House Bill 11 requires all local boards, on or before July 1, 2020, to adopt and implement policies that prohibit the use of any tobacco product, alternative nicotine product or vapor product for all persons and at all times on or in all property of the board, and when students are present in any school-related trip or student activity. The policies must also provide for adequate notice to students, parents/guardians, employees and the public. In addition, the policies must require signage on or in all property including any vehicle owned, operated, leased or contracted for use by a local board. Such signage shall clearly state that the use of such products is prohibited at all times and by all persons on or in the property. School employees are required to enforce the policies. Note that districts have the option to opt out of these provisions within three years of June 27, 2019.
Policy references 03.1237/03.2327/05.31/06.221/09.4232/10.5