Welcome to the September Issue of our E-News for Members of the Portrait Society of America.  There's a cripsness in the air signaling the approach of Fall and we're looking forward to a number of upcoming member opportunities, including the Members Only Competition.  Mark your calendar for November 12, 2015 and upload your images before our deadline. 
Thank you for your support through your membership, we are grateful that you are part of our artistic family.


Christine Egnoski
Painter of Presidents and Royalty

Nelson Shanks, a world-renowned painter, art historian, and art teacher passed away on Friday, August 28, 2015.

Mr. Shanks' skill in capturing the complex nature of his subjects has earned him the respect of the portrait community at large, as well as the general public. Some of his most notable commissions include Presidents William Clinton and Ronald Reagan; Diana Prince of Wales and Charles, Lord Spencer; Pope John Paul II; Luciano Pavarotti for the Metropolitan Opera; Mstislav Rostropovich for the Kennedy Center; and Denyce Graves for the National Portrait Gallery.

Upon accepting the Portrait Society's Gold Medal award in 2009 Nelson stated, "The idea was to create an art school that was above and beyond anything else that was out there. To have the greatest artists of our time come to teach people based on the principle that an artist must be educated, he must be capable, he must have facility on a very high level and develop a perception that is far above and beyond that of an average person . . . The school is living up to every one of those expectations and hopes. And this is what I want to pass on." Nelson's commitment and vision will live on in the establishment and future teachings at Studio Incamminati School for Contemporary Realist Art.
Nelson Shanks, Goats, 2014 
Oil on Canvas, 24x20" 

Nelson Shanks, Barbara Eberlein  
Oil on Canvas, 30x20" 
On his passing, artist Robin Frey, a Studio Incamminati graduate and friend, remarks, "Nelson was certainly bigger than life, and maybe even bigger than death. He is still here with us... in his work, in his teachings, in his students, friends, and colleagues. His absence will be felt, but the man, his paintings, and his life, his legacy, will not be forgotten."
Won't You Join Us in Celebrating Fine Art Portraiture?
Mary Whyte's watercolor demonstration at the  
2015 The Art of the Portrait Conference. 
Our schedule for next year's 18th annual conference is coming together! We are fortunate to have such a talented roster for the 2016 Faculty teaching over the four days of demonstrations, lectures and panel discussions.

We are pleased to announced that already we have confirmed demonstrations and programs by these well-known and talented artists: Casey Childs, Rose Frantzen, Max Ginsburg,  Daniel Greene, James Gurney, Jeffrey Hein, Quang Ho, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Edward Jonas, Scott Jones, Sam Knetch, Robert Liberace, Ricky Mujica, Michael Shane Neal, Anthony Ryder, John Howard Sanden, Joseph Todorovitch, Dawn Whitelaw, Mary Whyte and Elizabeth Zanzinger.

We still have a number of programs and faculty to confirm, so stay tuned for special announcements and our full schedule.
Make your plans early to join us for a weekend full of art, friendship and learning! 
Questions? Call us toll-free at 1-877-772-4321  

The International
Mark Your Calendar - March 2, 2016
"We are happy when we are growing." These words were part of Edward Jonas' chair letter for the International Artist magazine about the Portrait Society's competition. Ed wrote, " ... our competition allows us to uphold and honor the 'best of the best' within our discipline, while also inspiring us all to continue our growth as artists." Inspire others and enter today for a chance to be part of the group of winners of 2016. Download the prospectus today. 

2015 International Competition Finalists

Our Host Hotel 

Hyatt Regency Reston

Don't miss a single minute of the program. By staying at the Hyatt Regency Reston, where all of our programs take place, you'll be at the center of all the activity. Call toll-free 888-421-1442 for reservations and ask for the Portrait Society special conference discounted rate of $140 per night. This rate is valid until March 23, 2016 or until the hotel is fully booked.


Hsin-Yao Tseng, 2nd Place Non-Commissioned Portrait
Pete at Work, 16 x 20", oil
On-Line Entry Deadline: November 12th

We are now accepting entries for the 11th annual Members Only Competition.  Consider these 5 distinct categories to enter your work and share with your fellow members.  Each year the Members Only Competition varies by subject and/or medium. For this year, the competition will be by subject and members can enter one, two... or all five categories: 
  • Commissioned Portrait
  • Non-Commissioned Portrait
  • Outside the Box
  • Landscape
  • Still-Life

 All winners will be recognized on the Portrait Society's website, The Art of the Portrait Journal, and featured in International Artist magazine.


