Dec. 14

No. 148

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Reading
While most of you are probably (and understandably) paying close attention to the Huawei situation and all its moving parts, it is important not to lose sight of what is happening in the rest of the Chinese policy world. Most domestic news coverage has been about the 40th anniversary of reform and opening, pledging to continue those efforts into the future. The Politburo also met yesterday to go over 2019 work priorities in the economic and anti-corruption/clean government spheres. Here is a link to the Xinhua report on the meeting:  中共中央政治局召开会议 分析研究2019年经济工作...

And here is a subsequent piece of analysis on the "5 economic signals" that we should take from the meeting: 中央政治局会议传递2019年经济工作五大信号 

俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

bù rù hǔ xué , yān dé hǔ zǐ
Meaning: you can't catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair (nothing ventured, nothing gained)

Xi Jinping quoted Liu Shaoqi's use of this idiom in his November 23 speech commemorating the 120th anniversary of Liu's birth in Hunan. The importance of this speech lies in the fact that it is part of of Xi's 不忘初心, a campaign that has been in full swing in China for a while now, but especially central after the 19th Party Congress. It emphasizes the importance of keeping in mind the primary goals of China's revolution: China's national revitalization and the happiness of the Chinese people.

Original: 1936年初, 党中央派刘少奇同志去北方局工作,有同志对他说:你这次去白区, 是重返虎穴,任务艰巨呐!他果断回答:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 在国民经济调整时期,他负责中央一线工作,领导克服困难的斗争。 面对各种复杂险峻的形势,刘少奇同志坚持一切从实际出发, 善于在复杂的环境中统揽全局、缜密分析, 提出和实施切实可行的政策。

Video of the Week

What happens in one minute? This week we feature a video on China's progress over the past 40 years, from the introduction of bullet trains to the increase in foreign tourism.

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