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News & updates from the
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin

April 24, 2023

Attention: E-newsletters distributed by Menominee Nation News contain summaries of information contained in the regular print edition of MNN. Please continue to support our efforts by subscribing to the paper or purchasing a copy at your local retailer.


If you have any questions, comments or story ideas, please feel free to share them with us at menomineenationnews@mitw.org

Menominee community gathers to celebrate the return of Nama’o

After another long winter the Menominee community celebrated the return of the spring season and the annual return of the sturgeon to Keshena Falls.

On Saturday, April 15, the Menominee Tribe celebrated and honored the annual tradition of welcoming home of the great Nama’o (Sturgeon).

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

Efforts to combat drug epidemic shared at special meeting

About a year ago the Menominee Indian Tribe declared a state of emergency concerning the drug epidemic on the Menominee Reservation.

The Menominee Tribal Legislature wanted to address it as a full blown emergency, much in the same way the Covid emergency was addressed during the preceding couple of years.

Thus the Drug Addiction Intervention Team (DAIT) was born, a couple of its main leaders being Benjamin Warrington, Director of Menominee Tribal Emergency Management and Addie Caldwell, Director of Maehnowesekiyah Wellness Center.

Here are some of their latest reports which they presented to the Menominee Tribal Legislature at a March 26 meeting.

•DAIT continues to meet bi-weekly to work on the opioid situation. The team continues to use a matrix from the March 26, 2022 community meeting as a guiding document for improving services to individuals seeking recovery or those that are currently working on their recovery.

•The Menominee Indian Tribe Community Addiction Assistance Program (MITCAAP) is a group of 8-10 individuals that are recovering from addiction and have been through the system and are aware of the difficulties people may face in the recovery process. A few of these individuals have been through a recovery coach training in the past. Unity Recovery Services has been retained to provide a detailed training program for the MITW recovery coaches.

•Peer Support Specialist – This is a new position that will be providing support to those individuals looking to develop a recovery plan, coordinating support group meetings, coordinating the recovery coach program and keeping records/data on the program. The position will be located at Maehnowesekiyah and is at the first posting level with Menominee Tribal Human Resources.

•Menominee Tribal Courts Chief Justice Bridget Long attended the DAIT team meeting on March 6 to discuss programs and services in the MITW Court and Probation Systems. During sentencing for some cases, they are steering offenders into treatment services for their addictions rather than jail time, in what is basically the Drug Court programming. This may take an 18 month period to complete. Upon successful completion of the program, the offenders have their record cleared and do not serve any jail time. This reduces the overcrowding at the jail and gives the offender the ability to be in control of their rehabilitation.

•Leonard & Finco, Public Relations Inc. has been retained to assist with communication of the work being done within the community on the opioid situation. Susan Finco is working on a campaign called “Talk About It”. There will be several different items communicated during this campaign. DAIT plans to use community message boards, email blasts, Menominee Nation News, MITW App, an MITW departmental social media takeover, posters, flyers. DAIT is also planning on podcasts possibly of some individuals in recovery or others that want to talk about the effects on family or community.

•The Emergency Declaration that was enacted in April 2022 has expired. A new emergency declaration was drafted for review/adoption by the Tribal Leadership. The new declaration is left open ended without an ending date. This allows for continued work on the opioid situation and does not limit to a specified date.

•Brian Kowalkowski from CMN attended a recent meeting to garner support for a grant application that CMN is drafting. The grant is from the USDA, Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Program. The funding is used to develop and deliver educational programs for equipping at risk youth and families with the skills needed to lead a positive, productive, contributing life. The team supports CMN in this application. A support letter was provided to Brian Kowalkowski to attach to the grant application. The grant would provide funding for up to five years for CMN to complete the programs.

•Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Protocol has been a subject of discussion at several of the team meetings. Some members of the team recalled working on this type of document several years ago and Menominee Tribal Administrator Annmarie Johnson located the document which was approved by Legislative Motion in 2011. The document is in need of updating so a workgroup of the Drug Addiction team is working on updating the protocol for presentation to the Legislature at a future meeting.

•Indigenous Pact (IP) Representatives met with Menominee Tribal Administration, Menominee Tribal Clinic, Maehnowesekiyah and Emergency Management on March 3 to begin the Comprehensive Action Plan process. Currently there is a lot of information that is being collected for review of the project representatives from IP. They were on site for a visit with select Tribal representatives during the April 10-14 timeframe. Meetings with the group will be occurring at two-week intervals for project updates. A final report to the Tribal Legislature is anticipated by end of June/Early July.

