Our Mission |
Popp & Associates is dedicated to providing expert college admissions guidance to students and their families. We welcome the opportunity to assist you with your college counseling needs.
Popp & Associates, LLC 354 Washington Street Suite 225 Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 781-859-9116 phone 781-203-0019 fax poppandassociates.com
Finding Your College Fit
As April 1 approaches, colleges are notifying applicants of admission decisions, and the college application process is finally coming to an end, much to the delight of seniors and parents!
While many families are excited to know students' options, the choices can at times feel overwhelming. Students may get accepted into more colleges than they expected, a scholarship offer may be an incentive for a family to reconsider a school that was not initially a top choice, etc.
College visits are especially beneficial at this point in the college search and application process. While students may have toured campuses in 11th grade, their perspectives will be completely different now. Once students know that attending a certain college is a very real possibility
and not just a dream, they will be able to invest more personally in the college tour experience. Seniors should be honest with themselves and seriously evaluate whether they would be happy at a school and if that college will satisfy their personal and academic goals.
As accepted applicants and prospective students (sophomores and juniors) plan college visits this spring, we would like to offer a few tips to ensure that the tours are meaningful. Successful college visits enable students to get the answers they need to move forward with more clarity and identify the best fit for their needs. Please enjoy our PowerPoint presentation titled
"Tips and Resources to Make the Most of Your College Visits" that we recently shared with parents at a local college fair. For more recommendations on planning your spring college tours,
please be in touch. We're happy to help. Safe travels!
P&A Spring College Counseling Classes
Save the dates! Popp & Associates staff will be teaching two college counseling classes at Brookline Adult and Community Education in April and May. Meet the P&A college counselors
and learn how to successfully navigate the college application and athletic recruitment processes. Classes are open to the public, and high school parents are encouraged to attend. Sign up today!
Getting Into College:
The Admissions and Application Process
With over 2,000 four-year colleges in the U.S. for high school students to consider, navigating the selection and application process can be daunting. With a bit of guidance from professionals, you can ease the process by learning to prepare and engage. In this class for parents and guardians of students in grades nine through eleven, we will discuss the steps that students and parents should be taking before the college search kicks off in eleventh grade, what do do during the application process, and common mistakes to avoid. You will leave with a list of valuable resources.
April 27 7-9pm
Register here.
Navigating the College Athletics Recruitment Process
If your child is a high school athlete looking to continue playing a sport in college, join us to learn about the college athletic recruitment process and how it affects the college application process. Participants will be guided through the recruitment process timeline and offered valuable insight regarding how to assess their child's potential to be successfully recruited. We will discuss NCAA recruitment procedures, eligibility, rules, deadlines, and policies, athletic-admissions rubrics including the Ivy League Academic Index, candidacy for athletic scholarships, guidance for generating film highlight packages, how to review athletic and admission offers, and more.
May 13 7-9pm
Spring College Fairs 
College fairs are well underway as we approach the last few months of the school year and head into the summer! High school juniors and parents can benefit from attending college fairs as they enable families to speak with admission officers one-on-one and learn about colleges of interest. All of the fairs are free and open to the public.
NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) hosts college fairs in many US cities during the spring. These fairs are very well attended by colleges located throughout the country and provide a valuable opportunity for students to network with admission officers. To find a college fair near your home, please click here. The Boston fair will be held on April 9-10. During May, NEACAC (New England Association for College Admission Counseling) will host college fairs in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. Colleges located throughout the US will be in attendance. Colleges That Change Lives, Inc. (CTCL) is a nonprofit organization including various colleges in the US that are featured in the book Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope. CTCL will be offering college fairs in many US cities in 2015. The Boston event will be held on May 20.
Website Pick of the Month
At this time of year, families frequently ask us for suggestions
for students' summer plans.
We encourage students to be productive
and take advantage of the summer as a time to explore their interests when there are not many demands on their time, such as schoolwork and extracurricular commitments. InternBoston specializes
in finding summer internships for high school
and college students.
The staff members have extensive expertise working with teens and parents, as well as numerous connections with local companies and organizations who welcome
the opportunity to mentor students.
InternBoston can find internship placements in various industries including
business, medical research, journalism, teaching,
law and much more! Internships enable students to learn about their passions and develop skills that will be useful in a future career. Internship applications for summer 2015 will be accepted until April 30, so get in touch with InternBoston today!
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