Volume 3 No. 2 Pt.2 |January 16, 2021
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
In This Issue

Merana Cadorette - Artist, Illustrator, Author
IRCHS Essay Writer, Prize Winner
Ballet Vero Beach Opens Season
Win Brad Taylor's American Traitor
Keeping Art Safe in D.C.
Short & Sweet - Oneliners from the Arts Blast Calendar

NOTE: Calls for Artists, Auditions, Volunteers is now online.

Make On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com a frequent stop.

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I'm a masker, one of the few ways I feel I can contribute to the fight against this virus. If you aren't one already, please consider joining me.
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Sunday on Cultural Connection on the Air - ACO's David Amado and artist/poet/cattleman Sean Sexton
Listen to Cultural Connection on the Air Sundays at 8 a.m. on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM and on iHeartRadio.com.
It's been an interesting and, at times, whacky week. My vaccine experience was a piece of cake with no side effects of any account so far, but I've been hearing from people who are letting me know just how lucky I have been. I'll wish for everyone an easy time of it, including the nailing-an-appointment part.

I try hard to keep the Arts Blast calendar up to date and accurate but it can be a real challenge when emails from several people involved with the same event give conflicting information. That's what this week has been, and more than once. I can only suggest confirming dates and times a couple of times before heading out or Zooming in.

For west coasters, I'm sorry to tell you the Sarasota Concert Association has decided to cancel the season. On the Treasure Coast, the popular Florida Craft Brew and Wingfest, scheduled for Feb. 20, has been axed. February Live from Vero Beach! concerts and some shows at the Sunrise Theatre have been cancelled or postponed.

Not delayed is the season opener for Ballet Vero Beach. Read below about how opening night went.

Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page.
A delayed Arts Blast this week meant I could get a report from Adam Schnell, CEO and artistic director of Ballet Vero Beach, about its first live venture into the theater this season. The audience for opening night of Chamber Music: Sweeping Dance was small but enthusiastic, he said.

A Saturday morning Q&A:

AB: How did the dancers feel about the small (about 30) audience? 
AS: I always let them know about crowd size. They are all just happy to be back onstage (plus small audiences can be very supportive...even in big theaters).

AB: Have you been in touch with other organizations that are going back to in-person performances to compare notes? 
AS: Not directly. I talked to some board members that have been other places and percentage wise for what we usually get we are right on track...maybe even ahead of other folks that are used to bigger crowds than we are.

AB: Will the audience numbers from Program 1 affect your decisions for performances for the rest of the season? 
AS: No. When we made the decision to go forward we did all the financial forcasting we needed to make sure that we could afford all expenses even if no one showed. We thought it was important to be in that position going in and also important to offer something!

AB: How are online tickets going?
AS: Online is good! The beauty of that is that it can grow the entire time we have the film up.
Take a seat or kick off your shoes — Adam Schnell: "Watch at home is pretty simple. We are planning on releasing the link to purchasers (it is a separate option on the website for each performance series) 1/22. It will remain viewable for 2 weeks (through 2/7). Prices for watch at home are the same as the different price levels for regular seats at the shows. We are encouraging people to pay what they are comfortable with."

A note on buying your tickets: I had a little problem getting mine online but switching from Safari to Firefox seemed to do the trick. I hope Arts Blast readers will support Ballet Vero Beach in this opening performance of the season. Tickets start at $10 and you can watch online, as I'll be doing, or take your seat at the VBHS Performing Arts Center. Very strict guidelines are in place and should be read in advance on the website.

Another note: There's a Family Friendly performance Sunday.
**** Scroll Down for Short & Sweet -
Coming Up from Arts Blast's calendar web page

A Second Third (!)Chance

Thanks to William Morrow, the publisher of Brad Taylor's American Traitor, Arts Blast has a copy of the latest Pike Logan thriller to give away to an Arts Blast reader!

We'll be using a random-number generator to pick the winner, so send your favorite three-digit number to willi@willimiller.com by 11:59 p.m. Jan. 31. The winner could be you!