•Narcan Direct Program is Providing Narcan to local Law Enforcement and to the Tribal Clinic for community distribution. This program also provides Fentanyl test strips for community distribution so people using can test a small amount the drug before using to make sure it doesn’t contain fentanyl. Menominee was slated to receive a Narcan dispensing machine but after further review of the program, the State determined that they would implement an application process to receive the machines. Nick Uttecht from Tribal EMS is heading up the program and working with the Tribal Grant writers to complete the application.

National Park Service delays Anaem Omot historical site designation

An application to add Anaem Omot, an area near the Menominee River, to the National Register of Historic Places has been delayed as National Park Service officials say the application was not detailed enough to be considered properly. A request for resubmission has been sent to the nominating parties.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

CMN Kicks of Earth Week Celebration

The College of Menominee Nation kicked off Earth Day celebration’s early with a presentation from CMN President, Christopher Caldwell reflecting on the joint mission of CMN and the Sustainable Development Institute.

As part of the college’s 30th Anniversary lecture series, community members heard Caldwell present his Doctoral research dissertation called “30 Years of Indigenous Sustainability Thinking,” a reflection on CMN, the Sustainable Development Institute, and their shared history and significance.

Logging expo highlights financial resources for contractors

Sawyers, logging contractors, and potential logging contractors had an opportunity to explore the financial resources that are available through area financial institutions that champion the success of local entrepreneurs.

On Thursday, April 20, Menominee Tribal Enterprises, NiiCap NiiJii Capital Partners, Inc., Bay Bank, and the Wisconsin Indigenous Economic Development Corp. hosted a Logging Expo at the Menominee Casino Resort.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

Caldwell recognized as one of Wisconsin’s 33 most Influential Native American Leaders for 2023

Addie Caldwell had been working in the treatment field at the Maehnowesekiyah Wellness Center for seven years and has been the Director of Wellness Programming for the last two years.

For her efforts in providing culturally specific alcohol, drug, mental health, adolescent, domestic violence treatment, education and support services for Native Americans and their families, Caldwell has recently been recognized by Madison-based publication, Madison365, as one of Wisconsin’s 33 most Influential Native American Leaders for 2023.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

Latest Nicianak Family Night meeting gets members and families excited for future plans of organization

On April 6, Menominee County UW Extension 4H Group Nicianak hosted a family meeting at its headquarters in the Cultural Building on the Keshena College of Menominee Nation (CMN) campus.

Participants also got to see what was planned for the year ahead.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

Menominee Tribal Clinic promotes HPV vaccinations

On Wednesday, April 12, the Menominee Tribal Clinic and the College of Menominee Nation’s Department of Continuing Education sponsored an educational presentation to community members on the Human papillomavirus (HPV) and measures that can be taken to prevent health threats related to HPV.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.

Bringing families and authorities together with spaghetti and spiking

In the latest monthly event aimed at developing stronger relationships between police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and youths and families in Menominee Reservation/County, the Menominee Tribal Youth Services program hosted a volleyball night at the Omaeqnomenewak Wetohkatikamek Family Center on the evening of April 19.

Officials joined the youth in a few friendly games of volleyball on one court, whilst on the other court a lot of Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE) firefighters worked with youngsters who were old enough to play on developing their volleyball skills in a more pick-up game fashion.

The event concluded with a spaghetti dinner served by Youth Services, which families found just as enjoyable as the opportunity to play volleyball.

The next law enforcement et al. event at the Family Center is scheduled to be a dodgeball game from 5-7 p.m. with sub sandwiches and chips as the corresponding meal on Wednesday, May 17. The community is invited to attend.

MTL votes against proposed demolition of Rainbow Bar

The Menominee Tribal Legislature recently opposed a recommendation by the Community Development Committee to demolish the Rainbow Bar in Neopit. Tribal leaders voted instead to assess the property and solicit bids from tribal members who may be interested in the commercially zoned property.

Read more in the April 24, 2023 print edition of Menominee Nation News.


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General Welfare Assistance Payment

The Menominee Indian Tribe has authorized a $200 General Welfare Assistance payment to enrolled Menominee Tribal members who are 18 years and older as of December 1, 2022.

The funding source, related legalities, and reporting means that a required application form will need to be submitted to the Tribe in order to receive the payment.

The Tribal member portal is now available for tribal members to begin the process of filing for the $200 General Welfare Assistance payment.

