Who is Clean Fuels Ohio?
Clean Fuels Ohio is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for and finding solutions related to alternative fuel sources in Ohio. The transportation industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and thus global warming. It is our mission to help local governments, small businesses, large corporations, individual consumers, and everyone in-between learn more about the adoption and best practices surrounding clean fuel sources used for transportation.

Why is it important for Clean Fuels Ohio to be involved in PCFO?
As the main source of transportation-related environmental advocacy in the State of Ohio, we believe that our mission aligns very closely with that of PCFO and its stakeholders. The best, most significant changes can be made in our state at the local level - by working with local leaders and governments to enact policies that positively impact the environment and make Ohio a cleaner, healthier state. PCFO is the largest coalition - maybe in the history of our state - to work on these issues. We're excited and proud to be part of it.