Pomo District
September 2018 Pomo Post  
Events & Activities in Your District
In This Issue
Commissioner News
2018 Eagle Scouts
Training News
Webelos Woods
Camporee/ Cuboree
Aviation Merit Badge
Popcorn News
Eagle Facts
Fall Shooting Sports Day
Sports Basement
Fundraising Opportunity
Pomo Contacts 
Click names to send email
District Commissioner
District Executive
District Chairman
Assistant District Chair
Brian Wills
Eagle Advisor

Finance Chair 

Popcorn Kernel

Advancement Chair
Eileen McAlister

Boy Scout
Advancement Coordinator
Jeff Neuman

  Cub Scout
Advancement Coordinator
Camping Chairman
Training Chairwoman
Membership Chairwoman
Cub Scout Roundtable
Boy Scout Roundtable

Roundtable Commissioner

STEM Coordinator
Eileen McAlister
Scouting For Food
Communications Chair
 Richard Payne

JTE Coordinator

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From the District Commissioner:

The end of THIS MONTH is the deadline for taking the new Youth Protection Training course.

BSA's Youth Protection policies and rules have changed, and changed in fundamental ways.  Without taking the new course, you won't know what these changes are, so this is very important (as well as required).

Every registered Scouter and every adult who will attend a Scouting event for 72 or more hours (not necessarily continuous) needs to take the new course, which was put online this February.

Go to your my.scouting.org and take the new YPT course, if you haven't already.

Let me know if you have any problems or concerns.

- Oren Noah
Pomo District Commissioner


Hello fellow Scouters, at our last Roundtable the Boy Scout Leaders discussed and reviewed their recent Summer Camp experiences, while the Cub Scout Leaders jump started the season with Pack Meeting ideas and plans.

Next month, the Boy Scout Roundtable will be exploring the options to to get the most out of preparing for the " Webelos to Scout " transition. The Cub Scout Roundtable will continue to provide Pack Meeting excitement and ideas.

Thank you, your Roundtable Staff: Patrick Driver, Jennifer Harris, and Linda Linehan


Congratulations to these scouts on achieving the Eagle Rank

Conner W                 T-220      6/12/18
Beautification project at Windsor High School

Joseph H                  T-58        7/11/18
Fence at Crane Creek Regional Park

Marc G                     T-121       7/21/18
Equestrian trail rehabilitation at Spring Lake

Scott G                     T-55        7/21/18
Benches and more at Rincoln Valley Middle School

James M                    T-32       7/21/18
ArtQuest courtyard beautification Santa Rosa High School

Owen P                     T-134      8/6/18
Re-installation of Luther Burbank Memorial Garden at Oakgrove Charter School

If you know these young men please take a moment to recognize their achievement.

Do you know someone who is starting the Eagle process? Here is a resource  to the Final Steps Toward Eagle

Mark your calendars for the 2019 University of Scouting coming up on January 12 from 8:30 am - 5:40 pm!
University of Scouting is a training day designed for any leader or parent involved with Boy Scout, Venture Scouts or Cub Scouts. Select from a variety of classes intended to give you the Scouting information you need. Come learn more about Scouting and get fresh ideas for bringing the program to your Scouts. Pick from over 60 different classes that fit your needs and enjoy a day of training and camaraderie.  Look for more information in upcoming Pomo Posts, or at Roundtables.

We are providing two great opportunities in the next few weeks for Cub Scout Leaders to learn about the program and BE PREPARED to lead some fun activities for your Pack.  Whether you are brand new this Fall to Cub Scouting, or missed out on class room training in the past, all are welcome.
**Please pass this information on to new leaders who's BSA registration paperwork is still being processed.
1)  CUB SCOUT LEADER ORIENTATION - Saturday Sept 29, 2018 - 9:00am- 12:00 noon
       Location -  Redwood Empire Council Service Center, 1000 Apollo Way, Santa Rosa.
       Register here :  http://www.redwoodbsa.org/Event.aspx?id=1269
Get ideas to deliver an excellent program and gain a greater understanding of the different parts of the Cub Scout program and the benefits of your Den, Your Pack, The District and the Redwood Empire Council.
By completing this ½ day training you will be considered 'Trained' as a Den Leader.
2) CUB SCOUT BALOO - Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation, at Worden's Ranch, 1372 Los Alamos Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409  Friday October 19, 2018 at 6pm through October 20, 2018 6:30 pm  - one night camping. 
        Register here :   http://www.redwoodbsa.org/Event.aspx?id=1262
        This training is mandatory for at least one Cub Scout Leader at a Pack Overnight or Webelos campout

