January 6, 2022
Our Mission: Power A Clean Future Ohio is building momentum now for a clean, prosperous future by equipping local leaders for equitable, community-driven carbon reductions in Ohio.
Local Action Update
Columbus and Canton Join PCFO
On Tuesday, December 21, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther announced that Columbus was joining PCFO. In November, Mayor Ginther announced the City’s first-ever Climate Action Plan, committing to a reduction of carbon emissions by 45% by 2030.

“I am inspired by the work of my colleagues around the state and we are proud of the significant and historic progress we have made in Columbus,” said Mayor Ginther. “Joining Power a Clean Future Ohio gives us an opportunity to ensure Ohio is doing its part to preserve our environment and reduce our carbon emissions.”

Earlier this week at Canton's City Council meeting, they passed a resolution to join PCFO. The resolution was sponsored by Mayor Thomas Bernabei and Council Members Robert Fisher and John Mariol. The city will work with PCFO to identify clean energy solutions to save the city money and find new sources of grant funding for clean energy and clean transportation projects. As a first step, the city is planning to utilize PCFO’s resources to complete a fleet analysis in partnership with Clean Fuels Ohio, which will help the city identify opportunities to purchase electric vehicles that will reduce costs and emissions.

Mayor Bernabei said, “Thank you Canton City Council for your leadership on this issue, particularly Councilmembers John Mariol II and Robert Fisher. We are looking forward to working with Power A Clean Future Ohio, other cities and local governments to work for a clean energy solution for our city and residents and environment at large.”

Canton City Councilmember Robert Fisher said, “As Chairman of the Environmental and Public Utilities Committee let me say it is an honor for Canton to partner with Power A Clean Future Ohio. Pandemic aside, global warming is the single greatest threat to our planet today and I feel it is up to local leaders to do all we can to combat this threat."
Ohio Clean Energy Jobs & Economic Impact Report
The Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE) has released their Ohio Clean Energy Jobs & Economic Impact Report. Between solar, wind, battery storage, electric vehicles and other clean energy sources alike, Ohio is certainly on its way to building a cleaner, stronger economy.

Click here to view CICE's impact report.
Did you just get elected to local office or are you starting a new term? What can you do to support clean energy and climate initiatives in your FIRST 100 DAYS in office?
  • Champion a climate resolution with a carbon reduction goal
  • Write a council resolution on environmental justice
  • Establish a city-led energy efficiency program
  • Announce a commitment to move to 100% renewable energy
  • Commit to SolSmart designation
  • Lead an initiative to become an “EV Ready” city
  • Commit to improving and expanding the community’s tree canopy
Power a Clean Future Ohio is here to help make it happen. We have technical experts and policy tools to get you started. Share this one-page list with your council and local government staff and begin today! More information on some of these ideas can be found in our Ohio Clean Energy and Sustainable Communities Toolkit.
Upcoming Events
ReImagine Appalachia January Strategy Summit

When: January 11-12, 2022 @ 11 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Join ReImagine Appalachia and their partners for the 2022 ReImagine Appalachia Virtual Strategy Summit.The virtual convening will offer keynote sessions, panels, and workshops to help guide and create the development of the coalition’s 2022 vision and priorities. Find out more about how the Appalachian region can maximize the community benefits of federal infrastructure dollars, how local elected officials can get involved, and share your thoughts on restoring prosperity to the area.

Register here.
Interested in getting started? Join today!
PCFO is an expansive, diverse coalition engaging with cities and local governments across the state of Ohio to build a clean future for our communities. Power A Clean Future Ohio is empowering local leaders with tools and resources to create carbon reduction plans and implement them in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable and economical. 
Our coalition of expert organizations wants to share our technical expertise and resources with your community. If your community wants to work on plans to reduce emissions, attract business investment, implement equitable clean energy policy, and reduce costs – contact us today to set up a meeting!
If your business or organization would like to support PCFO, we invite you to join the campaign as a PCFO Partner. Contact us for more details.
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