*Be sure to type Brad Taylor in the subject line.
Riverside Weekends are Back!
Merana Cadorette Knows Her Dragons
Sometimes procrastinating can be a good thing. Merana Cadorette has been on the list of features coming to Arts Blast for a while but, for one reason or another, has been moved back several times. It’s been weeks since our interview but holding off has given me a chance — finally — to see a finished copy of her new book, A Brief History of Dragons. I’d fallen in love at first sight with Cadorette’s illustrations but putting them together with her words was a special delight. The book, appealing to all ages, is available on amazon.com and soon will be at the Vero Beach Book Center.
Cadorette, 61, has lived in Florida 28 years, 21 of them in Vero Beach, with her husband of 43 years. The couple has two children and one grandchild, pictured with the artist in her profile photo. She didn’t grow up in a family of artists but acknowledges her good fortune in having “many supportive teachers at all levels. I just lived in the art rooms at whatever level of school I was in. I went to Catholic school. It was a really big thing to make something so nice the nuns would hang it in the hall display case. I remember being proud to get drawings in there.”
Becoming an artist was a given for Cadorette. “It was just always what I wanted to do. No matter what I was doing, I would find ways to make it an art project if possible.” She said she used to accompany her husband to aviation shows, finding a comfortable spot for plein air painting while he wandered around. “The funniest thing I have noticed, painting outdoors, is people talk to their friends about you and your work as if you can't hear them. (At one show), a couple of older men stopped to watch me paint a vintage airplane. One guy looks at the other and says with an obviously puzzled tone: ‘Look, she's painting an airplane.’ His friend looks at him, and agrees...but the first guy then says: ‘but she's a girl!’” 
For some of her work, Cadorette thinks big. Make that huge! “The biggest painting I ever did was a background mural for A World of Orchids in Kissimmee, FL (it's now gone out of business). The final mural was 42' at peak, about 150' long. It took about 17 gallons of paint, on the pre-prepped blue stucco.” That project took 30 days in a hot August, eight hours each day, and no air conditioning. “Yes, that IS an artist suffering for their art!”

It’s difficult to point to just one thing admirers of her work respond to most, Cadorette said, “because in over 45 years since I've sold my first pieces, I've done many things. I have some who like the watercolor architecture, others who enjoy the grandson series, and lately, my dragons got enough loving that I had to finally do a book for them.” Her grandson, Leo, is the subject of a 67-painting series (to date, she said). 
Beyond her studio, Cadorette is a Girl Scout historian, collector, and archivist. In 2000, she created an official, limited-edition Girl Scout poster. "There were only 5300 copies, and about 4200 are sold, 500 left, and the rest damaged and destroyed. Several of them hang in various Girl Scout Council offices and other sites." 

Cadorette’s memories of her life in art are many. “Times I won awards, times I lost. Shows I've been in. Specific paintings I enjoyed creating; other pieces that got accidentally destroyed and broke my heart. The thread through many memories is the amazing love, encouragement and support I have had from my husband, my best friend, and my family. Without them, I could never have had the time, experiences, and materials to do all I have.”
An Award for "Teacher of Inspiration" Essay
From Indian River Charter High School comes news of an award-winning essay about a dedicated teacher. The teacher is David Heroux, orchestra and percussion director at the high school for almost 10 years. The student he inspired is Sarah Ward, a junior oboist accepted into the Florida All-State Symphonic Band this month.

Ward said, “When I saw the (Dewey Awards) flier, I immediately thought it was a perfect opportunity for me to share one of the amazing experiences that I have had over the years with Mr. Heroux.”

The Dewey Awards entries submitted by students recognized "the contribution of a mentor teacher who has inspired them during their school years. It is prestigious in that only three students are awarded the distinction." Interestingly, the prize goes not to the student writer but to the subject of the essay, in this case that's David Heroux, and the school's orchestra.
The regard expressed by Ward is returned by Heroux. "Sarah is truly the total package. She is incredibly talented but also tenaciously dedicated. She is tremendously skilled as a musician but also humble and hungry. She strives to be her absolute best, and possesses a level of intrinsic motivation that is almost supernatural." All of those qualities combine to make her "an amazing musician, a wonderful student, and an even better human being," Heroux said.

