The Policy Connection is a free quarterly publication provided by the KSBA Policy Service and sent to all board members, superintendents, and others who request to receive it.
April 2019
Katrina Kinman, Editor
Welcome to our new subscribers

eMeeting – Clinton County Board of Education

Administrative Procedures Service – Model Lab School (Eastern Kentucky University)

Employee Handbook – Lyon County Board of Education

Substitute Teacher Handbook – Lyon County Board of Education

Policy Audit Service – Newport Independent Board of Education

Online Manual – Science Hill Independent
Seizure disorder materials
All principals, guidance counselors and teachers shall complete at least one hour of self-study review of seizure disorder materials no later than July 1, 2019. At least one hour of self-study review of seizure disorder materials shall also be required for all principals, guidance counselors and teachers hired after July 1, 2019.

As of February 2019, the Kentucky Department of Education has agreed with the interpretation that the statutes require a minimum one-time, self-study for present and future teachers, principals and counselors.

Policy reference 09.22
Procedure reference 03.19 AP.23
Annual policy update/student discipline code
KSBA policy staff will be sending the annual updates to districts by the end of May to provide time for the board to have two readings before school starts and the statutory deadline of Aug. 15. Unless a completely new policy or procedure is involved, update drafts will include changes marked in edit mode so that reviewers can see what is being added or removed. At the top of each policy and procedure will be a note summarizing the reasons for the changes. Districts also will receive a cover letter explaining the updating process and a checklist showing all policies/procedures codes included in the update.

Two policies most likely to require changes in the wording of the Student Discipline Code are– 05.48/Weapons and 09.4232/Tobacco.

Policy references 01.5/05.48/09.4232/09.438
Tobacco free schools
House Bill 11 requires all local boards, on or before July 1, 2020, to adopt and implement policies that prohibit the use of any tobacco product, alternative nicotine product or vapor product for all persons and at all times on or in all property of the board, and when students are present in any school-related trip or student activity. The policies must also provide for adequate notice to students, parents/guardians, employees and the public. In addition, the policies must require signage on or in all property including any vehicle owned, operated, leased or contracted for use by a local board. Such signage shall clearly state that the use of such products is prohibited at all times and by all persons on or in the property. School employees are required to enforce the policies. Note that districts have the option to opt out of these provisions within three years of June 27, 2019.

Policy references 03.1237/03.2327/05.31/06.221/09.4232/10.5
Per diem changes
House Bill 227 amends KRS 160.280 to increase the per diem amount and increasing the “caps” on the per diem and in-district expenses a board member may receive as of July 1, 2019. As before, statute requires the board to authorize the per diem, which the vast majority of boards do via policy 01.821. The policy update will include adjustments to this policy reflecting the increased per diem from $75 to $150 and the “caps” from $3,000 to $6,000. Board members individually may elect to waive the per diem. Contact your policy consultant for a sample waiver form 01.821 AP.2.

Policy reference 01.821
Board vacancy changes
Effective July 1, 2019, House Bill 22 amends KRS 160.190 to change the process for filling a board vacancy from a person appointed by the commissioner of education to a person approved by a majority vote of the remaining members of the local board. The bill also includes timeline and vacancy advertisement conditions as well as an application process.

Policy reference 01.3
Mileage rate update
If your district reimburses for mileage at the state rate, be advised that the rate per mile effective April 1 through June 30, 2019, is 41 cents per mile. This information can be reviewed quarterly via this link:

Policy references 03.125/03.225
Save the Date - Upcoming KSBA conference
June 14
13th Annual Federal and State Law Update
(Frederick Douglass High School, Lexington)

July 12
KOSAA Meeting
(Marriott Griffin Gate, Lexington)

July 12-13
KSBA Summer Leadership Institute
(Marriott Griffin Gate, Lexington)