Polly Higgin's MISSION LIFEFORCE One Earth One Law
Polly Higgins, Scottish advocate, barrister, and expert in ecocide presenting to the United Nations Law Commission a proposal for ecocide to be recognized as an international crime, champion for the Universal Declaration of Place Rights, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer with possibly only a few weeks to live.  
Friends report Polly was recently diagnosed with advanced and pervasive cancer (lungs, spine, liver, sternum, esophagus) and a startling medical prognosis of around 6 weeks to live.  It was pretty much the surprise to them that it is to you - she'd had a bad chest infection which led to pneumonia on one side, but thought she was firmly on the mend, only to be told this.

If you would like to join the Healing Polly experiment, you can do so in a very precise way: at 6pm UK time every day (set an alarm on your phone!) "tune in" and hold the following intention for 10-12 minutes:
Our intention is that Polly (Pauline) Helène Higgins be permanently and completely free of all cancer, infections and inflammations, that her immune system be strong and healthy, and that she be healthy and well in every way.

Already, hundreds of people have tuned in - it's quite incredible.

The outpouring of love and prayers has been swift and strong. 
You may add your words on the Facebook group Extrapollydocious. bit.ly/Extrapollydocious

Caledonian pine stand in heather, photo R. Moir 

Trees Should Have Standing
Just as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights resulted from Eleanor Roosevelt's tireless work, Polly Higgins has worked no less hard for the Universal Declaration of Place Rights. 

Polly believes human rights begin in small places close to home. 
Building on the legal question, Should trees have standing?, Polly has mounted a campaign, #One Earth One Law, worthy of your support.

Polly Higgins' talk "Ecocide crime: a crime of our time" at The Hague on Human Rights Day may be viewed  HERE.

An excellent independent summary of a prosecution
 test case file for climate ecocide under provision 7.1k of the Rome Statute: Crimes Against Humanity ("other inhumane acts") recently appeared in the Jacobin by journalist Kate Aronoff, whose extremely well-informed piece can be read HERE .

# One Earth One Law
Make it a crime to destroy the Earth. Assist in establishing an international crime of ecocide. Become an Earth Protector and advance the work that Polly began at www.missionlifeforce.org

Jem Bendell

Endorsers of ScientistsWarning.org and subscribers of the Ocean River Institute rallied to raise in short order the funds requested for Jem Bendell to make his short film, Oskram's Quest.  To those who gave, Thank You.

The film is in production. Jem hopes to release it before June. Of course, expenses are more than what was initially expected. Having met the first deadline, the campaign is still open. 

If you have not yet made a gift, it's not too late, and will be gratefully received to further Oskram's Quest. Donors will be acknowledged in the film credits (unless requested to be anonymous).

First Tuesday Call-in Meeting 
April 2

ScientistsWarning.org will have our monthly
Team SW Meeting on
Tuesday April 2
Please call-in or computer link-in 10-20 minutes before the top of the hour 
for the following start times:
8 am in Hawaii;
10 am in California;
1 pm US East Coast/Ottawa;
6 pm in UK/Portugal;
7 pm in Spain/Denmark
Join us for live webinar meeting at:
Social Networking Team (SW is on Facebook) - Eoin
Video Editing Team (Report on YouTube Channel views) - Stuart
Video moderation team...Margaret Beasley
Translators Team - Antonio and Heidi
SW Website - Charles
Upcoming Travels and Speaker Bureau - Stuart
ScientistsWarning.org partners with the Ocean River Institute - Rob 
Jem Bendell's Deep Adaption Video Project - Rob
New Business:
          Open floor for brief updates and announcements
        Note: Earth Day is 22 April 2019,
Additions? Write me at Rob@ScientistsWarning.org

Check out the many improvements and new postings on our website. 

Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir brings down more than energy grids in Woman at War

Kudos to Woman at War

To save the world from the ravages of the climate crisis, a choir director named Halla takes on the energy grid of Iceland's heavy industries. Then, suddenly, Halla is given the opportunity to adopt a four-year-old girl from war-torn Ukraine, who looks like Halla. The question of the film becomes one that is all too familiar: Is it more worthwhile to try to influence big issues, perhaps to no avail, than to save the life of a single person?"

Woman at War stole my heart because the film is drama, comedy, music, beautiful people, and gorgeous landscapes epic in scale. When times are really bad, that's when one cherishes the juxtapositions for comic relief. Instead of being told to ignore that symphony orchestra setting the mood for scenes, three Islandic musicians and three Ukrainian folk singers are set in the movie whenever music is appropriate. Yes, it's absurd and, hello, these are absurd times.

This is classic environmentalism. An ordinary individual living closest to the land rises up like a Hobbit to challenge heavy industry corporations. The government creates fake news calling one overly-concerned citizen a terrorist. American and Israeli Special Forces with their high-tech gadgetry, drones and dogs, are called in to save from financial ruin a nation under attack (by a choir director with a bow and arrow).

Senator Markey with members of the Healthy Ocean Coalition