October 27, 2022
Our Mission: Power A Clean Future Ohio is building momentum now for a clean, prosperous future by equipping local leaders for equitable, community-driven carbon reductions in Ohio.
Cuyahoga County Sustainability Spotlight Tour
The Power a Clean Future Ohio (PCFO) Cuyahoga County Sustainability Spotlight will take place on the morning of Friday, November 4, 2022. 
Register for this exciting and unique opportunity to network with local leaders, participate in a behind-the-scenes clean energy tour, and ride in an electric vehicle. The event will start at 9 a.m. and conclude with a reception around the lunch hour. PCFO member communities across the state are making innovative strides toward their clean energy future, and this PCFO regional clean energy tour in Cuyahoga County is a chance to see projects first-hand and learn more about opportunities for collaboration on clean energy and sustainability. 

If you have questions, please contact Cassandra Clevenger at Cassandra@poweracleanfuture.org or 330-774-8896 to learn more.

To register, click here.
Recap of Dayton Sustainability Spotlight Tour!

The first PCFO Sustainability Spotlight Tour launched in Dayton last week! Thank you to all of the local leaders and partners who made this spectacular event a success. A special thank you to the City of Dayton, University of Dayton, Edgemont Solar Garden, and Drive Electric Dayton for collaborating on such a spectacular event. We look forward to visiting more PCFO Communities and to further highlighting the strides Ohio is making on environmental justice, clean energy investments, and climate action.
EV School Buses

On October 26, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the recipients of the first round of funding distributed by the Clean School Bus Program, a $5-billion, 5-year investment in clean school buses for our nation’s children as allocated under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. School districts in every state and the District of Columbia have been awarded federal funding for clean, electric school buses, including six districts in the state of Ohio. The EPA had planned to award $500 million in rebates from the Clean School Bus Program this year, however this announcement indicates EPA is awarding $965 million to purchase 2,463 buses, 95% of which will be electric (as opposed to propane/gas) in response to overwhelming demand from districts across the country.

Ohio districts awarded funds under the Clean School Bus Program include:
  • ZENITH ACADEMY WEST  $1,185,000.00
Federal Funding: Find it here!
Visit the PCFO IGAP Webinar page to review notes from the BIL Guidebook Introduction, Electric Vehicles, Public Transportation, and Clean Energy and Power webinars. These notes include information on the federal departments’ goals, funding opportunities, and available links to program pages.

If you are interested in applying or need PCFO’s support please contact Sarah Spence, IGAP Coordinator, at sarah@ohcef.org with any questions.

The SolarAPP+ Prize is a $1 million program designed to accelerate the adoption of Solar Automated Permit Processing Plus (SolarAPP+). SolarAPP+ is an automated permitting software tool that provides instant permit approval on code-compliant residential rooftop solar systems.
Application Deadline: November 4, 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment in clean energy and climate action. Of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $369 billion investment in addressing climate change, $270 billion will be delivered through tax incentives. These include tax incentives to encourage the adoption of clean vehicles.
Application Deadline: November 4, 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment in clean energy and climate action. Of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $369 billion investment in addressing climate change, $270 billion will be delivered through tax incentives. These include incentives to improve the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.
Application Deadline: November 4, 2022

The ATTIMD Program aims to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment.
Application Deadline: November 18, 2022

EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, tribal nations, communities, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites.
Application Deadline: November 22, 2022

EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, tribal nations, communities, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites.
Application Deadline: November 22, 2022

The Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program aims to invest in a wide range of projects to improve railroad safety, efficiency, and reliability; mitigate congestion at both intercity passenger and freight rail chokepoints to support more efficient travel and goods movement; enhance multi-modal connections; and lead to new or substantially improved Intercity Passenger Rail Transportation corridors.
Application Deadline: December 01, 2022

The Thriving Communities Program (TCP) is designed to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to advance a pipeline of transportation and community revitalization activities that increase mobility, reduce pollution from transportation sources, expand affordable transportation and housing options, improve health outcomes, facilitate efficient land use, preserve or expand jobs, and enhance connections to health care, education, and food security to benefit disadvantaged populations and communities.
Application Deadline: December 6, 2022

Are you looking to grow clean energy jobs in your community? The Advancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships funding opportunity will provide grants to develop collaborative workforce programs that will facilitate the rapid deployment of solar energy technologies while supporting an inclusive workforce with opportunities for union membership.
Application Deadline: Mandatory Letter of Intent due 09/13/22; Concept Papers due 09/20/22; Full Applications due 12/06/22
Grants 101 Webinar

Is your community ready for the unprecedented opportunities to utilize federal funds for clean energy and sustainability projects created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) and the Inflation Reduction Act? What information can you be compiling now to give you a head start?

