A weekly newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
January 26, 2020

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Senior Spotlight: Tim Gibb
An Article by Staff Member Cristina Mercedes
Tim is a not just a great student, he is also an amazing person who gets along very well with his classmates, teachers and others people in the community.
I had the opportunity of having Tim in my Spanish class during his junior year. This year, I am his senior advisor. He is a very well behaved and polite student. He is a very hard working student with outstanding in class participation. Tim works well with his classmates. In class, he always made sure that his classmates were doing well. His patience, responsibility and leadership are some of his traits that really shined during group activities. He always makes sure to get his work in on time and to the best of his ability because, as he mentioned to me once, he wants to get ready for college where there are no reassessments.

Outside of school, Tim has used his leadership skills to make a difference in the life of others in the community. For his Eagle Scout service project, he built an access ramp in the entrance to his church, to make it easier for handicapped people to attend.

Through his four years at Sanborn Tim has won the respect and admiration of his teachers. Here are what some of them have to say about Tim:

Smart, intelligent, and good with technology, he did very well in my Photography Class. I was very impressed when he came by at the beginning of this school year to introduce his sister to us. I am glad I got to teach Tim his Sophomore year. - Ms. Vitolo.

I had time during his freshman year and he was the most diligent and responsible freshman student I have ever seen in my class. When I first met Tim I knew he was going to be a great student and do amazing things. I was not disappointed that year, Tim was great. - Mr. Adams.

Tim Gibb is a mathy-sciencey student, but much more. He has completed, and earned, his Eagle Scout, which is a huge deal! He is in his third honors or AP mathematics or science course with me, and has been a wonderful student at all times. He is looking at an engineering major for college, so all of this hard work now will pay off in his bright future. - Mr. Young.
There’s plenty more I could say about Tim, but to sum it all up Tim always strives to do his best in everything he does, not just as a student but also as a member of his community.

Congratulations on all your great accomplishments! Best of luck from all of us at Sanborn!
Senior Spotlight: Kacey Frost
An Article by Staff Member Marissa Vitolo
Kacey Frost. Yes, that Kacey. She is a force to be reckoned with. Fiercely loyal to her friends and smart. She is a leader and sticks to her goals. This kid is going places. 

I have known Kacey for three years now. I first met her when she took my Digital Art Class, unhappy that I wasn’t Mr. Moore, but not closed off to the fact that she may learn something and like it. She did fairly well.She even started to come by the class more often, saying “hi” and letting me know how she was doing. She brought me a coffee that last day of school and made me a bracelet from her handmade ceramic beads. I really appreciated that gesture. Despite not having her in one of my classes during her Junior year, Kacey still ate lunch in my room and kept me up to date with the goings on in her life. I even convinced her to take Ceramics Two her Senior Year. (Or, maybe she just declared it and that was that). Kacey is in my art class again this year. “You know I am just here to hang out with you,” she says. But, I know she enjoys working with clay. She tells it like it is and helps others get motivated. She makes us laugh and lends an ear when someone is having a bad day. Kacey just needs to learn how to use the pottery wheel.

Ms. Scott, our SoRock coordinator had this to add: “Kacey has been part of youth in action on and off as her schedule allows since her Junior year. She has helped Fremont out with the DEA RX Drug Take Back events and has also been one of our youth advisors to NH senators through her involvement with the group. Her passion when she gets onto a topic she is interested in is invigorating and informative and will likely serve her well!”

Mrs. Graham stated, “Kacey is a focused, driven person who works very hard on what's important. Her strong nature and curiosity for information has been a welcome presence in my classroom. Good luck with your future goals, Kacey!”

Mr. Helmke said, “I had Kacey in Forensics last year. I always appreciated that Kacey would tell it like it is and for her honesty about how she was feeling each day. I also can count on a friendly hello when I see her in the halls!”

Mrs. Black commented, “I had Kacey in Math 3 last year and again this year in Honors Statistics. Math might not be her favorite subject but she has a mathematical mind! She can miss multiple classes and then show up and quickly pick up on what we are working on. Kacey also has a great sense of humor. I'm going to miss having her stop in to say hi and tell me funny stories. Kacey is extremely determined and is going to go far in the Air Force and beyond! I wish her the best of luck.”

Ms. Richardson added, “Kacey took time to figure herself out her sophomore year. Social perspectives were her favorite topic in Biology. Not the science, the societal impact on science. It would make sense if she wants to study sociology or psychology as she leaves high school. She is always a bright star in the hallway and says hello and reaches out to students who look like they might not be having the best day.”
I have seen Kacey grow a lot these past three years. She has become very mature and has a clear vision for her future. This girl can change a tire in the snow and mow her lawn without breaking a sweat. I appreciate her work ethic and am very proud to know her. She has survived this high school journey, ready to travel the world, join the Air Force… and be a force of nature.  

