Vol. 4, No. 12, May 2020
FTZ No. 62 Records Banner Year for 2019
Foreign Trade Zone No. 62 at the Port of Brownsville reported a record-setting $8.9 billion in the combined value of exports and imports for 2019.

The total value of export shipments through FTZ No. 62 reached $4.3 billion in 2019, an increase from $3.8 billion the year before. In turn, the FTZ received $4.6 billion in imports. These numbers, the highest in the zone’s history, saw products in the petroleum industry and shipbuilding equipment bring the most value, supported by the steady transport of steel, aluminum and wind energy products.

With domestic exports and foreign imports valued in the billions, FTZ No. 62 continues to be a positive economic driver for communities throughout the Rio Grande Valley. 
Crowds gather to kick off the celebration of the opening of the Port of Brownsville on May 16, 1936. When the two-day festivities came to a close the port that works was officially open for business.
84 Years Strong:*
Port Observes
On May 16, 2020, the Port of Brownsville observes its 84 th anniversary.

Opened in 1936 to the excitement of thousands of local residents, the Port of Brownsville signified a new hope for economic prosperity in the Rio Grande Valley region.

Thanks in part to the vision and commitment of Louis Cobolini, an Italian immigrant who set his sights on the port’s potential, the 17-mile long Brownsville ship channel has welcomed foreign travelers and businesses to its shores.

Located on the southernmost tip of Texas and near neighboring Mexico, the possibilities for international commerce were as rich as the Rio Grande Valley’s soil.

In the port’s early years, agricultural exports brought citrus fruits from local groves and shipped Texas cotton across the ocean seas.

The Brownsville Herald archives indicate that in 1937, nearly one year after the initial opening, British freighter Antigone called on the nascent port to load 4,000 tons of scrap metal from Brownsville Iron and Metal company and ship it to Japan. The Antigone was the first British flagged vessel to call on the Port of Brownsville.

Since then, the port has established itself as the premier ship recycling and scrap metal location in the United States and is home to the nation’s principal U.S. Navy aircraft carrier dismantling program.

In addition to the ship recycling operations, the port has developed a versatile marine terminal operation for both liquid and dry cargoes. Petroleum products, steel break bulk materials, aggregates, minerals and windmill components are some of the many commodities handled here today.

An economic impact study by Martin Associates released in 2019 reports the port is responsible for more than 51,000 jobs and $3 billion in annual state economic activity, with more than 8,500 regional workers directly employed by activities of the port.

The port continues to seek opportunities to grow and its leaders know investing in infrastructure is key to its future success.

In 2019, construction of a new Liquid Cargo Dock 6 and improvements to Liquid Cargo Dock 3 and the Bulk Cargo Dock were finalized and are currently in operation. The port also added two new additional mobile harbor cranes to its inventory to meet the increasing workload of scheduled windmill and steel projects.

With more than $40 billion worth of projects currently in the works, the Port of Brownsville is transforming the Rio Grande Valley by creating positive investment opportunities and jobs.

*Hold on to your hats and save the date, as the Brownsville Navigation District gears up to celebrate our 85 th anniversary May 16, 2021!

Make memories with loved ones as you tour the Brownsville Ship Channel by boat and learn about the Port of Brownsville.
TCEQ Approves Air Permit for Annova LNG
In April the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality approved an air permit to Annova LNG for its proposed liquefied natural gas export facility at the Port of Brownsville.

The facility has received key federal authorizations, including its FERC certificate authorization and Department of Energy approval to export to both Free Trade Agreement and non-Free Trade Agreement nations.

In January, Annova LNG announced a firm transportation agreement with Valley Crossing Pipeline, LLC for the facility’s natural gas supply.

Annova LNG currently plans to make a final investment decision in 2021, commissioning in 2024, and commercial operations in early 2025.
National Maritime Day
Honors the Past
Each year on May 22 our country celebrates National Maritime Day.

In 1933, Congress declared National Maritime Day to commemorate the American steamship Savannah’s voyage from the United States to England, marking the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean with steam propulsion.

During World War II more than 250,000 members of the U.S. Merchant Marine served their country, with more than 6,700 giving their lives, hundreds being detained as prisoners of war and more than 800 U.S. merchant ships being sunk or damaged.

National Maritime Day is a time-honored tradition recognizing one of our country’s most important industries. Each year, ceremonies and celebrations throughout the country recognize National Maritime Day and the people our maritime nation depend on.






Port Director & CEO

Contact Us:
Ph:  956.831.4592 / 800.378.5395
Fax:  956.831.5006
May 5
Cinco De Mayo

May 6
BND Board Meeting

May 7
National Day of Prayer

May 10
Mother's Day

May 16
Port of Brownsville 84th Anniversary

May 20
BND Board Meeting

May 22
National Maritime Day

May 25
Memorial Day Port Offices Closed

June 3
BND Board Meeting

June 14
Flag Day

June 17
BND Board Meeting

June 19

June 20
First Day of Summer

June 21
Father's Day
TSA Extends Expiration Date For TWIC
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in April issued a notice Exemption to Extend the Expiration Date of Certain Transportation Worker Identification Credentials(TWIC).
With this notice, TSA is granting a temporary exemption from requirements in 49 CFR part 1572 regarding the expiration of certain Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC).

For TWICs expiring between March 1, 2020, and July 31, 2020, the exemption extends the validity of a TWIC for 180 days for an individual whose TWIC would otherwise expire during the effective period of the exemption. TSA may extend this exemption at a future date depending on the status of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) National Emergency.
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Port of Brownsville
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Fast Facts
Texas is a force to be reckoned with as a location for business and skilled talent. And it just keeps getting stronger.

Economic Powerhouse: If Texas were a nation, it would rank as the 10th largest economy in the world based on GDP, ahead of Australia, Mexico, Spain, Russia and many others.
#1 Exporter: Texas maintains its position as the nation’s #1 exporter—a title the state has held for 18 consecutive years. In 2019, Texas exported $330 billion in goods to destinations all over the world with Mexico, Canada, China, South Korea, Japan, Brazil and Netherlands as its top trading partners.

Home to World-Leading Companies: Behind Texas' strong economy are 49 Fortune 500 companies, including ExxonMobil, AT&T, Sysco and American Airlines, more than 1,400 foreign companies such as Toyota, BAE Systems, Siemens and Shell Oil and 2.4 million small businesses. See which Fortune 500 companies have their headquarters here.

14 Million Productive Workers: Texas has the second largest civilian workforce in America—14 million Texans. Our top-notch schools feed a strong pipeline of talent into the state and out-of-state workers continue to flock to Texas to take advantage of diverse job opportunities and quality of life amenities