Policy Alert: Advocating for Workforce

Throughout the past few weeks NAWB has highlighted the contentious Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) appropriations process (you can find NAWB’s archived postcards and policy alerts in NAWB Connect). At the start of July, the House proposed funding legislation to significantly cut or otherwise eliminate numerous workforce development programs. This bill was advanced by the House Appropriations Subcommittee with oversight over workforce development programs on a party-line vote. NAWB has been hard at work raising the alarm on Capitol Hill by activating our federal network. At the same time, we and partners have commended the Senate for rejecting these dramatic proposed cuts to workforce development and passing a much more reasonable funding proposal that provides for a 2.5% increase for workforce programs while largely level-funding others at current FY23 levels—a key requirement in the recently enacted Debt Limit deal enacted by Congress earlier this year. You can find those numbers in this excel file.

As the facilitator of the Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce (CIAW), the nation’s largest workforce development coalition, NAWB has convened and organized national organizations to formally oppose these proposed divestments from federal workforce development programs. Even though the House and Senate proposals are vastly different and are likely to change as the process continues, they will be utilized in the negotiation process, which means workforce development funding is still vulnerable to significant cuts.

This also means your voice is critical during this stage in the appropriations process.

With lawmakers home for their scheduled August Recess, now is a critical time to make them aware of the negative impacts cuts would have not only on their constituents but on their local economies. NAWB has crafted a form letter for you to send to your federal representatives in both the House and Senate highlighting the specific impacts these proposals would have on their communities. Below you will find instructions on how to populate the letter and where to send it. For reference, NAWB’s Advocacy Toolkit can aid in any further engagement efforts you may want to undertake and also includes information regarding advocacy and lobbying.

Lawmakers value their constituent’s perspectives, which is why it is vital you vocalize the consequences of these divestments to your Congressional Representatives. NAWB’s federal advocacy is only as effective with the support of your voices and perspectives. Without your voice and a nation-wide effort to secure workforce development investments, our communities and neighbors will be left behind in a rapidly changing economy.

For tracking purposes, please fill out this form or let NAWB’s Associate Director of Government Relations & Policy, Kyle Marinelli, know once you have sent this letter, or any other pertinent communication, as well as the recipient. You can also reach out to Kyle to answer any questions or to request assistance.


Your Friends at NAWB.


  1. Replace the highlighted text in the form letter with your organization’s pertinent information.
  2. Ensure the letter is signed by an authorized leader of your organization.
  3. Find your Representative’s or Senator’s contact information if you do not have a formal contact. If you are unsure who to contact, please reach out to Kyle Marinelli.
  4. Fill out this form.
  5. Optional, but highly recommended: share your efforts with your community through social media, WorkforceInvest, or on your website.