Your Poudre School District staff newsletter | Second Quarter 2024-25

PSD Staff Newsletter
A student wearing a helmet sits in a swing outdoors at an Eco Experience camp, facing her gym teacher.

Makenzie Stevenson, Olander physical education teacher, made sure a student had an adaptive climbing harness that would allow her to experience climbing during her school’s ECO Week outdoor adventure.

PSD celebrates staff accomplishments

Whether it's earning a new degree or certification, presenting at a conference, earning an award, or something equally great (and well deserved), your colleagues in Poudre School District are always doing amazing things! Check out this list of recent staff achievements.>>

We at PSD
Four students smile at the camera as they enjoy an Election Night Party at their high school

On Nov. 5, Poudre High School U.S. History and American Government faculty sponsored an Election Night watch party.

Two female teachers point at their "I voted" stickers on their shirts.

Bethke Elementary held its own election Nov. 5, picking one of two playground equipment options to buy with Fun Run proceeds.

Two elementary school students work on a science project with an adult at a STEM activity night at their school

Shepardson STEM Elementary hosted its annual Family STEM Night on Nov. 7 with 80 presenters and 672 attendees.

Three middle school girls listen to a female firefighter talk about her job at a booth at a STEM event in Foothills mall.

Middle school girls from across PSD learned about opportunities in STEM at the PSD STEMfinity event in Foothills mall.

Two middle school boys smile at the camera while cleaning up an outdoor recreation area with a lake in the background

National Junior Honor Society students from Boltz Middle School recently cleaned up Horsetooth and made toys for shelter pets.

A woman cuts a red ribbon with oversized scissors as two male colleagues and a toddler watch on. The four are standing in a weight room at a middle school.

Physical education teachers at Kinard Middle School hosted a ribbon cutting Nov. 1 to celebrate their new fitness equipment.

A man and a woman wearing a mask talk to each other in a classroom while three children stand around them

Gov. Jared Polis visited two of PSD's excellent schools in October, Poudre High and Zach Elementary.

PSD named seventh-best district in Colorado

K-12 and college rating and review website ranks Poudre School District among the Top 10 school districts in the state, up from 11th place last year. Learn more about PSD's A rating (and leave your own review of PSD or your school) on Niche.>>

Stock image of a gym in low focus with a pair of dumbbells and a water bottle in focus close the the camera lens.

Wellness Updates

The Holiday Saving Spree wellness challenge has launched in Wellworks! Sign up for this fun financial challenge by selecting Challenges on the dashboard and then “Activate.”

Genesis Health Clubs would like feedback from current members through a Group Exercise Member Survey.

More Biometric Screenings and Flu Shot Clinics are scheduled in the coming weeks. Please visit the Biometric Screening page to see all upcoming clinics and schedule an appointment.

A blue and brown illustration of two heads facing away from each other - the tops of the heads are open and several gears take up the space above the heads.

Trauma Essentials

During our August Professional Learning Days, staff learned about the three Rs of brain-based learning. Because we process information from the bottom of our brains to the top, we facilitate learning by first regulating to establish safety and then relating and connecting to ensure belonging before moving on to reasoning and academic learning. 

PSD Student Services has created two websites to offer staff resources: a

PSD Regulation Library and a PSD Trauma Essentials page.>>

A stock photo of an open spiral notebook with the words "retirement plan" printed on the first page. On top of the notebook are a calculator, a pair of glasses, and a pen.

Retiring? Let us know!

If you are planning on retiring or considering working after retirement following the 2024-25 school year, you must complete and return the PSD Intent to Retire Letter to Benefits Services by Friday, Feb. 14, 2025.

PSD Administrative/ Professional, Classified, and Licensed retirement packets will be updated and available on the Benefits Services web page by Dec. 16.

If you have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Melissa Johnson or Marissa Campos.

An illustration that says, "Thank you, voters," with the V made out of a check mark. Stars line the top and bottom of the image, and the PSD logo is in a circle on the right side

What's next after mill levy passes

Now that the mill levy measure has passed, you may be wondering what is ahead for you and your school or department. Updates will continue to be posted on the 2024 Mill Levy web page, where you can information about priority areas, school-by-school impacts, PSD's budget and more!

3 high school girls sit in a circle with classmates discussing mental health at Colorado Youth Outdoors

Highlights from the Peer Summit

This year's Peer Summit for student leaders took place at Colorado Youth Outdoors and focused on resiliency and lessons in nature alongside mental health discussions. Hear about the Peer Summit from PSD students.>>

The top of a cover of a 6-page booklet says High School Planning Guide, Poudre School District, and shows a high school girl sitting in the commons are of Rocky Mountain High School

Plan for high school with this guide

It can be hard to decide which classes to take or which high school to attend when there are so many great options. Please share the High School Planning Guide with students and families to help them choose.

two boys sit in the back of a van loaded with frozen turkeys

Turkey Roundup donation reminder

Staff, students, and families are welcome to bring a frozen turkey or ham next Thursday, Nov. 21, to donate to the Food Bank for Larimer County's annual Tour de Turkey food drive! Check with your school or site for collection times.

A young man stands outside a college business building holding a large white sign that says, "I Chose PSD."

School choice and registration open now

Both the first-round school choice application window and registration for the 2025-26 school year opened on Nov. 4. How can you help spread the word? Share the new Choose PSD website with friends and family near and far, include a link to the registration page in school emails and newsletters, and re-share information about choice and registration from PSD's Facebook and Instagram pages.

Plan ahead for summer jobs

PSD’s summer and seasonal job postings will be live in a few months! Get ahead of the game by filling out this quick interest form and be the first to know about exciting opportunities. Don’t miss out—start planning for a great summer with Poudre School District!

Norms for engagement

Positive interactions with parents, community members, and fellow staff are key to maintaining a healthy school culture. Schools and departments now have posters listing engagement norms to help remind people to be respectful to everyone.

PSD Celebrates

Mark your calendar for 5:30-8:30 p.m. April 28, when the next PSD Celebrates employee awards and appreciation event will take place at the Lincoln Center! No RSVP is needed. Please watch for an email with the nomination forms attached coming on Dec. 4.

Image of a flier with logos for numerous businesses. Flier text is: PSD Employee Offers. To view all offers,, staff, login, employee resources, employee offers. These companies have partnered with PSD to offer YOU ongoing deals and discounts. Financial services, food and beverage, sports, technology, school supplies, goods and services, wellness, recreation.

PSD employees eligible for discounts

Deals and discounts are available to PSD employees through numerous businesses. To find a list of offers, log in to the staff site, go to the Employee Resources tab, and select Employee Special Offers. Note: These businesses and organizations have contacted PSD with special offers for employees; PSD does not solicit, endorse, or assume any responsibility for offers.

Employee Assistance Services (EAS). 970-488-4925. You are never alone. Free, confidential support. For all eligible PSD employees and their eligible household family members.
graphic image of a calendar with a circle and a line through it

Absence Reporting

graphic image of a laptop



graphic image of an award ribbon


graphic image of a dollar sign


graphic image of a hand giving a thumbs up

Employee Special Offers

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Visit for more staff resources, news and quick links.