Portland Children's Levy Newsletter
JUNE 2017
Dan Saltzman, Portland City Commissioner | Lisa Pellegrino, Director
New: OR Immigrant and Refugees Funders Collaborative
The Oregon Community Foundation, MRG Foundation, The Collins Foundation and Meyer Memorial Trust have created a new collaboration of pooled and aligned funds: the Oregon Immigrant and Refugees Funders Collaborative.
The announcement highlighted the combination of strategies that the new Collaborative will use, including a "no wrong door" policy that encourages nonprofits to reach out to any of the four funders involved in the work, a shared application and reporting process to streamline the work and grant guidelines. The funders expect that they will be abl
e to issue rapid response grants with a 48- to 72-hour turnaround.
Applicants can reach out to any partner and be forwarded to the following point people: Roberto Franco at The Oregon Community Foundation (rfranco@oregoncf.org), Cynthia Addams at The Collins Foundation (caddams@collinsfoundation.org), Roberta Phillip-Robbins at MRG Foundation (roberta@mrgfoundation.org), or Sally Yee at Meyer Memorial Trust
Learn more about this collaborative
8th annual La
tino Conference
The 2017 Latino Health Equity Conference on Tuesday, June 20th at Portland State University will continue the theme of examining the unique health issues faced by Latino immigrant communities in the United States focusing specifically on aging. Latino elders and their family members draw upon cultural strengths including the importance of spirituality and family that can serve as resilience factors. However, elderly Latino immigrants face many obstacles that affect their overall health. There are cultural and systemic barriers in health care, disparities in chronic disease management, limited access to culturally appropriate community resources for eldercare and limited access to palliative and hospice care.
Additional conference details can be found on the Familias en Acción
Time to be BOLD
On Saturday, July 15, you can have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rappel over the edge of the 24-story 1000 SW Broadway building in downtown Portland and support the strong, smart and bold girls that Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest serves. Individuals who raise a minimum of $1,250 for Girls Inc. programming will secure their spot to rappel For more info, go here.
New Columbia Farmers Market
opening day is June 8th.
The community is invited to another season of the Janus supported New Columbia Farmers Market. Join vendors each Thursday evening this summer for music, food, fun and friends. This year, the market is building a partnership with St. Johns Farmers Market and it will be an opportunity for both markets to learn from the successes of the other and to be stronger together. It is also a great bridge for Janus vendors to transition to bigger markets around the city. This year Janus will also be offering a $10 match for SNAP shoppers through Double Up Food Bucks ensuring everyone has access to locally grown fresh produce. Please get in touch if you would like to be a part of the heart of this community - vgardens@janusyouth.org
YWCA Social Change Trainings
The YWCA offers high-quality and engaging social change trainings. Training info can be found
here. The org is also looking for women of color who want to work with other women of color for racial justice. More info
PCL $500 event sponsorships available NOW
PCL has a limited amount of $500 sponsorships for events related to our funding areas. The events must take place from July 1 - Dec. 31st, 2017; requests are being accepted now. "PCL Sponsorship Guidelines" can be found on the PCL website here .
Allocation Committee News
Mark your calendar: the next PCL Allocation Committee meeting is Monday, July 24th at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 1221 SW 4th Ave. Agendas will be posted on the PCL website a week before the meeting and sent to the PCL mailing list.
If you missed the Monday, May 22nd AC meeting, view it on YouTube here.
PCL Audit News
The PCL 2015-16 independent audit was recently
completed by auditor Merina & Co. and found that administrative expenses were less than 5 percent of revenues, were necessary and proper, and grant disbursements
were properly documented and in accordance with approved budgets. Annual audit reports have consistently shown that 95 cents of every dollar collected is invested in programs helping the city's children. Go to the PCL website here to see the full report.
PCL Helps Nonprofits Recruit Volunteers
- A link: either to your website where volunteer information can be found, or the email and/or phone number of the name of the person responsible for volunteers.
- A short blurb about what you are looking for from volunteers.
- If you would like to include any specific wording about outreach to older and/or retired potential volunteers.
Trump's budget would decimate the current food stamp program
Most families receiving food stamps ARE working
The proposed federal budget would impact special ed...in a bad way
Read the NYTimes article
People Making a Difference:
Rick Nitti/Neighborhood House
A big thank you and best wishes to Rick Nitti, longtime executive director of Neighborhood House, who is retiring. Rick has led the agency since 1999, increasing the size and scope of its services throughout Metro Portland.
"I'm deeply grateful for the support and collaborative spirit I've experienced in my time at Neighborhood House, working to help vulnerable people build stronger, more self-determined lives. It's been a pleasure working with you toward our shared vision of building a more equitable Portland and beyond! Thank you!"
Rick will stay on until a new exec director is hired, likely by the end of August.
Plans are underway for celebrations of his legacy and details will be posted on the Neighborhood House website. The agency is inviting donations to Neighborhood House in honor of Rick's many years of committed service to the community.
For more information, contact Neighborhood House Development Director Mari Yerger at 503-246-1663 x2119, or myerger@nhpdx.org.
Take a look at the new PCL Community Report
The new PCL 2017 Community Report has arrived.
This year, we used flowers to help tell the story of some of the families and children PCL programs serve. Click here to view the full report.
Also, thanks to everyone who came to the recent photo exhibit in the City Hall Atrium. We visited with grantees, families, students and other guests who enjoyed the photos and fresh flowers highlighted in the Community Report.
Early learning creates lasting benefits for children. Read the Oregonian story
Friendly House is opening a full-day preschool option in Fall 2017. They will also be offering a half-day program, too, and sliding scale pricing plus full scholarships will be in place for both. For more info or to apply online, go
Director, After School & Hunger grants
Assistant Director and Early Childhood & Mentoring grants:
Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention & Foster Care Grants Manager:
Communications Director:
Fiscal Specialist:
Who We Are
The Portland Children's Levy was created by city voters in 2002 and overwhelmingly renewed by the electorate in Fall 2008 and Spring 2013. Funding for the new five-year Levy began July 1, 2014 and includes hunger relief as a new focus area.
The Levy is supported through a property tax paid by City of Portland homeowners that generates $15 million toward investments in proven programs in areas of Early Childhood, After School, Mentoring, Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention, Foster Care and Hunger Relief. The Levy reaches over 8,000 children and their families annually; in addition, Levy-funded hunger relief services provide food to over 11,000 children and 9,167 parents/caregivers annually.
The Levy is annually audited and administrative costs do not exceed 5 percent.
Questions? Contact: Call Mary Gay Broderick at 503-823-2947 or e-mail