Who is Ohio Environmental Council?
The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) is the state’s most comprehensive environmental advocate for a healthier, more sustainable Ohio. The OEC develops and ensures the implementation of forward-thinking, science-based, pragmatic solutions to secure healthy air, land and water for all who call Ohio home.  

Why is it important for Ohio Environmental Council to be involved in PCFO?
Ohio communities will see irreparable harm to their air, land, and water if we don’t address climate change by reducing our carbon footprint. In order to stop climate change and its most devastating effects on the health and wellbeing of all Ohioans, we must work together. By collaborating with our PCFO partners, we are better able to support Ohio's transition to a clean energy future.  

How do you see PCFO impacting your work/efforts?
We know that most climate action victories over the past several years have occurred in cities and counties where pragmatism and practical solutions drive decision-making. Our policy experts and regional directors are proud to work with PCFO partners to implement equitable climate solutions at the local level.