Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!

By now you know the May 2 Spring Tour and welcome new members lunch has been canceled due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Your Green Mountain Region board met last recently by Zoom and with the guidance and hard work of events chair Duffy Miller, decided to reschedule the June overnight tour. Please see below for the changes. Be sure to save the dates, including June which is now TBA. You can also keep up with schedule changes by going to our website.

Webmeister Al Iuppa is doing a great job of keeping it current (can you say "Breaking News?"

Also see below for new members who have just joined our region, and also we are sending again mechanic Jason Eastman's tips for firing up your Porsche now that spring is here (or almost).

Take Care!

Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair/ Board Member
Save the Dates! Here is your GMR Porsche Club 2020
Tour and Meeting Schedule!

Updated Summer Tour Schedule (April 16)
During its meeting on April 15 the Board made further revisions to the 2020 summer tour schedule in response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The changes, while still tentative and subject to government directives, were made reluctantly but with the highest regard for the safety of our members.
As of April 15 the schedule is as follows; be sure to check the GMR website and the Mountaineer often for updates.

  • May 2 – Tour & Member Meeting – Cancelled
  • June 12/13 – Postponed – This overnight event has been moved to August 14/15. We will advise you of the details once we confirm lodging and meal offerings – see August information below. However, still save June 13 for a TBA tour if possible.
  • July 11 – A Windsor County tour is being put together that will include lunch at the Windsor Station along with a visit to the American Precision Museum.
  • August 14/15 – (Rescheduled from June 12/13) Southern VT tour on Saturday, August 15th, with overnight accommodations at the Grey Ghost Inn available to members on Friday, August 14th. It is also possible to arrange reservations for Saturday evening lodging if needed. 
  • September 19 – Tour to be announced.
  • October 10 – Fall Foliage Tour & Membership Meeting
  • December 5 – Holiday dinner and party

Other events that may be of interest to GMR PCA club members. Please note that the following events are not sponsored by Green Mountain Region:

  • August 7 – 9 – VT Antique and Classic car show. GMR PCA will be represented, for information visit click here.
  • October 2-4 – Chester VT “Wheels in the Field” event features classic Porsches and Scottish Trials on BMW GS Motorcycles, held at the Pinnacle Recreation Area. For information visit click here

Note: While the schedule settles, the Events Committee needs help and would like to hear from you if you are interested in leading one of the tours. If you are interested in leading a tour or helping out, or have questions or other suggestions, please contact events chair Duffy Miller at
Welcome New PCA Members!
Info updated April 11, 2020

Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions, since our last newsletter, according to monthly data supplied us by national PCA. Note: if a member lets his or her membership lapse and then signs up again, they will appear as a "new member." In which case, welcome back!

Robert Lierle, Putney, Arctic Silver 2011 911 Carrera S

Eric Morris, Shelburne, Brown 1978 911 SC

John Patch, Colchester, White 1988 924 S

David Holton, Essex Junction, Silver 2006 Carrera 4S

Name Tags: We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for wearing at all GMR events. Please email our treasure r, Christina McCaffrey , to r equest them for you and your spouse or partner, and she will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $15.00 per name tag.

Tech Talk - Ask Jason!

Green Mountain PCA Member Jason Eastman, mechanic and owner of Bullfrog Auto in Milton, Vermont, has graciously agreed to answer members’ questions about their Porsches in a club feature we call “Ask Jason,” appearing here in the Mountaineer and in the Tech Talk section of our website .

We last asked Jason, How do you store a Porsche for the winter? Hopefully his advice was heeded! Now, we have asked Jason for his tips for taking Porsches out of the garage, out of storage, out of Car Capsule bubbles and cranking them up.


When it's time to pull a Porsche out of hibernation there are a few things that I do and check.

·       Connect and install the battery if removed from the car.
·       Remove any dryer sheets or steel wool from the intake of the engine and exhaust if any were placed for storage.
·       Check the engine oil and coolant levels to ensure they are at the proper levels.
·       If both the engine oil and coolant levels are good, start the engine and allow it to stabilize; but back out outside quickly to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
·       Once outside, allow the engine a couple of minutes to stabilize. It's not uncommon to hear a little more clatter, see a little more smoke from the tailpipe or run a little ragged on initial start up. These issues may occur because the engine oil typically bleeds off during extended periods of sitting. Additionally, oil can settle in the cylinders and contribute to a little extra smoke. All should dissipate quickly on its own or after a short drive.
·       With the car outside, check the storage space for any signs of fluid leaks. While the engine is idling remove any dryer sheets, moth balls or other forms of rodent deterrents from the car. Check for any signs of rodents that may have decided to take up residence in your Porsche.
·       Check the tire pressures and set them to the specified tire pressures found on the chassis.
·       Check that the registration and insurance cards are in the car and are current.
·       Check that the inspection sticker on the windshield is current.

Take the car out for a short drive (usually about 7-10 miles) to get the engine up to operating temperature. Listen for any odd noises, vibrations, etc. It's very common for tires to develop flat spots when sitting in one place for an extended time. The tires typically will smooth out once they warm sufficiently.
Return home and if all went well you're ready for the driving season.

Now is also a good time to wash and wax the car. Enjoy the season and the Porsche Club tours, once they resume!

Question: Jason, what safety steps have you had to take during the Covid-19 crisis, with social distancing, etc?

Jason: I'm still open for customers to come in; however, I can't at this time allow people in the shop due to state regulations. My procedure is to have costumers call me to schedule service and then drop the car off on the scheduled day. Leave the key in the car. I'll come out and take it from there wearing a mask and gloves. The pickup procedure is much the same except in reverse. Payments are taken over the phone and receipts are emailed or mailed via snail mail. 

(Editor's note: car repairs are considered an "essential" service.)

Any member with a question should email Communications Chair Sandy Gilmou r or Webmeister Alessandro Iuppa who will forward to Jason after which we will publish the answer(s). Likewise, if you would like to submit a an article on a technical subject regarding Porsches, email to Sandy and/or Al. It's a great opportunity to get -- or give -- some great advice.
Check Out Our Website , .

If you have any comments or suggestions on the website, please contact our Webmeister, Al Iuppa
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Carl Wulfestieg
Dave Whittall
Vice President
‭(802) 843-2482
Christina McCaffrey
Peggy Larson Secretary
Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair
Alessandro Iuppa
Don Jones
(802) 359-3606
Albert "Duffy" Miller
Events Chair
‭(802) 613-3169
Bill Root
Immediate Past President

Brad Kennison
Membership Chair
About These Email Communications: 

Replies to these GMT PCA emails come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to President Carl Wulfestieg and other board members if needed. I always welcome any comments on any ways we can improve communications with GMT PCA members.

Join GMR PCA -- If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining PCA . You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $45 a year. Go online at , or simply call headquarters in Maryland at (410) 381-0911‬.

We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at

Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!
~ Sandy
Sandy Gilmour ('99 Boxster)  
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America