Come join a great team of Scouts and Scouters who will present you with a fun and useful Den Chief training experience. Here you will learn the skills you need to know to be a den chief, some great new skits, songs, games and skills that will keep the Cub and Webelos Scouts busy and interested. This training is one of the requirements to qualify for the Den Chief Service Award. Your $45 registration fee includes; pizza, snacks, beverages, a "trained" patch to wear below your Den Chief patch, the Den Chief handbook, and a special Den Chief's "Tool Kit" to help you be a successful Den Chief. Come wearing your official Field Uniform ready to have fun!
If you are a Scout interested in attending Den Chief training, please email Peggy Bimbi at peggy.bimbi@comcast.net.   This training will happen as soon as I get 6 Scouts who want to be trained!!

Boy Scout Adult Leader Training

Santa Rosa Service Center - 1000 Apollo Way
September 29, 2018 - 9 am - 2:00 pm

Boy Scout Adult Leader Training (BSLT) - part 1 of a two part training is coming up fast.  Any adult working with Boy Scouts should attend this training as it gives you a greater understanding of the Aims and Purposes of Scouting, and how they are carried out in the Scouting Program. Learn how you can help your troop deliver the promise of Scouting. 

The training is Saturday, September 29,   9 - 2 pm.  Early bird registration is $15.00 through September 21, and $20.00 through September 22nd.  Registration closes on September 25.  Each person's binder and materials are individually prepared, so we appreciate your early registration - no walk ins please. 

Please wear your Scout uniform, bring a sack lunch, and a copy of the Troop Leader Guidebook (vol 1) if you can purchase/borrow one.   We will provide copies to share those who don't have one, just let us know. Snacks and beverages will be provided throughout the day.  

 Any questions?  Please call Peggy Bimbi at  (707) 544-6950 or email at  peggy.bimbi@comcast.net

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills  (IOLS)

Worden's Ranch, Santa Rosa
October 5 - 7,  2018
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training (IOLS) - is part 2 of the two part training required to be considered fully "Trained" for a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster Position.  This full weekend training will be held on Friday, October 5 starting at 6:30 pm through Sunday, October 7 at 12 noon.  This training is an action packed camping weekend that will leave you with good memories and good information to help you be a better leader.  We will do hands-on training of the scout skills from Scout rank through 1st Class.  You will become a patrol member, prepare meals, do yells, participate in a campfire and interfaith worship service, learn scout skills, compete as a patrol, and have a memorable experience.
The cost is $40.00 through September 28, and $45.00 until the October 2nd registration deadline.  No walk-in's please. 

 Bring a sack dinner for Friday evening, or eat before you come.  The cost includes Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday breakfast as well as snacks and beverages.  Upon registration you will receive an email with more details. 

Webelos Woods

Hello everyone, 

The annual Webelos Woods is two months away and there has been a change in duration.  
Due to popular demand and camp costs WW will be a day event again. This move will make the event more accessible to all participants.  

The event is now scheduled for Saturday, October 13 at Santa Rosa Community Youth Park across from Piner High School. 

Costs will be $12 per person and online registration is now open. ( Registered HERE )  An informational flier with all program details will be posted soon and host Scout units will be contacted as well. Stay tuned and hope to see everyone there. 

WW Director 

Mark your calendars and sign up your unit!  The Council Scout-O-Rama will take place this October 27th in conjunction with the North Bay Science Discovery Day at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, 9am - 4pm.

Your Pack, Troop or Crew can help us show the Community what Scouting is all about, with hands-on activities for youth and families.  Ideally your activity would be related to some aspect of science, technology, engineering or math-based education, but virtually any Scout activity is welcome.

Last year we had a great showing with many units represented ( https://www.northbayscience.org/copy-of-exhibitors-2017 ) -  let's make it even better this year!  There is plenty of room for all, the Council is picking up the tab so there is no charge for the unit (other than your own materials.)

Sign up your unit to coordinate an activity at the Scout-O-Rama . http://www.redwoodbsa.org/Event.aspx?id=1139   You must register in advance on our website so that the NBSDD leaders can plot out the spaces we need.  

For more information contact Alex at the Scout Office, 546-8137.


Save the date for this years           Camporee/Cuboree!  

The dates for 2019 will be April 12-14th.  Cuboree will be held on April 13th.

