Helping You Build A New Approach for Student Success   

Caring Campus Supports Southwester n College Culture Shift
Since her appointment as President/Superintendent of Southwestern College, Dr. Kindred Murillo has made creating a more equitable and inclusive campus among her highest
When Dr. Murillo learned about the opportunity to bring IEBC's "Caring Ca mpus" initiative to the college, she immediately recognized its relevance to their efforts. "If you think about and reflect on where we were and where we are, we are in the process of what I consider a culture shift," explained Dr. Murillo. "We have been w orking with intent for two years now to really push the college into a more diverse, more respectful, more accountable, and more inclusive college culture, where we focus on our students' needs and make sure they have every opportunity to achieve what they set out to do."
Dr. Kindred Murillo
Dr. Murillo said Caring Campus supports both statewide a nd national efforts toward achieving student equity. "There is recognition for us - if we don't create the culture, we cannot d o what
we should be doing for our students."  
IEBC can help you and your staff commit to interactions that maximize student success through the Caring Campus program.  
Caring Campus Energizes San Bernard ino Valley College Classified Staff
Judy Rodriguez 
Judy Rodriguez, Administrative Secretary and Classified Senate President at San Bernardino Valley College, vividly remembers stepping onto the campus nine years ago when she was first hired. She was new to the college experience alongside many of the students who attend, and she can relate to how they feel.
"At that point it was a learning curve... at first it took me a while. I had no clue. I was trying to survive. When you are trying just to hang on, when you are thrown into a job... It took time for me to get to know the campus," Rodriguez said. "You aren't sure where to go for help."
Her own experience f ueled her desire to help students and colleagues who come to her office needing guidance.  
As she discovered when participating in IEBC's "Caring Campus" coaching at San Bernardino Valley College, the approach demonstrates how even small efforts make a big difference - and they aren't always intuitive. 
Learn more from Judy Rodriguez and her experience with the Caring Campus approach.   
IEBC can help you and your staff commit to interactions that maximize student success through the Caring Campus program .  
The Reviews Are In: Creating A Culture of Caring Benefits Staff and Students Alike  

Throughout her career in education, from her days as an anthropology instructor and institutional researcher to her current role as president of Barstow Community College, Dr. Eva Bagg has a longstanding working relationship with IEBC President/CEO Dr. Brad Phillips. Phillips' approach to making data accessible to help educators improve outcomes "was exactly what I needed," recalls Dr. Bagg.
Dr. Bagg received enthusiastic reviews.
Dr. Eva Bagg
"(Staff) love d the homework - everyone is tired of committees and not getting things done. The framework, it was so structured you really can't help but come out with
behavioral changes."
Dr, Bagg shares more thoughts about how Caring Campus supports her approach to improving student success
Caring The Key to Student Retention 
IEBC President and CEO Brad Phillips' article for the higher education online publication "The evoLLLution" has a long title - but it thoroughly makes the case for the work IEBC is doing and the impact we are seeing: I Don't Care What You Know Until I Know You Care: Why Caring Campuses Retain More Students
The power of connections and the power of all segments of our colleges to make those connections is resonating. As Dr. Phillips explains, "It's time to look beyond academic and student services support solutions to explore other aspects of the student experience that contribute to success. It's time to focus on connectedness."  
With enrollments dropping, finding ways to encourage persistence is no longer an option. The Caring Campus approach can be implemented quickly with minimal resources.  

Creating a Caring Campus: Staff and Student Success 

'The Role of C
lassified Professional Staff in Creating a Caring Campus' was shared with a packed conference room as classified professional staff from around California gathered at the 27th annual Classified Leadership Institute June 13-15. IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips gave the Caring Campus general session keynote, sharing what staff empowerment is meaning to students.
Commenting on the Institute, California Community College Classified Senate Past President Shondra West said the Caring Campus initiative "involves something impactful and doesn't require an extensive amount of time. What I noticed at the conference was that classified are excited about something everyone can participate in, something simple to do, such as wearing our name tags for students to recognize helping hands that can navigate them to their places."
Learn more about the Caring Campus program and how it can help you.   
IEBC Book: 'A must read for practitioners!' 

The five-star reviews say it best: IEBC's Creating A Data-Informed Culture in Community Colleges written by Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) President and CEO Dr. Brad Phillips and IEBC Vice President Jordan Horowitz is arming faculty, staff, and administrators with a whole new way to look at, and use, student success indicators.
"This book is chalk full of methods that can be implemented immediately and provided a thorough look at various colleges that truly give you an insight on their practices. It is quite a find to read a book that provides information from theory to practical examples, a must read for practitioners!" wrote Angelica Ibarra, Inland Empire/Desert Regional Coordinator for the California Community Colleges.
Read more reviews and get started today with our Harvard Education Press Book:  Creating A Data-Informed Culture in Community Colleges: A New Model for Educators

For more information, contact IEBC or see our website.
IEBC President Brad C. Phillips - [email protected] or 619-252-8503
IEBC Vice President Jordan E. Horowitz - [email protected] or 562-743-7920
Institute for Evidence-Based Change | 619-252-8503 |