Institute of Governmental Advocates
Potential Workplace Exposure/All Assembly
Offices Closed until July 13, 2020
Subject: Potential Workplace Exposure/All Assembly Offices Closed until July 13, 2020

[On June 3rd] the Assembly Rules Committee learned that two individuals who work in the Assembly have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Both individuals were last in the Capitol on June 26, 2020, and both wore face coverings at all times while in the workplace. Individuals who had direct and extended contact with these individuals have been notified. The impacted individuals are complying with quarantine recommendations in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As a precaution to protect health and safety, effective immediately, all Assembly offices in the Capitol and Legislative Office Building (LOB) are closed until July 13, 2020, to allow for disinfecting and sanitizing of all Assembly offices, committee hearing rooms, conference rooms, the Assembly Chamber, as well as all shared common areas, such as restrooms and elevators.  No staff or Members are permitted in the Capitol or Legislative Office Building (LOB) during this time and staff should work remotely.

Click here for memo wi th additional information.
Contact Danielle McKee at [email protected]