Entry is on-line only; upload your files by November 12, 2015.  



How can you take your artwork to the next level? By having your work critiqued by today's top portrait and figurative artists. Every artist seeks resources, techniques and tools to improve their artwork and business. The Artist-to-Artist Critique Service Program offers Portrait Society of America members the opportunity to receive detailed, one-on-one, interactive feedback from professional artists.  
Take advantage of this exclusive member benefit today. You may use this unique member benefit as often as you wish. All proceeds benefit the Portrait Society's scholarship fund and other educational programs. You can now submit your request for a critique and your
work on-line.
Mentoring Program Application  

Deadline October 14th 


We are now accepting applications for the 2016 Cecilia Beaux Forum Mentoring Program! The Mentoring Program is a project of the Cecilia Beaux Forum developed to support the aesthetic and technical growth of female figurative artists in America.  The program fosters relationships between individual established artists and advanced emerging artists.

Click here for application requirements, deadlines, and more information.


I think what separates  

 a "mentoring" relationship  

from a source of information  

about expertise is the word "relationship" which  

brings with it a commitment  

and a personal interest.  

-- Judith Carducci



Cecilia Beaux Forum Dues Renewal

The annual renewal period for the Cecilia Beaux Forum is currently in progress. Annual membership is only $15 a year and is open to all Portrait Society members. If you are currently a member, we ask that you go online and renew your support today.  If you are not a member, we invite you to join with other members to support our efforts.  

The purpose of the Cecilia Beaux Forum is to strengthen the role of women artists by providing programs and resources to enhance the quality of, as well as the public's knowledge and appreciation of, their work.  As a member you will receive the quarterly e-news as well as be able to apply for the Mentoring Program.   


Educational Opportunities
Rhoda Sherbell: Sculpture opened on Sunday, September 13th and will run through October 25, 2015 at The Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.

Rhoda Sherbell and Leslie Adams at the opening of the show.

Everett Raymond Kinstler will be at the Salmagundi Club on Friday evening, September 18th at 7:30pm.   Attendees will have a rare opportunity to listen to Mr. Kinstler as he discusses his prolific life as an artist with the Oil Painters of America President and Signature Member, Ken Cadwallader. Hear how his art career began and the road he has traveled on his way to becoming one of America's most preeminent and beloved artists.  Reservations required, call 212-255-7740 for more information.

Everett Raymond Kinstler

The Scottsdale Artists School 2015-2016 Workshop catalog is now available and offers a variety of classes and workshops, featuring many Portraits Society members and past conference faculty.  A complete list of workshops can be found at or call 800-333-5707.

Joseph Todorovitch, May 2016 Instructor

A Portrait of Us, a solo exhibition of watercolors by Mary Whyte, will be on display October 16, 2015 - January 3, 2016 at The Mennello Museum of American Art in Orlando, Florida.  Mary will be leading tours of the exhibit on the opening weekend.

Mary Whyte

Vasudeo Kamath, 2006 Grand Prize Winner, was elected as President to the Bombay Art Society.  The society was established in 1889 and is the oldest art society in India.
Vasudeo Kamath and friends


