Who is the Ohio Hospital Association?
As the united voice of Ohio’s hospitals, the Ohio Hospital Association (OHA) leverages data and expertise to be the leader in influencing health policy, driving quality improvement initiatives and advocating for economic sustainability to serve our membership. OHA’s Energy and Sustainability Program supports Ohio hospitals’ mission to be more environmentally sustainable while reducing operating costs. OHA advocates on behalf of its 240 members at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Ohio Legislature to ensure fair rates and reliable utility access for healthcare providers. OHA’s Energy Team helps hospitals set, track and achieve energy and sustainability goals, offering technical expertise and assistance.
Why is it important for OHA to be involved in PCFO?
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, hospitals are facing significant revenue losses, dramatically impacting their ability to provide quality healthcare to Ohio communities. With Climate Change presenting numerous challenges to hospital facilities such as more frequent natural disasters, extreme heat, and concerns over utility infrastructure, working with local governments to find ways to save hospitals and local communities money while impacting public health will benefit hospitals and their constituents. Hospitals are often among the largest employers in their region, and collectively employed more than 250,000 Ohioans. They are large consumers of electric and gas, and produce a significant amount of hazardous and non hazardous waste. Hospitals are concerned both about their ability to provide quality care and the impact they have on their communities. OHA is involved with PCFO to provide guidance and best practices to local leaders, and to ensure healthcare providers are involved in conversations tied to climate, public health and energy.  
How do you see local action on clean energy benefiting your work? 
Ohio Hospitals are often leaders on energy efficiency and sustainability, but those successes come best in collaboration with governments, private partners, and community members. By working with local governments to pursue common sense solutions on climate action, energy efficiency, and resiliency, hospitals will ensure they continue to offer quality care to Ohio’s citizens. Power a Clean Future Ohio presents an opportunity for Ohio’s hospitals to bring their healthcare and sustainability expertise to the table to assist local leaders in ensuring their communities are resilient, sustainable, and economically viable.