FCCDC is Mostly Virtual For Now
We hope you are staying safe and healthy. We've been busy in the past month helping clients secure grants and low cost loans! The good news is we're doing okay and keeping our virtual doors open. With Governor Baker's phased reopening we're busy helping businesses prepare for the necessary changes.

Read about how local towns are helping small businesses in this Recorder article .
Regional PPE bulk ordering available: order by Wednesday 5/27!
The Franklin County CDC is partnering with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG), the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, and Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture, to coordinate a bulk purchase of personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies to assist businesses in reopening. The items should be available for curbside pickup the week of June 1 st .

We anticipate that we will make several rounds of purchases, one every 2-3 weeks, as we enter new “reopening” phases. For this first round, we are restricting participation to only those businesses that are allowed to be open by June 1 st —those deemed “ essential ” and those that fall under Phase I guidelines .

Based on availability of items, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to obtain all items requested.

If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Rogers at the FRCOG at 413-768-4127 or .
What to do about COVID-19? FREE Webinars for Small Business Owners
WesternMass Business Technical Assistance Collaboration: (FCCDC, MA Small Business Development Center Network, Common Capital, Valley CDC, Women Enterprise Center) have organized a series of online 45 minute webinars to help business owners cope with strategies during the COVID-19 that have been released over the past few weeks with many more scheduled.  

Have a training of resource to add to the list? Add to the form by clicking here .

Contact  for more information
Business to Business Online Gathering!
Join other business owners for a 60 minute informal online gathering, facilitated by the FCCDC staff to discuss what’s on your mind, re-opening, forgivable loans, businesses adjustments made and successes to celebrate! Please pre-register ahead with an email.  
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020
Time: 8:30-10am 
Facilitated by: Amy Shapiro, Business Development Director, FCCDC
Upcoming Food and Farming Virtual Info Sessions
Food + Farm Virtual Info Sessions: Useful information for businesses and entrepreneurs who are increasing access to healthy food. Retailers, growers, processors, aggregators, distributors and more -- join us! 
May 26th (Tuesday) 11-noon
June 10th (Wednesday) 2-3:00pm

Email Rebecca for more information,
Our Lending Department is here to guide you!
Questions about emergency funding?
The FCCDC has several financing options available for small businesses who are suffering during this COVID-19 emergency, especially food and farm businesses.

For current borrowers, we continue to suspend interest fees and defer loan payments during the months of April and May.

Please contact Alan Singer, FCCDC Lending Director, for more information and to get connected to the best funding sources for you and your business.

Payroll Protection Plan Round Two

As of May 15th, the Federal Payroll Protection Program still had loans available for small businesses. Please contact your bank for more information .
CISA Emergency Farm Fund
Has your Farm been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis? Our PVGrows Investment Fund has teamed up with CISA to provide 0% interest, deferred payment loans. The CISA Emergency Farm Fund is reopening after a successful first round of $183,000 to local farms.

Applications are open June 1, apply here !
FCCDC Borrower Spotlight
Bread Euphoria Pop-Up Market, The New Model?
By now, you've probably heard or tried out curb-side pick up from a grocery, farm stand or food shop. But in their innovative nature, FCCDC client Bread Euphoria is updating that model: Pop-Up, Pick-up ! Order today to find out what all the excitement is about!

  1. Order online
  2. Visit Bread Euphoria at your assigned time, and pick up your delicious food!

Contact Andrea at or visit their website for more information.
Food Processing Center Spotlight
Berry Great Partnership With UMASS
The Western Mass Food processing Center has been working with researchers Amanda Kinchla and Jill Fitzsimmons from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on a two year Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NESARE) program grant from the USDA.

Over the last year, researchers and the Western Mass Food Processing Center Staff have worked together to refine our value add frozen food processes.

Read the full story with photos here.
PVGrows Investment Fund featured in E-Book
Our PVGrows Investment Fund was featured in a new E-book about community investing. Community Investment Funds: A How-To Guide for Building Local Wealth, Equity and Justice is a publication from the National Coalition for Community Capital and the Solidago Foundation.

