The Policy Connection is a free quarterly publication provided by the KSBA Policy Service that is sent to all board members, superintendents, KOSAA members, and others who request to receive it.
August 2019
Katrina Kinman, Editor
Welcome to our new subscribers

eMeeting – Letcher County Board of Education, Botts Elementary School and Menifee County High School (Menifee County)

Online Manual - Nicholas County
Annual policy/procedure update
By law, one of the school board’s key responsibilities is to adopt and maintain policies to guide governance of the school district. KRS 160.340 (4) states, “It is intended that these policies shall cover matters within the authority and discretion of the district board of education and not matters otherwise required by law or regulation. Such policies . . . shall be kept up to date by filing annual amendments thereto each August 15 . . .”
Policy reference 01.5
Active shooter training
The Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) has prepared and released an active shooter training video the viewing of which will satisfy the Student Safety and Resiliency Act of 2019 (Senate Bill 1) requirement that by Nov. 1, 2019 and each year thereafter school district employees with job duties requiring direct contact with students are to receive a minimum of a one (1) hour training on how to respond to an active shooter situation.
Policy references 03.19/03.29
Written notice of the provision of KRS 508.078
SB 1 creates a new section of KRS 158 requiring the principal to provide written notice to all students, parents and guardians of students within ten (10) days of the first instructional day of each school year of the provision of KRS 508.078 and potential penalties under KRS 532.060 and KRS 534.030 upon conviction (making it a crime to make the described threats of terroristic threatening against school-affiliated persons and persons lawfully on school property or against school operations). A sample notice was provided in the annual policy/procedure update sent to districts in May.
Policy reference 09.425
Procedure reference 09.425 AP.22
Tobacco/alternative nicotine/vapor products
House Bill 11 requires all local boards, on or before July 1, 2020, to adopt and implement policies that prohibit the use of any tobacco product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor product for all persons and at all times on or in all property of the board, and when students are present in any school-related trip or student activity. The policies must also provide for adequate notice to students, parents/guardians, employees and the public. In addition, the policies must require signage on or in all property including any vehicle owned, operated, leased or contracted for use by a local board. Such signage shall clearly state that the use of such products is prohibited at all times and by all persons on or in the property. School employees are required to enforce the policies.
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky has approached KSBA to let us know they may be able to help provide FREE “tobacco-free campus” signage to districts whose board adopts such a policy this year, in response to HB 11. KSBA will provide more information on this opportunity later this month. Final details and the process for obtaining signage will be announced soon.

Note that districts have the option to opt out of these provisions within three (3) years of June 27, 2019, (the effective date of the legislation).

If the board chooses to opt out, KSBA suggests the following language:

“Motion that this board opt out of adopting the Use of Tobacco, Alternative Nicotine, or Vapor Products policies 03.1327, 03.2327, 05.31, 06.221, 09.4232, and 10.5 under subsections 2-4 of KRS 438.345.”

This will need to be reflected in the board minutes. If the board elects to opt out, then mark the update checklists as “keep current” for the policies listed above.

Policy references 03..1327/03.2327/05.31/06.221/09.4232/10.5
Security data breach
Also keep in mind that under 702 KAR 1:170 prior to Aug. 31 districts are to acknowledge to the board in a public meeting that the district has reviewed Kentucky Department of Education data breach and security guidance and implemented the best practices that meet the needs of personal information reasonable security in that district. Resources available here.
Mileage rate update
If your district reimburses for mileage at the state rate, be advised that the rate per mile effective July 1 through Sept. 30, 2019, is 42 cents per mile. This information can be reviewed quarterly here.
Policy references 03.125/03.225
Save the Date - Upcoming KSBA events
2019 KSBA Regional Meetings Schedule

Fifth Region – Eminence Ind., Sept. 3
Eastern KY North Region – Nicholas Co., Sept. 5 
First Region – Hickman Co., Sept. 9 
Second Region – Daviess Co., Sept. 10 
Upper KY River Region – Lee Co., Sept. 16 
Northern KY Region – Beechwood Ind., Sept. 23 
Middle Cumberland Region - Somerset Ind., Sept. 24
Central KY Region – Mercer Co., Sept. 26
Eastern KY South Region – Floyd Co., Oct. 22
Fourth Region – Elizabethtown Ind., Oct. 24
Third Region – Warren Co., Oct. 28 
Upper Cumberland Region – McCreary Co., Nov. 4

KSBA Winter Symposium 
Louisville Marriott Downtown Nov. 22-23

KSBA Annual Conference 
Galt House, Louisville Feb. 21-23 

Policy reference 01.83