Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - September 15, 2024

Poor and the Powerless

For the last four months, I have been following a more intensive pattern of reading the psalms each day.

One of the things that has happened as I have done this is that I keep being reminded how central providing protection and justice to the stranger, the poor and the powerless is to the psalmist's vision of who God is and what He cares about.

"The Lord cares for the strangers in the land; he defends the fatherless and widow" (Psalm 146.10).

"I am sure that the LORD will avenge the poor and maintain the cause of the helpless" (Psalm 140.12).

"For though the LORD be high, yet he has respect for the lowly; as for the proud, he beholds them from afar" (Psalm 138.6).

This is challenging to me, and also inspiring. It's challenging because by any metric, I am not personally poor, powerless or a stranger. What do these psalms say to me? Well, they mostly say "watch out!" and don't think there won't be justice in the end if I use my wealth and power against others instead of for them.

These psalms are also inspiring because they tell me something amazing about who God is, about His character. They tell me that His concern and love reaches the most humble, the most downtrodden, the most forgotten. He isn't a God who can be bribed or bought off by the wealthy and the powerful (even me). He is available to everyone at every time and every place in life.

"Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to another" (Psalm 90.1).

God bless,

P.S. Bishop Chris is also thinking about the church's responsibility toward the powerless. He writes about it in his column this week. You can read that here. If you would like to be on the diocese's mailing list to receive their email every other week that includes a note from Bishop Chris, you can sign up here.

Chili Cook-Off and Dad Jokes This Sunday

Stay after church at 10:15am Sunday to attend our Chili Cookoff and Dad Jokes contest! Kids get to vote on the best and worst jokes. We all get to vote on the best chili. This is a great way to connect with the people we worship with. If you are planning on coming and haven't already, please take a moment to signup here so we make sure to set up enough tables.

New Women's Bible Study starting Monday

The Monday Morning Ladies Bible Study will begin a new study on Monday, September 16 at 9:30am in

the church library. The study, Jesus The One And Only; focuses on the Gospel of Luke and is by Beth Moore. Ladies, please join us for a time of study, prayer, fun and fellowship. Please contact Melanie Kobos or text Melanie at 703-472-7493 for any questions.

Coffee Hour Set-Up: Help Needed!

Do you have a half-hour to give on Sundays?  Each Sunday Epiphany provides food for coffee hour and many of us gather together to talk and build relationships after the service.  We need people who can take that provided food, plate it up, and place it on the coffee hour food counter before the 10:15am service begins.  Then, when coffee hour is complete, clean up. Right now, this work is being done by Epiphany's clergy and staff, which is challenging when there are activities between the services like adult education.  If you, or your group, would be willing to do this one Sunday every month or two, contact Deacon Sally ( to learn more. 

Senior Lunch Fellowship Begins Sept. 18

We will meet on a regular basis – initially the third Wednesday of each month starting in September 18 at 1pm at the Chantilly I-HOP near Lowe’s (13804 Metrotech Drive).  Enjoy I-HOP’s generous 50% Wednesday senior meal discount on your lunch.  Looking for recommendations for a new doctor, hairdresser, novel, or recipe?  Your fellow seniors have great info and friendship to share.  Consider starting your Wednesday with the noon Eucharist at the church followed by the senior lunch.  For more information, contact Vonda Sines at (703) 850-1230.

Thanks! - Coates Food Pantry

Thanks to your donations we are able to make our first delivery of food to the Coates Elementary School food pantry this Friday. Please continue to bring donations for our October delivery and place them in the bin by the receptionist’s desk. We especially need foods such as beans, rice, and pasta as well as canned tuna, chicken, vegetables, soups and stews. Donations can be placed in the large bin next to the receptionist’s desk. Cash donations can also be made specifying Coates. Any questions? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Melanie Kobos (

Epiphany and Centerpointe Offering "Financial Peace University" this Fall

Do you often catch yourself wondering just where your money goes every month and how it ended up there? This fall, Epiphany is partnering with our friends at Centerpointe Church to offer Financial Peace University at Epiphany on Sundays at 2pm starting on Sept 22. This nine-lesson class covers how to budget to meet your financial needs, getting out of debt, saving for emergency and enabling generous giving. The class costs $80 for materials and will be led by David Cohen from Centerpointe. Sign-up here.

Join Epiphany's Choir Tonight at 7pm

The new choir season rehearsals will be every Thursday from 7-8 PM. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir, all are welcome to lift their voices in song. Come be part of our musical community and make a joyful noise together.

Women’s Fellowship Sept. 21

Come celebrate God’s awesome love for women! You are invited to a brunch at Amphora Restaurant in Herndon on September 21, 2024 from 10am to 12pm. Our speaker will be Beth Monroe and music with Christina Cummings. Signup online here. There is also a sign-up Sheet in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions please contact Amie Boncher at 703-593-3366 or Judy Schulenberg at 703-476-8554.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Sept. 13 - 22

Friday, Sept. 13

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Sept. 14

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, Sept. 15

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

11:30am Chili Cook Off and Dad Jokes

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

Monday, Sept. 16

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study in Library

Tuesday, Sept. 17

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, Sept. 18

12:00 Simple Eucharist

1:00pm Senior Lunch at IHOP

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, Sept. 19

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, Sept. 20

8:30am Men's Bible Study in Library and via Zoom

Saturday, Sept. 21

9:00am Band of Brothers

10:00am Women' Fellowship Brunch at Amphoras

Sunday, Sept. 22

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15 & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

2:00pm Financial Peace University

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

4:00pm Pilgrims Progress

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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