Our church has never owned it’s own building. In fact until we began renting our current facility, we’d always had to sublet from other churches, and didn’t have the freedom to hold services and activities whenever we choose.
We took a giant step of faith renting our current facility, because at the time we didn’t have the finances needed to pay the monthly rent or utilities, let alone make the renovations necessary to make the facility suitable to hold church services. However, we felt God leading us to take a step of faith and see his provision; just as he led the Israelites to step into the Jordan River and see how He miraculously parted the waters before them. Not only has the Lord provided every single month for rent and utilities, but he literally opened the widows of heaven and poured in such a blessing of finances to complete the renovations on the facilities; that there were times we’d stop and ask ourselves where on earth it all came from!?!