Will she ever get on the pottery wheel? Stay tuned to find out. 
Senior Spotlight: Robby Poggi
An Article by Staff Member Dr. Timothy Young
I met Robby Poggi during his 11th grade year, when he took my Physics course. His locker is near my classroom, so I still see him almost daily during his senior year.

Robby is friendly and enthusiastic, with an inquisitive and positive character. In Physics class, he worked hard to ensure that he learned and understood the content, even when the course was difficult. He was the only 11th grader in this class, and he held his own. He has a natural mechanical inclination, so a math-based physics course allowed him to experience and develop the connection between mathematics and the world of physics. He is the type of student that teachers want in their classroom, boosting the learning and engagement of all students.

Physics, composed of rigorous science+mathematical content, will be excellent preparation for any college STEM major. Robby is interested in building "stuff," chemistry, and computer hardware. Robby is looking at UNH and SNHU and majoring in Mechanical Engineering... Woot!!

In addition to being a respected member of the SRHS student body, Robby has been involved in student groups, sports (soccer, winter track. spring track), and working. He is a well-rounded person, motivated to succeed, whom I believe will be successful in the busy college environment. Robby has an optimistic personality that shines through.

Here are some thoughts from other teachers.

From Mr Kelly:
Robby Poggi is a leader. On the soccer field, in my advisory and in the 2 classes I have worked with him. Robby leads by example, I can count on him to do the right thing. He's smart, energetic and disciplined. He has a great sense of humor. About my only complaint with Robby is that he listens to entirely too much Juice WRLD.

From Ms Petruzzi:
Robert Poggi is the creative problem solver who looks at things from all angles and never backs down from a challenge. In STEM, he is always willing to get involved with a new learning opportunity or to dive in to explore new technology. I really have appreciated his presence and perspective in my class.
Poetry Out Loud Competition Results
Congratulations to all of our 2020 Poetry Out Loud participants! Our winner is Emily Abney (12) and runner up/alternate is Treven Leek (11). 
SRHS Announces January/February Staff Members of the Month
Each month, Sanborn Regional High School recognizes staff members who go “above and beyond” the call of duty to support students. This month, we recognize the following individuals:

Jackie Fenderson: Mrs. Fenderson is an indispensable part of the library. She develops great relationships with students, and has an uncanny knack for suggesting books that students (and staff members) will like. She helped develop the Chromebook distribution/repair system, making sure that students always have access to loaners. Mrs. Fenderson runs the library's day-to-day operations with precision -- and she always makes time to interact with students. She has also helped create the middle school transition plan for next year, to make sure that high school students will still have complete access to the library's book collections, databases, and common space.

Erin Smith-Davis: Mrs. Smith-Davis is director of both the Middle and High School Choral Programs, teaches general music classes at SRMS, and is one of High School’s Drama Directors. She directs the fall theatre production, and is heavily involved in the spring musical. She brings in guest clinicians to work with her Choir students (including a professor from UNH who worked with the Choir just last month!) She has had HS students selected for the All State Music Festival for the past few years, and is encouraging more to audition each year. She also is involved in the Southeast District Music Festival and started Sanborn’s first chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society. She somehow seems to do it all, and is a fantastic teacher in our Music Department. Sanborn is so lucky to have her!

Congratulations to Mrs. Fenderson and Mrs. Smith-Davis for being recognized as Sanborn’s January/February 2020 Staff Members of the Month!
FREE SAT Prep for Sanborn Students
A Message From Mrs. Goudreau
SAT Test Dates:
March 14, 2020
May 2, 2020

SAT prep sessions for both math and verbal sections will be offered on January 17th at 9am, 10:30 am and 1pm in room 220.
Beginning January 21st to March 13th, each Tuesday and Friday from 2:15 to 3:30 pm in room 220.

Learn test-taking strategies
Review concepts
Practice using approaches to assist you in determining answers to questions accurately and efficiently
Decrease your level of test-taking anxiety by improving your level of confidence
Upcoming College Visits in the Cafeteria at Lunch
Sophomores to Visit SST
Sophomores who are interested in attending the Seacoast School of Technology in the fall of 2020 should plan on participating in the field trip on January 28th. Students will board a bus in the morning and visit SST. Students chose 2 programs to explore when SST came to visit in December. In order to participate, students need to turn in a permission slip. If your child needs a permission slip, please have them visit the counseling office. All permission slips are due by 1/23 and applications for SST are due on 1/31.
Sign Ups For Driver Education
The next driver’s education course will run from March 4th thru April 22nd. To be eligible for this course a student must be at least 15 years and nine months old on March 4th. Sign-up on our website.
Yearbook Sponsors Wanted!
Kingston Recreation Sponsors Launch Trip for February Vacation
Junior Class to Offer Babysitting on Valentine's Day
Parents of Juniors: We Need Your Consent for April's SAT Test!
All grade 11 students will take the SAT during the school day on April 14th. Since this is the state's accountability test, there is no testing fee. Students will be able to send their scores for free to 4 schools from this test.

