December 21, 2022
Our Mission: Power a Clean Future Ohio is building momentum now for a clean, prosperous future by equipping local leaders for equitable, community-driven carbon reductions in Ohio.
PCFO Clean Energy Champions Awards
On December 16, Power a Clean Future Ohio (PCFO) and the Ohio Mayor’s Alliance hosted the first Clean Energy Champions Awards ceremony, celebrating Ohio leaders for their commitment to clean energy and climate action.
The event recognized PCFO Communities, mayors, and sustainability professionals throughout Ohio that have taken strides to reduce their carbon emissions while creating more equitable communities through clean energy adoption. This year’s winners were honored at a luncheon at The Athletic Club of Columbus.
Joe Flarida, Executive Director of Power a Clean Future Ohio said, “We are proud to partner with more than 40 local governments across the state to support them in taking meaningful action to deploy clean energy and clean transportation solutions for their communities. Our steadfast coalition of organizations and partners are accelerating a collective transition to clean energy for the sake of our environment, our children’s future, our economic well-being, and our competitiveness in a fast-growing and changing economic reality.”
Michael Jeans, founding President and CEO of Growth Opportunity Partners (Growth Opps) and GO Green Energy, Ohio’s first and only green bank, delivered the keynote address. He is pioneering green bank financing and is a leading national and international voice in developing innovative approaches to leverage financial tools to address environmental justice issues in our communities.
Award winners included:
  • Clean Energy Innovator Award: Athens, for the passage of a carbon fee, which finances a public solar fund to support local solar projects.
  • Environmental Innovator Award: Toledo, for the adoption of a first-in-the-nation 1% for the environment budget initiative and establishment of the Environmental Protection and Climate Resilience Commission.
  • Energy Justice Champion Award: Dayton, for centering equity in the sustainability plan and relaunching a community choice aggregation program for 100% renewable energy that saves residents 30% on their utility bills.
  • Clean Energy Staff Champions:
  • Erin Beck, Assistant Director of Sustainability, City of Columbus
  • Meg Maloney, Sustainability Specialist, City of Dayton
  • Eric Zamft, Director of Planning, Cleveland Heights
  • The Clean Energy Community Award recognized PCFO communities that have implemented a 100% clean energy aggregation program: Athens, Athens County, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Silverton, Worthington
  • The Climate Action Community Award recognized 22 PCFO communities that have committed to reduce emissions by at least 30% below 2010 levels by 2030

Watch the full event on our Facebook page.
 PCFO Year in Review
There's no question that 2022 was a big year for Power a Clean Future Ohio, and specifically for PCFO Communities across the state that continued to show how locals lead the way!

Here is a quick overview of some of our favorite moments:
  • The number of PCFO Communities grew substantially this year, from 25 total communities in 2021 to more than 40 today!
  • We launched an innovative toolkit called "Sustainable Strategies for Your First 100 Days," which provided newly-elected local leaders with various opportunities to show leadership within their first 100 days in office.
  • As more communities joined PCFO, our team grew too! With the addition of a Deputy Director and an expanded consulting team in NE Ohio, we've been able to continue to grow this organization and support the growing list of PCFO Communities.
  • Through our Infrastructure Grant Assistance Program, we connected local governments with federal resources provided by both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Our Executive Director, Joe Flarida, testified before the Senate Banking Committee to highlight the benefits of investing in clean energy, both at the local and federal level.
  • We produced dozens of videos highlighting the leadership of PCFO Communities across Ohio.
  • PCFO and our partners hosted our first two Sustainability Spotlight Tours, with more to come in 2023.
  • Finally, we ended the year with the incredible Clean Energy Champions Awards last week. It was a great way to celebrate a big year, and you can watch the full ceremony on our Facebook page.

And with that, we want to end by thanking all of the people who worked tirelessly to make PCFO's success possible over the past year. We have a bright future ahead, and we hope everyone enjoys the holidays. Let's keep up this momentum in 2023!
Federal Funding: Find it here!
Visit the PCFO IGAP Webinar page to review notes from the BIL Guidebook Introduction, Electric Vehicles, Public Transportation, and Clean Energy and Power webinars. These notes include information on the federal departments’ goals, funding opportunities, and available links to program pages.

If you are interested in applying or need PCFO’s support please contact Sarah Spence, IGAP Coordinator, at with any questions.

Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA has $275 million for grants under the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act from FY2022-2026. Under this allocation, the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program (SWIFR) grants will assist local waste management authorities by supporting improvements to local post-consumer materials management, including municipal recycling programs, and assisting local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems.
Application Deadline: January 16, 2023

Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA has $75 million to fund a new Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program from 2022-2026. Education and outreach activities under this program include programs that prevent or reduce waste by reducing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, recycling, composting, or using anaerobic digestor systems to treat these types of materials or to reduce related contamination.
Application Deadline: January 16, 2023

Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received funds for two emissions reduction programs: the Low Emissions Electricity Program and Corporate Reporting Program.
Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received over $300 million in funding for six programs to address air pollution: 1) Fenceline Monitoring, 2) Multipollutant Monitoring, 3) Air Quality Sensors, 4) Emissions from Wood Heaters, 5) Methane Monitoring, and 6) Clean Air Act Grants. In addition, EPA also received $50 million to address air pollution at schools.
Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received $5 billion to assist states, air pollution control agencies, tribes and local governments to develop and implement strong, climate pollution reduction strategies.
Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

Transportation Programs (Expires soon!)
Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received $4 billion for two new programs to reduce emissions from the transportation sector: the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program and the Clean Ports Program.
Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, DOE received $500 million for grants for energy improvements at public school facilities from 2022-2026. This program aims to fund projects which address historic inequities in school facilities investments, reduce school energy expenditures, help schools lead the nation in solving the climate crisis, and create well-paying union jobs. 
Application Deadline: Concept papers due January 26, 2023; full applications due April 21, 2023

The Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Communities Program aims to provide technical assistance to assist communities facing brownfields challenges. Awarded entities will help communities tackle the challenge of assessing, cleaning up and preparing brownfield sites for redevelopment, especially underserved/rural/small and distressed communities.
Application Deadline: February 14, 2023

The Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program funds surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve: safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. There is also $75 million set aside for eligible planning, preparation, or design of projects.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2023
Interested in getting started? Join today!
PCFO is an expansive, diverse coalition engaging with cities and local governments across the state of Ohio to build a clean future for our communities. Power A Clean Future Ohio is empowering local leaders with tools and resources to create carbon reduction plans and implement them in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable and economical. 
Our coalition of expert organizations wants to share our technical expertise and resources with your community. If your community wants to work on plans to reduce emissions, attract business investment, implement equitable clean energy policy, and reduce costs – contact us today to set up a meeting!
If your business or organization would like to support PCFO, we invite you to join the campaign as a PCFO Partner. Contact us for more details.
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