Please visit https://menominee-nsn.gov/SecurePages/MembersOnly/MemberLogin.aspx to complete the application.

The computer lab at the Community Resource Center in Keshena is open for members to apply online, however, staff are not available to assist.

For those without computer access, applications can be downloaded here and are also available at the Licensing & Members Services Department in the Gordon Dickie (FIC) Building in Keshena;

Completed forms will be collected at the following sites only:

  • Members Services Department;
  • Aging & Long-Term Care; and
  • Menominee Tribal Office
  • Mail to

Licensing & Members Services Department

PO Box 910

Keshena WI 54135

Use of the portal is highly encouraged.

Tribal members who cannot access the portal, download or pick up a form, may call the Menominee Department of Administration at (715) 799-5154 to request a form be mailed to them. The form must then be mailed back to the Licensing & Member Services Department.

Tribal members will have from December 12, 2022 until June 16, 2023 to complete the request.

Checks will be mailed daily starting December 16, 2022 for those that have completed and submitted the required form.

Please allow up to ten (10) business days for the United States Postal Service for delivery.

These funds are tax exempt and do not need to be claimed on your taxes as it is not counted as income. The funds are not subject to intercept per Chapter 44 Debt Collection.

For more information contact Member Services at (715) 799-5121.

Nixle - Emergency Notifications

Employees, Residents and Business Owners

Menominee County and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin utilize the Nixle service to provide emergency notifications and community advisories.

All alerts are targeted geographically, allowing individuals to receive localized, relevant alerts from Menominee Public Safety agencies (Police, Fire, EMS, and Public Health).

Messages may include any information that is considered essential for the safety of the community, such as law enforcement activity as well as other relevant safety and community information. Weather warnings from the National Weather Service will also be rebroadcast.

PRIVACY: Your contact information remains private and will only be used for critical communications.

JOIN THE NIXLE DATABASE: If you reside or own property, business owner or an employee within the County/Reservation you are urged to sign up for Nixle emergency messages. We also ask you to let neighbors, friends, and family know and encourage them to register.

Click on the link below to register now or update information:

Nixle Registration


Text the relevant ZIP CODE to 888777 from your mobile phone

(Zip code for employees will be the location of your employer address)

Keshena – 54135, Neopit - 54150

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation text. Residents may also customize their alert settings by going to www.nixle.com and creating a User Profile. You can also access the Frequently Asked Questions at FAQs

THIS SYSTEM WILL ONLY BE USED FOR EMERGENCY AND LIFE SAFETY PURPOSES. Examples of times when the Nixle system could be utilized: Drinking water contamination, extended utility outages, evacuation notice and route, missing person, fires, floods, bomb threat, hostage situation, chemical spill or gas leak, and other incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential for life safety.

To insure that the call reach residents and utility users, accurate and up-to-date information is essential. IMPORTANT USE YOUR PHYSICAL ADDRESS. DO NOT USE POST OFFICE OR ADDRESS OUTSIDE OF THE MENOMINEE COUNTY/RESERVATION.

To add or change a phone number, including cell phones, or opt for the text message and/or alerts, please revisit the Nixle registration page and enter your information. If you have any difficulty in submitting your information, or at any time wish to be removed from the Nixle database, please call the Menominee County Sheriff's Department at 715-799-3357.

CDC Recommendations by ages.jpg
Other Vaccine clinic options.jpg

Menominee Tribal Legislative

meeting packets and minutes

can be viewed by logging in here

(Tribal Members Only)

2023 Legislative Year Meeting Schedule
2023 Menominee Tribal Legislature Directory
Has your address changed?
Tribal members: The Menominee Tribal Enrollment Department needs to be kept updated with any changes in address and/or name.

Parents/guardians include your children on your updated list.

          P.O. Box 910
          Keshena WI. 54135

Please note address changes can not be made over the phone.

If you have any questions, please contact the Menominee Tribal Enrollment Department at (715) 799-5121.
Click here to download address change form
MITW Employment Opportunities
How to subscribe to the print edition of Menominee Nation News

  1. Download and print the order form here and mail along with payment to address on form
  2. To pay by credit/debit card
     -By Phone (715) 799-5167
     -Online at www.menominee-nsn.gov
Menominee Nation News office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Devan Erdmann


Katie Isham

Administrative/Design Assistant

Christopher Anderson


Patrick Delabrue


Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin | Communications Department

Ph: (715) 799-5167 | Fax: (715) 799-5250

menomineenationnews@mitw.org | www.menominee-nsn.gov

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