With this test, the College Board will also offer an optional program called 'Student Search Service." Parents who want their child to be included in this program must give consent as NH state law prevents schools from allowing students to send their personal information without parental permission. Please be aware that this is a for-profit service that College Board provides. If you give consent, your child's information may be sold to colleges, universities, and other scholarship organizations. In return, you and your child will receive information on opportunities that may be of interest to you and your child.

Please click on the button below to complete the form granting, or not granting, consent for the optional component. Every parent must respond to the school with a "yes" or "no".
SRSD Offers Exciting Summer Enrichment Programs for Students of All Ages
Interested in the Sanborn Regional Music Boosters Association?
Sanborn Music Boosters is running a fundraiser through Savers that won't cost you a dime!! As a matter of fact, this fundraiser may actually help you with your Spring Cleaning!!

All you have to do is pack up your gently used clothing and linens as you organize and declutter this winter/spring, put them aside, contact the Music Boosters, and we'll arrange to pick up your donations!

The boosters email address is:
Thank you in advance for your support!!
Join the PTO!
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton.

This is accomplished through the following endeavors: Community Outreach, Teacher Involvement, Educational Programs, Civic Cooperation, Volunteer Programs, and Fundraising.

When we all help a little it is amazing how much we accomplish as an organization.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 15th at 6pm in the Conference Room (Room 102) at the school. We normally meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm.

If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Barbara Munroe, PTO President, at
SRHS PTO Launches its Back to School "Un-Fundraiser"
We are asking for your support for our 2019 back to school Un-Fundraiser. Simply put, an Un-Fundraiser is a way to donate money without having to sell or buy anything. Isn’t that the best?? 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to the SRHS PTO, and then it goes right to our kids, which is the best place to put it! Where does this money go you might ask? 

Each year, our PTO supports the following kinds of activities:
• Starter cash for the in-coming freshmen student activities account
• Classroom grants, up to $250 per teacher, to fund innovative programming
• Scholarships to Sanborn Seniors
• Funds to support class activities such as the Senior Cruise in Boston.
• Senior Success Day
• Teachers’ meals for the open houses & Teacher Appreciation Week
• Strategies for College Presentation for parents
We hope you were able to appreciate the sarcasm and humor in this form of request and we thank you for your time and monetary donation.
Athletic Booster Update
GIRLS and BOYS JV and Varsity Basketball

Please help out the Boosters by signing up for a slot or two! The Booster Club really needs your help! If you can't do the whole time slot, no problem! Leave a message in the comments letting us know how long you can help out for. Your daughter or son is on JV? Work the Varsity game so you won't miss the action! You don't even have to have a basketball player to help out! Thanks for supporting the Sanborn athletes! 

NOTE!!! The games are listed as GIRLS JV and VARSITY (GJV or GV) or BOYS (BJV or BV) in the location section of signups :)

An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
SoRock’s Sanborn Youth in Action students did an amazing job coordinating the “Healing Through the Arts” community art show last week! We had over 40 pieces of art submitted from individuals of all ages throughout the Southern Rockingham community and a great turn out of individuals who came to see what they had created! It was truly inspiring to see everyone come together to spread awareness and work towards normalizing the discussion of mental health and substance use disorders.
Picking the winners was not an easy task! We had a panel of 5 secret judges from the mental health and art community help us out- while they felt EVERY piece of art was incredible, they ultimately picked the following winners:

1st place Lucas Pitkin “The Road to Recovery: A Journey of Contrast”
2nd place Nava Shaw “Self Portrait”
High School:
1st place Nicole Kolodziej “Water Your Friends”
2nd place Hannah Douglas “Untitled”
Middle School:
1st place Jessica West “Untitled”
2nd place Felix Mailhot “Untitled”
Elementary School:
Chloe Masson “Help People Grow”
Congratulations to our winners and everyone who entered!

Special thanks to Ms. Swist, our panel of judges, Aroma Joes, Angels of Addictions for also sharing their work and to everyone who came out to support our event!

Youth In Action Meets during FLT on C days in SoRock rm 111. Sign up for Mrs. Feeney if you’re interested in joining! 
An Important Message From School Administrators:
PTO Clothing & Shoe Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing and shoes off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students.  NOTE: Shoes must go in a separate bin.

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District