The Collaborative's Pulse
Step up and be counted. From time to time the State Collaborative will come to you with urgent news or requests. Now is one of those times. On September 2nd, the NC General Assembly returns for a mini-session on COVID-19 relief. We collectively have a window of opportunity to actively point our legislators toward key issues that impact children, youth and families affected by COVID-19.

Families are struggling across North Carolina.

Key Issues include:
  • Children and youth not attending school
  • Children, youth, and families needing basic needs
  • Children and youth receiving mental health services
  • Children and youth who have severe health care needs

Click on our COVID-19 Fact Sheet below for a list of issues that are important to you.

The Child, Youth & Family Voice
Needs to be Heard Now
Thank you for taking the time to get the key issues impacting children, youth and families who have been affected by COVID heard!

Questions? Contact our Policy & Research Workgroup Co-Chairs:

Joanne Scaturro - [email protected]
Stacy Justiss - [email protected]
What can I do to help?
Staff who have worked with Legislators say that many times Legislators leave their offices on the way to vote on an issue by asking their staff about how many calls for "yes" or "no"? Make it count for our children, youth and families.

Write a an email or make a quick call before September 2nd
Locate the email address and telephone number of your State House or Senate Representatives. Sort by name or district/county to find them.

Register for one or more of our virtual Regional Advocacy Institutes in September and October which will include forums to speak with your local legislators.
What is the State Collaborative?
Our Mission: The North Carolina Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families ("State Collaborative"), through a System of Care framework, provides a forum for collaboration, advocacy and action among families, public and private child, family serving agencies and community partners to improve outcomes for all children, youth and families. 
Our Vision: Children, youth, and families are healthy, safe and successful at home, in school and in their communities.