9pm Thursday September 29, 2022
Dear PIYC Members,

Today our Management Team was onsite at the Club to evaluate damage from Hurricane Ian. The storm surge associated with Ian was significant and did affect the entire island. We have already begun preliminary efforts towards recovery and will have a better understanding of the extent of the damage in the days to come.

We know that the lower level of our Clubhouse was inundated by the surge however the Member areas and kitchen remained dry. The electrical and plumbing will need to be evaluated, and all of our amenity areas were under water, including the sports courts and swimming pool. Recovery efforts will begin tomorrow, however, will not be able to begin in earnest until electricity is restored to the island.

Our docks and Marina were also damaged during the storm. While it seems that we have fared better than other marinas, the impacts were not insubstantial. Our floating docks were lifted off of the pilings and offset as the water receded. The water level was above the fixed docks and many vessels floated or were readjusted on their lifts. The extent of damage to vessels varies dramatically. We will be working to better catalogue damage in the coming days.

At this time, connectivity is still extremely challenging. We have not been able to get updates on the status of our staff. Many of them live in areas that were hard hit or under mandatory evacuation. Many are without cell service, or only have intermittent service. 

Due to the damage and the number of unknowns, we will be closed indefinitely until better evaluations can be conducted and we can resume effective communications. Thank you for your patience while we work through this first stage of recovery. Please rest assured that your Club leadership has initiated the immediate action steps for an effective and complete recovery. It will undoubtably take time. 

As connectivity improves, so will communications. I know all Members are eager to fully understand the circumstances and receive updates on our Team. 

Finally, we encourage Members to wait to visit the Club or return to the area. The docks are dangerous and in some areas have sheared from their supports. Please stay away from or exercise extreme caution around the lifts. The majority of the island is covered in mud that is extremely slippery; it is difficult to walk and drive in. If your boat is not currently in the Marina, please wait to make plans to bring your vessel back until we can further determine the extent of damage and timeline to repair. 

Our team will work to upload photos and video as soon as we have reliable service to do so.

Our thoughts are with our friends, neighbors, and colleagues that were not as fortunate, and we are thankful for the support of our Members as we begin the road to recovery.

Karen Hendricks

Ali Feezor
General Manager