A request will be going out soon to see what the theme should be for the 2019 Camporee.  Based on the results of the satisfaction survey conducted for the 2018 event, the youth do still desire to have a theme so please ask them to start thinking about ideas for 2019.

As we experienced last year, the site at Lake Sonoma had some equipment issues.  If a troop is interested in doing a service project, they would love to have the assistance.  We often times forget to help the Army Corps out and we all use Lake Sonoma through out the year. If you have a scout looking for an Eagle Project or if your Unit needs a service project, please contact them!

If troops or packs would like a Camporee or Cuboree representative to come to your meeting to speak about the event, please contact Jackie Reese at  jnkreese@gmail.com


I would like to introduce you to some of the members of the District Advancement Team. My name is Eileen McAlister and I am the District Advancement Chair. Working with me are Jeff Neuman, Janet Pickett, Dan Logan, and Dave Pankratz.

Jeff Neuman is focusing on Boy Scout Advancement. If your Boy Scout Troop has any questions, concerns, or just needs help or advice, he's the one to contact. You can reach him at 707-521-9185 (H), 281-703-7571(C), or  jcneuman@swbell.net.  

Janet Pickett is your contact for Cub Scout Advancement. Any Cub Scout Pack with questions, etc., can reach her at 785-614-4810 or  jtpick56@gmail.com.  

Jeff and Janet hope to start visiting units soon, so I thank you for welcoming them. 

If you need to get hold of me you can reach me at 707-527-9069 or  eileen@trele.com.

We look forward to working with you to help the scouts in your units be successful.


Aviation Merit Badge at the Pacific Coast Air Museum!

Come earn your aviation merit badge at the Pacific Coast Air Museum! Beyond completing all the requirements for the merit badge, the day will include a tour of the airport's control tower and a flight in an airplane! 

 The particulars:

When: Saturday, October 20, 2018; 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Where: Pacific Coast Air Museum at the Charles M. Schultz Sonoma County Airport
One Air Museum Way, Santa Rosa, CA

Cost: $70 payable to PCAM on the morning of the merit badge.

Details: Bring a sack lunch! A parent of every Scout must be present at check-in to sign a waiver for the afternoon flight.

Registration is open HERE

Sign-up soon as the class is limited to 15 Scouts!

Questions: Danelle Jacobs at dkjscouts@gmail.com


Popcorn Started August 1st

Any questions please contact:
Council Support

Alexander Chavez  707-546-8137 Alexander.Chavez@scouting.org

J ohn Garrone  707-888-8211   

District Support
Pomo-  Connie Duncan  707-708-7291

Yokayo-Logger-  Perrine Kirchen  707-972-6714 purple_songbird@hotmail.com

Miwok-  Alex Chavez  707-546-8137 Alexander.Chavez@scouting.org


Pomo Eagle Statistics:   Between 1/1/16 and 6/30/18 (2-1/2 years) 100 Scouts in the Pomo District attained the rank of Eagle (it's now 105). 

Of these 100 Scouts (all were accepted by National without comment):
--  Average Age: 17 years 6-1/2 months; 

--  44 were over age 18 upon passing their Eagle Board of Review (EBoR); 22 were under 17 

--  19 different troops included:  T32 (19 Eagles), T58 (12), T121 (8), T707 (8), T55 (7), T135 (7)

--  13 different Eagle Board of Review chairs included:  Patrick D T121 (17), Mark A T58 (16), Mari G T509 (13), Dan L T509 (11)

--  5.4 weeks average duration - from receipt/acceptance of Eagle rank application by REC staff to passing Eagle Board of Review:  
Delays were due to 
(a) incorrect dates/data on rank application (lots of white-out needed), (b) incomplete Statements of Ambitions (mostly incomplete listing of leadership positions and awards),
 (c) conflicts -- vacations, school commitments, troop activities, procrastination;  (d) getting Letters of Reference submitted, (e) need to reconvene 2 EBoRs (mainly due to leadership concerns), and (f) missing signatures (these were usually obtained just prior to the EBoR).

Eagle Projects:

--  5.9 months average duration - from Eagle project completion to EBoR

--  194.2 hours average per Eagle project (2016 = 49 projects/179.2 hrs avg;  2017 = 33 projects/194.5 hrs avg;  2018 = 18 projects/234.5 hrs avg);  Total 19,420 hours;  all apply toward JTE service.