Welcome to our New Members that joined in August:
 Husain Albanay * Deborah Ayres * Gang Dai * Terri Daunic * Barbara Dierolf * Margaret Dillard * Henry Egan * Holland Franks * Tom Garney * Max Ginsburg * Brown Hobbie * Hazel Hofman * Mary Hull * David Imse * Kieren Marcombe * Jan McKay * Tommy McMillan * Cheryl Moore * Siobhan O'Hara * Josepha Phillips * Buddy Rodgers * Karen Schlanderer * Tara Smith * Dina Stumpf * Kathleen Tirrell * Tassia van der Linde * Elliott West * Ruslan Yemtsov * Inka Zamoyska
Thank you to our members that renewed their support of the Portrait Society in August:
 George Angelini * John Armistead * Jimmie Arroyo * Helen Avalon * George Ayers * Sandra Babb * Irene Bailey * Neal R. Benham * Dianne Bernhard * Van Bernhard * Barbara Berry * Kelly Birkenruth * Virginia T. Bishop * June E. Blackstock * Laura Blackstock * Gini Bosco * William Branson,III * Deborah L. Brees * Sharon Brening * Eric Brock * Ria Bruns * Jenny Buckner * Mary Buenting * Barbara Burk * Eleanor "Bootsie" Callaham * Xiaoshan Cao * Patricia Castelao Costa * Donna Catotti * Lucille R. Chamberlain * Deborah Chapin * Marc Chatov * Joan Chatterton * Laura Clark * Jean Collins * Nancy B. Conwell * Katherine Cook * Abner Andrew Cope * Elizabeth D. Crookham * Sue Danehy * Nancy J. Davis * Lynn Denamur * Claudette M. Donat * Pamm Douglas * Rosslyn M. Duncan * Rita Earles * Jill Eberle * Nancy Effron * Alexandra W. Eyer * Bahaa Faiad * Mina Ferrante * Karen Garnett * George H. Gensic * Carolyn Damaris Gerhardt * Annette Goings * Adrian I. Gottlieb * Vernon Grant * Julie Griesinger * Sally Cunningham Griffiths * Megan W. Grinder * Shelley Grund * Yolanda Gurries * Yvonne Ham * Patricia Hargrove * Natalie M. Harris * Derek Harrison * Janet R. Hawse * Nancy Helm * Fritzi Heron * Marjorie S. Hicks * Maria Bennett Hock * Nancy Hollinghurst * Jan Homan * Dinah Jasensky * Jan Jewell * Merle Judice * Sherry C. Kalman * Vasudeo Taranath Kamath * Mark Katzman * Cantey T. Kelleher * Susan J. Kiedio * Gail A. King * Chris Kling * Linda Kollacks * János Zoltán Kovács * Lucy Kuwahara * Carla Laffra * Helen Lang * Julie Larick * David Larned * Pamela Larsson-Toscher * George T. Lawrence, Jr. * Terry Lennox * Lacey Lewis * Aurelia Liwag * Linda L. Luzum * Deb Lynch * Satoko Mans * Avery Maples * Joe Marino * John B. Martin * Herb A. Mays * Patty McGeeney * David G. McMorrow * Charles Miano * James Middleton * Yvonne Mikulencak * Irina Kirienko Milton * Regina Moraida * Jeff S. Morrow * Kay Maureen Moses * Judy Moore Mudd * Laura Murphey * Jennifer Kohn Murtha * Don Nicholson * Ruth P. Norwood * Catherine Nunn * Jim Oher * Molly O'Rourke * Sarah Parks * Olga Pasechnikova * Jane Polkowski * Judith Pumfrey * Joan Rand * Virginia Reeves * Richard G. Rhodes * Anne Richbourg * Amy Dudash Robinson * Mary Rose * Jill Rudzik * Anthony J. Ryder * Cheri Saffro * Kate Sammons * David Sandell * Chris Saper * Bette Schumann * Desmond Senior * Jaceena Shepard * Laura Shepard * Jo-Anne Sherburne * Dorothy Sitka * Teresa Spinner * Ardith Starostka * Nicole Stewart * Keith Stubblefield * Kathleen Sullivan Eckel * Judy Takács * Phyllis C. Tarlow * Margaret Taylor * Diane Tillison * Tess Turner * Ann Kraft Walker * Maureen Ward * Sarah Webb * Ellen F. White * Diana Whitney * Catherine Williams * Cietha Wilson * Jenny Windsor * Joan Gilbert Winkler * Holly Wolfe * Sheila Wolff * Kristin J. Wood * Reid A. Woodbury * Wei Yan * Pareese Young

In This Issue
Important Dates


   Make your conference hotel reservation at the Hyatt Regency Reston at
($140 rate)


  November 12, 2015
  Submission deadline to participate in the Members Only Competition


January 29, 2016 

Application deadline for
The Art of the Portrait Conference Scholarship

February 12, 2016

  Notification of   Conference Scholarship Applicants


March 2, 2016

  Submission deadline to participate in the International Portrait Competition


March 17, 2016

  Notification of finalist for the International Portrait Competition


April 14-17, 2016

  The Art of the Portrait
National Artist's Conference 

 Washington, D.C.

The Portrait Society of America is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in February 1998 to further the traditions of fine art portraiture and figurative art. 

Phone Toll-Free: 1-877-772-4321  *  Fax: 1-850-222-7890  *  Email:
