Friday, 11 October 2019| 12 Tishrei 5780
Candle Lighting............................... 6:47pm
Shabbos Service
NEW SUMMER TIME .................... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .................................6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by Tom Moss, Ron Moss & Kathy Penn in honour of the yortzheit of their late father, Leslie Moss (Mordechai ben Aron Halevi) on 9 Tishrei/ Tuesday 8 October - Long Life.
Shabbos Day, 12 October 2019 | 13 Tishrei 5780
In depth Parsha class.................................. 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................................ 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis .........6:45pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak........ 7:15pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................ 7:30pm
Shabbos ends....................................... 7:43pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday.................................................. 8:00am
Latest Shema this week........................... 9:29am
See below for Sukkos Times
Leon Goldshaft..... 15 Tishrei/ Monday 14 October
Joshua Lever....... 16 Tishrei/ Tuesday 15 October
Cassia Partane..... 18 Tishrei/ Thursday 17 October
Tali Whitten......... 18 Tishrei/ Thursday 17 October
Larnce Gold......... 19 Tishrei / Friday 18 Friday
Anita Berkovits and family on the passing of her mother Rose Fekete.
Richelle Goldshaft, Peter Rosenthal and their families on the passing of Lilli Rosenthal.
Tauba Tanchum for her late mother Rose Kaplan
Rose bat Avraham... 13 Tishrei/ Saturday 12 October
Magda Schaffer for her late father
Chayim Ben Avraham 13 Tishrei/ Saturday 12 October
Isaac, Michelle, Michael and David Barel for their late wife and mother Wendy Barel
Braha bat Shaptai HaCohen... 15 Tishrei/ Monday 14 October