Join Power a Clean Future Ohio's Infrastructure Grant Assistance Program (IGAP) as we host a Grants 101 Webinar for member communities. PCFO will help communities know what to have prepared for potential federal (and state) funding opportunities and provide a venue for PCFO communities to discuss challenges and knowledge gaps for grant applications. We also want to learn from you what other questions exist in pursuing federal grants so that PCFO can provide additional research and assistance. 

If you have questions, please contact Cassandra Clevenger at Cassandra@poweracleanfuture.org or 330-774-8896 to learn more.
Ohio’s State Energy Office is Seeking Your Input

The Ohio Department of Development’s Office of Energy and Environment is seeking community input on how to best utilize funding they are set to receive through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. There is an online survey that will be open through November 4. When completing the survey, be sure to consider how your community could leverage support around renewables, microgrids, resilience, and energy efficiency. 
Fiscal Year 2022 Notices of Funding Opportunities for Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) supports states, local communities, tribes, and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. The BRIC program guiding principles are supporting communities through capability- and capacity-building; encouraging and enabling innovation; promoting partnerships; enabling large projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency.

FEMA has released the 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity and will receive applications until January 27, 2023. FEMA will distribute up to $2.295 billion for the BRIC program in FY2022. Communities, including local governments, cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and Tribal governments are considered sub applicants and must submit sub applications for financial assistance to their state/territory/Tribal Applicant agency.

Contact Information for Ohio: Steven Ferryman, Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Phone: 614-799-3539

2022 Equity Summit Electrify
Wednesday, November 2- Friday, November 4
Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition is hosting their 2022 Equity Summit next week - November 2 - 4, 2022. This year’s theme centers the second principle of Kwanzaa — Kujichagulia (Self-Determination). They will explore how we empower communities and collectively move forward in the Building Decarbonization Movement. Check out the recently-announced full schedule of sessions and bios for speakers and moderators - all this info and more can be found on the website at midwestdecarb.org/summit! 
Electrify Everything! Your Blueprint for Switching to Clean Energy at Home
Monday, November 7, 2022 7- 8:30 p.m.

Technological innovations over the last decade have made it more affordable and achievable for individual consumers to switch from burning fossil fuels to using all-electric appliances powered by clean energy to significantly reduce their household greenhouse gas emissions. You may have already installed solar or bought an electric vehicle and now want to know what to do next, or maybe you’re just beginning to think about what you can do. Either way, join our FREE virtual information session to learn about the most important steps to comprehensively switch to clean energy, which new federal climate programs can help you along the way, and how our newly launched Central Ohio Electrification Group can provide an avenue to share advice and information for successfully completing these projects. Enjoy presentations by Madeline Fleisher, clean energy attorney and member of Sustainable Upper Arlington, and Andy Leber, organizing member of Sustainable Grandview, followed by a Q&A session. If you can't make it live, register here and we'll share the event recording. 
To learn more and register, click here.
2022 Ohio Energy Conference
Quest Conference Center, Nov 15-16, 2022 

The 2022 Ohio Energy Conference will take place on November 15 and 16th and will feature public and private leaders from Ohio’s energy sector, who will share what is on the horizon for energy procurement, policy, management, and more.

Register to attend here.
Interested in getting started? Join today!
PCFO is an expansive, diverse coalition engaging with cities and local governments across the state of Ohio to build a clean future for our communities. Power A Clean Future Ohio is empowering local leaders with tools and resources to create carbon reduction plans and implement them in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable and economical. 
Our coalition of expert organizations wants to share our technical expertise and resources with your community. If your community wants to work on plans to reduce emissions, attract business investment, implement equitable clean energy policy, and reduce costs – contact us today to set up a meeting!
If your business or organization would like to support PCFO, we invite you to join the campaign as a PCFO Partner. Contact us for more details.
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