Read the e-book here !
Watch: PVGrows Investment Fund Episodes 1-6!
Watch the entire collection of PVGrows Investment Fund Borrower and Investor videos below! Special thanks to our truly incredible community who make this work possible, and to our videographer and former intern Levi!
Episode 1: Real Pickles
Episode 2: Seeds of Solidarity
Episode 3: Investor Spotlight
Episode 4: Sutter Meats
Episode 5: Mycoterra Farm
Episode 6: Bardwell Farm
PVGrows Investment Fund Financing Available
The  PVGrows Investment Fund has provided financing to  37 farm and local food businesses so far and we are poised for more! Take advantage of our flexible terms and access to free and low-cost business assistance. 
"From start-up funds to get us open to facilitating a business consultation to get us to the next level, the PVGrows Investment Fund has been an incredibly supportive asset for Sutter Meats.” 
-Terry Ragasa, Sutter Meats, PVGIF Borrower
CITC Program: Tax Credits made simple
Donations of $1,000 or more receive a 50% tax credit through our CITC program.

The Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) is a refundable tax credit that supports community-led development initiatives and strong local partnerships by leveraging private contributions. Read about CITC, click here .
“I just got my state refund and it was $500 more than it would have been otherwise – now I can use that money to make another donation this year!”
- Anonymous Donor
Starting a Business? We can help!
Find out what you need to know to successfully launch your own business. 

For ALL businesses, sessions are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm.
Upcoming virtual sessions are on June 3

If you have a food business or would like to use the Western MA Food Processing Center to make your soon-to-be-famous recipe, we have a special session for you! FOOD business info sessions are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 10am.
Upcoming virtual sessions are on June 16
"It was quite challenging to write a business plan like that, but with the CDC’s help, I did.”

-Michael Nix, Banjo Musician

#ItAllStartsWith From The FCCDC
FCCDC client Pure Pro Massage Products started making hand sanitizer several weeks ago. Wondering where you can find some for your home, office or car?

You can order their hand sanitizer and get free shipping! #ItAllStartsWith

Have a business or org. in mind that has pivoted or done something special for our community? Share with Helen!
Everyone Counts! 2020 Census
Other Local Offerings and Events
Lawers and Civil Rights and Tufts Health Plan $1000 grant for Small Businesses
Small business support providing one-time $1000 to qualifying small businesses whose eligibility is confirmed by LCR | BizGrow.

The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 28 at 5PM. Late submissions will not be considered, only finalists will be contacted by June 3.

Click Here to apply!
Grants for Small Businesses
Valley Community Development has compiled a list of grant opportunities for small businesses in Western Mass.

Applications open for Mass Food Trust Program!
Grant and loan funding available for stores that offer healthy food in underserved neighborhoods. Learn more about the Mass Food Trust Program and how to apply today!
Montague Accepting CDBG Grants 5/26
Montague and the FCCDC are working together to offer Montague Small business a series of grants up to $5,000.

Click here to read an article about it.

For updates on the development of the program, and for information on applying, email Walter Ramsey at
Common Good creates Mutual Aid Offers Needs and Tips Board

Common Good created a mutual aid platform for everyone, regardless of membership, to get what they need and offer their help. Anyone can use the platform. Check it out!
Resources for Farmers and Food Producers

COVID 19 Response Resources for Local Farmers:

CISA Emergency Farm Fund:

Loan applications will be accepted from farms that:
  • Have had losses due to COVID-19
  • Operate in Franklin, Hampshire, or Hampden counties in Massachusetts
  • Demonstrate need and a capacity to repay the loan (perfect credit history not required)
  • Have gross annual sales for 2019 that were $20,000 or more. If your farm did not gross at least $20,000, please contact CISA at 413-665-7100 for more information.

Want to contribute to the fund? Click Here
Franklin County CDC | 324 Wells Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 | 413-774-7204 |