--  $714 average sexpenditure per Eagle project; Total $71,400;  These $ vary considerably between projects due to differences in scope of project, completeness of reporting, and sources of funding (donations, contributions, fund raising, Scout funding) --  Beneficiaries of Eagle projects:  Local community (29); Regional parks and Open Space Districts (27); Churches (23); Schools (21)

-- 1 Project was approved - but Scout aged out before completing requirements

Merit Badges: 

"Last minute" MBs earned by Eagle candidates were all "Eagle Required": --  in order: Personal Management, Family Life, Personal Fitness, Communications

Open to ALL Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing Scouts and Sea Scouts.
Come practice your marksmanship in the Redwoods at Camp Royaneh! Saturday lunch will be provided for all participants. Adult supervision must be maintained for all Scouts.
Cub Scouts will choose between BB Guns or Archery and dedicate their  half-day session to practicing that skill. (Cubs wanting to do both Archery and BB Gun must sign up for two sessions. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.)  Parents/Partners must remain in camp with their Cub Scout for the duration of the event. Adults will not be shooting. Cost is only $35 per session for Cub Scout and one parent/partner. Additional partner may attend for $10. This is an individual sign-up activity for Cub Scouts.
Boy Scouts and Venturing Scouts will have the opportunity to shoot Archery, Rifle and Shotgun throughout the day on their own schedule.
Overnight Camping available on Friday and/or Saturday night  for Units participating in the event at no extra cost. All camping Units must be attending with Unit Supervision or Parent Supervision. Please note, only Saturday lunch will be provided as part of event. Those camping must provide all other meals. The Royaneh camp platform tents will already be taken down by October so campers must provide their own tents. Please submit a Camp Royaneh Short Term camping Reservation form to the Council Camping department 510-577-9218 to sign up for camping and indicate that all campers are participating in the event.
WHEN: October 20, 2018
WHERE: Camp Royaneh
WHO: All Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing Scouts
Cub Scouts
Morning Session: Check-in at 8:30 AM. Shooting from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Lunch (both sessions) 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Afternoon Session: Check-in at 11:30 AM. Shooting from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Boy Scouts and Venturing Scouts
Check in at 8:30 AM. Ranges open from 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 PM. Lunch from 12:00-1:00.

Start Date/Time: 10/20/2018
End Date/Time: 10/20/2018
Online Registration Accepted Until: 10/19/2018 12:00:00 PM

To register:  click here

Cost: $20.00 per Boy Scout Adult Fee
$45.00 per Boy Scout Fee
$10.00 per Cub Scout Additional Adult Fee
$35.00 per Cub Scout Afternoon Archery
$35.00 per Cub Scout Afternoon BB Gun
$35.00 per Cub Scout Morning Archery
$35.00 per Cub Scout Morning BB Gun
$20.00 per Venturing Adult Fee
$45.00 per Venturing Scout Fee

After 10/15/2018 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Boy Scout Adult Fee Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Boy Scout Fee Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Additional Adult Fee Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Afternoon Archery Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Afternoon BB Gun Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Morning Archery Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Cub Scout Morning BB Gun Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Venturing Adult Fee Registrants.
After 10/15/2018 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Venturing Scout Fee Registrants.

Activity Location: 4600 Scanlon Road, Cazadero, CA 95421 US

Directions can be found at:  Location Map


Hello all, my name is Rich Payne and I am Communications Chair for the Pomo District. I will be handling the Pomo Post and our newly created  REC Pomo District Facebook Like our page and see immediate updates and information.

If your Unit has an event that you would like to promote or an article that you would like included in the Pomo Post or Facebook please send us an email at  pomodistrictcommunications@gmail.com

Redwood Empire Council BSA added as a charity beneficiary

You can support  Boy Scouts of America- Redwood Empire  by becoming a Basementeer! Sports Basement is spinning the traditional "loyalty" program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community.  Basementeer's receive 10% and give 10%:
  • 10% off every item every day
  • 10% of profits back to Boy Scouts of America- Redwood Empire
  • Please watch this one minute video to get the idea
Boy Scouts of America- Redwood Empire  supporters and staff can all receive a free membership now. That's a $25 value and hundreds (or potentially thousands) of dollars in savings!
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select   B oy Scouts of America- Redwood Empire  

Another fundraising opportunity.
Jennifer has been looking into Amazon Smile for the Council. Very similar to the Escrip program, it channels a donation from every Amazon purchase straight over to our very own 
Redwood Empire Council.
See her flyer for more details....
or contact her at
 707-495-2432 or tweetz327@comcast.net