote wellness and nurture resiliency for the children, youth and families of southern Rockingham County, with the goals of preventing substance misuse and reducing the stigma related to mental health issues.
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
PTO Clothing & Shoe Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing and shoes off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students.  NOTE: Shoes must go in a separate bin.

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District