In her essay, Ward wrote about the IRCHS orchestra’s performance during MPA, the Music Performance Assessment, held by Indian River County School District. She wrote, “Mr. Heroux had shown us that sometimes we have to look past something such as a score or a rating to see what is truly important.” Showing that the lesson was well received, Sarah wrote this essay to “look past” self-recognition and scholarship, to simply tell Mr. Heroux that she appreciates him.
Some of Wards's other accomplishments: Principal Oboist of the Florida All-State in several accompaniments, including Middle School Band, Concert Band, and Concert Orchestra. Sarah is also Co-Principal oboist of the Brevard Youth Orchestra and a frequent substitute second oboist for the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra.
The Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation has scheduled several adult writing workshops for the winter and spots are filling up.
Jan. 23, 10 a.m. - Successful Writing Projects -Robert Macomber

Feb. 20 - Writing for Newspapers and Magazines - Prof. Bill Maxell

March 20 - Visual Storytelling and Ekphrastic Poetry - Photographer Brenda Petrella

Visit online The Art of the Season Exhibition and buy authentic masterpieces from the Cultural Alliance Art Guild's finest talents or come in person to see this fantastic holiday exhibition at MIDFLORIDA Event Center until January 27, weekdays, 8 a.m - 5 p.m. Take a trip, take a tour, appreciate and support St. Lucie's arts community!
From the Cultural Council of Indian River County:
Call to Artists
Location: IRC Administration Buildings A & B
Theme: Artist's Choice
Exhibit Title: CCIRC Member Exhibit
Submission Deadline: January 18, 2021
Up to six (6) pieces for consideration. Include Title, Medium, Dimensions and Price in your email to Elise@Cultural-Council.org.
Exhibit Start Date: January 27, 2021
Exhibit End Date: May 26, 2021
Please download the Spec Sheet from our website .
Short & Sweet - Previews from Arts Blast's calendar web page
Indian River County
​Jan. 15-16 - Chamber Music: Sweeping Dance - Ballet Vero Beach at VBHS PAC and online
Jan. 15-16 - Live in the Loop & the Comedy Zone Experience at Riverside Theatre
Jan. 16, 3 p.m. - Salute to Benny Goodman - Treasure Coast Jazz Society at Vero Beach Yacht Club
Jan. 16-17, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. - Sebastian Riverfront Fine Arts and Music Festival, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Riverview Park
Jan. 17, 2 p.m. - The Sleeping Princess - Family Friendly Series - Ballet Vero Beach
Jan. 17, 3 p.m. - Atlantic Classical Orchestra Chamber Series at Vero Beach Museum of Art. Games of Pairs - Pre-registration required.
Through Jan. 24 - Over the Tavern at Vero Beach Theatre Guild
Through Jan. 30 - Fabulous Foursome at Gallery 14, Vero Beach
Through Jan. 31 - Leslie Stokes' exhibit at Center for Spiritual Care
Brevard County
Jan. 16-17, 23-24, 30-Feb. 1, 6-7 - Brevard Renaissance Fair
Through Jan. 24 - Bus Stop at Surfside Playhouse, Cocoa Beach
Through Jan. 30, 2021 - West Coast-East Coast exhibit at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, 1470 Highland Ave., Melbourne. Metal sculptural art by Walt Mendenhall. 
Through Jan. 31 - Sunrise Sunset members' exhibition at Strawbridge Art League, MLB
Through Feb. 5 -Northern Brevard Art League's Winners Showcase at The Downtown Art Gallery, Titusville.
​Jan. 15-31 - GODSPELL at the Henegar, Melbourne
Through Feb. 7 - Ghost, the Musical at Titusville Playhouse
Through Feb. 21 - Educating Rita at Melbourne Civic Theatre
Through Feb. 27 - Robot Love V at Foosaner Art Museum
Beyond the Treasure Coast
Through Jan. 24 - Pompeii: The Immortal City at the Orlando Science Center
Through Jan. 30 - Bringing Home the Herd at Mad Cow Theatre
Through Feb. 27 - Forgotten Florida: Teen Photos at Immokalee Pioneer Museum.
Through March 27 - Skin Deep: Seminole Culture at Collier Museum
Through April 16 - Requiem for Steam: The Railroad Photography of David Plowden at Naples Depot Museum.
Through April 22 - Twice monthly - Stories of a Sportsmen's Paradise: A Florida Folk Art Experience at Museum of the Everglades. colliermuseums.com
Jan. 19-April 19 - Forgotten Florida: Photos from the Farm Security Administration at Immokalee Pioneer Museum.
Martin County
Jan. 14-31 - A Chorus Line at The Barn Theatre
Jan. 17, 1-4 p.m. - Hatch Cats at Rock's Riverwalk
Through Jan. 30 - Wed.-Sat., 12-6 p.m. - Martin Artisans Guild's January Exhibition at The Palm Room, Harbour Bay Plaza, Sewall's Point.
St. Lucie County
​Through Jan. 31 - Calendar Girls at Pineapple Playhouse, Fort Pierce.
Through March 7 - Right of Way: The Highwaymen at Backus Museum
Jan. 16, 7 p.m. - FOGHAT at MIDFLORIDA Event Center, Port St. Lucie
​Jan. 17, 4 p.m. - Popovich Comedy Pet Theater at Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce
​Jan. 21, 7 p.m. - An Evening with the Stars - The Edwards Twins at Sunrise Theatre
No. Palm Beach County
Through Jan. 16 - Mark Cohen: We All Wear Masks at Donald M. Ephraim Family Gallery
Through Jan. 17 - Ubuhle Women: Beadwork and the Art of Independence at The Society of The Four Arts.
Through Jan. 17 - In God We Trust: Early Bible Printings and Founding Documents from the Rubenstein Americana Collection. 
Through Jan. 30 - Painting With Light: Hyper-realistic Photographs by Matt Stock at Palm Beach Photographic Centre
Through Feb. 6 - Stephania Conrad: @ Sanders Foundation Artist Resource Ctr

Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format for Calendar entries:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
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Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.
Media contact with email for Arts Blast followup (not for publication)
Even smaIl operations need to keep their financial house in order. Image First can record deposits, write checks, pay taxes, and provide reports in Quickbooks. Artists, spend more time in your studio and less on paperwork. Let’s talk, free consultation. Image First, 772-538-4148.
Around the Web
From ArtandObject. com

As a shocked nation and world watched the violent scenes unfold at the US Capitol last week, art lovers and conservators paid special notice to the backdrop of many of these scenes: the historic paintings and sculptures that line the walls of the Rotunda. As rioters overtook the building, many doors and windows were damaged, but thankfully, it appears that the art and building itself were unscathed.

The Metropolitan Opera site has free streaming of full operas, ticketed streams, and many short performance videos.

Each free opera stream becomes available at 7:30PM ET and remains accessible for on-demand viewing until 6:30PM ET the following day.

Saturday, January 16

Sunday, January 17

Monday, January 18
Bizet’s Carmen

Tuesday, January 19
Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor

Wednesday, January 20
Bellini’s Norma

Thursday, January 21
Verdi’s La Traviata

Friday, January 22
Puccini’s Tosca

Saturday, January 23
Massenet’s Manon

Sunday, January 24
Wagner’s Die Walküre
The Symphonia on YouTube

We hope your holidays were warm and wonderful! We've been busy making music videos for you!
So, if you need a little break already from the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks, click our YouTube page (link above) for some comforting Classical Music. We have more than 50 videos for your listening and viewing pleasure! And, please click 'Subscribe' to keep up with our latest performances and videos. Here's to a truly classic 2021!

The Art Miami Show Group has officially announced the cancellation of the 2021 edition of Art Wynwood, set to take place February 11-15 and the Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary Fair, scheduled for March 18-21. The decision was made with the Art community in mind, as a result of feedback from galleries and collectors expressing an interest in postponing the shows given continued concerns about COVID-19 in South Florida. The Fairs will return during their regularly scheduled dates in 2022. The Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary website had not been updated by Friday afternoon.
From artnet.com

Bob Ross May Have Been the Most Popular Artist of 2020. Here’s Why It’s Not Just a ‘Happy Little Accident’
Here are five reason for his persistent—and growing—popularity.
From AllArts.org

Radical Tradition: American Quilts and Social Change brings historical and contemporary works together in critical dialogue to consider how quilts have been used to voice opinions, raise awareness, and enact social reform in the U.S. from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
From thisiscolossal.com

Minuscule Scenes Appear Against the Backdrop of Used Tea Bags in Watercolor Paintings by Ruby Silvious

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.

Brandon Putzke's TC Percussion and TC Percussion Camp
Piano for Kids
Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Scroll down for guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.

Send comments to willi@willimiller.com.
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Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras for interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.

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As always, For Helen Miller 
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format for Calendar entries:
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Where (Name of venue, address)
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Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.
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Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link: https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.