Year ago Soviet Union occupied Eastern Europe and brought communist ideology! My father was a political officer teaching communist ideology in Eastern Germany and Chekoslovakia. We were hated by those nations.
I am so grateful to God for this opportunity to bring THE GOSPEL OF HOPE AND LOVE OF JESUS TO POLAND!!!
Polish church in the capital of the country, Warsaw, is reaching out to the alcoholics, drag addicts and homeless people! It was a true honour to share my heart and God's heart with these precious people. Pastor Pawel was my interpreter into Polish!
Jesus is the Restorer of the broken lives!
Polish people are thirsty for the TRUTH .
The church has rehab center and I have heard so many stories of absolutely destroyed lived restored by Jesus!!
Ewa's life is changed forever!
This precious lady Ewa after the very first meeting accepted Jesus into her heart and cried during prayer so sincerely. The next day when heard the story of how Jesus set free a woman bound by sickness for 18 years Ewa said: This story is about me!! Jesus also saw me, invited me to come to Him, because I deserve to be where He is, He touched me, healed me and restored my value!!!
I truly enjoyed fellowshipping with my polish brothers and sisters! we spoke Russian, Polish and English )))
Healing brings tears of joy!
After praying to the sick, one man who was scheduled to have knee surgery was healed and and could use his knee again!
A lady with terminal cancer for the first time did not feel pain in her arm and shoulder. She was crying and was following me with questions _ Am I healed? Am I healed?
Many other people testified of God's miracle healings.
Enjoy this 20 sec polish praise!
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World Missions Advance
for Natasha Schedrivaya
PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376