April 22, 2021
Our Mission: Power A Clean Future Ohio is building momentum now for a clean, prosperous future by equipping local leaders for equitable, community-driven carbon reductions in Ohio.
Happy Earth Day!
As the global community celebrates the precious resources and environment that we will pass on to the next generation, don’t forget to engage your local community and your local elected representatives and ask what your city is doing to address climate change. Encourage them to take the #Ohio30by30 pledge and be bold in tackling this global challenge locally. #LocalsLeadTheWay
Local Action Update
Ohio Climate Justice Fund launches soon
The Ohio Climate Justice Fund (OCJF) is officially launching on Monday, April 26. OCJF, which will work in partnership with PCFO, is an emerging initiative that will invest in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) led organizations in Ohio, to host listening conversations focused on the intersection of racial justice and climate action. To learn more, click here! Also be sure to follow OCJF on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
PCFO's website has a new look!
Check out Power A Clean Future Ohio's new website!

Among a variety of new features, the website includes great policy one-pagers for cities to use in developing plans around Clean Transportation, Renewable Energy, Energy Waste Reduction, and Land Use. You can also learn more about the Ohio Climate Justice Fund as discussed above and apply to the Equity Coaching for Sustainable Cities Program.
Warren energy incubator plans to partner with energy start-ups and bring jobs
Warren, Ohio, continues to be a leader in renewable energy development thanks to energy incubator company BRITE that received half a million dollars in CARES Act funds through the Economic Development Administration.

This money will be used to support "start-up energy companies aimed to create sustainable technology," and has already made major headway.

One of the companies BRITE has partnered with is CZAR-POWER. CZAR and BRITE are working together to make clean energy more affordable and accessible by simplifying the traditionally expensive, multi-system options and turning it into one power box.

Founder Anthony Frisone said, "This power box will fast charge an electric vehicle better than a third of the current cost and can also power a home when it's not in use." Thanks to these local community leaders, Voltage Valley will not only propel clean energy innovation forward but also bring many more jobs to their community. Continue reading.
Upcoming Events
Tune into the Ohio Justice Series on April 29 from 12:30-1:30 p.m.

The Ohio Environmental Justice Speaker Series is an opportunity to hear from some of the most forward-thinking minds about how equity relates to environmental justice and climate resilience.
Save the Date for the 2021 Ohio Clean Energy Summit: Local Communities Lead.

Join elected officials, advocates and industry experts from across Ohio and the Midwest for this exciting virtual event. The event will feature one panel discussion per day on May 17-19, 2021 and a celebratory, marquee event on May 20, 2021 at 10 a.m. to conclude the Summit. Stay tuned for registration details!
Drive Electric Earth Day Events happening until the end of April!

Drive Electric Earth Day is a national campaign to share information about electric vehicles throughout the month of April. To find a Drive Electric Earth Day event near you, type in your location here and view a list of events to enjoy.
Interested in getting started? Join today!
PCFO is an expansive, diverse coalition engaging with cities and local governments across the state of Ohio to build a clean future for our communities. Power A Clean Future Ohio is empowering local leaders with tools and resources to create carbon reduction plans and implement them in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable and economical. 
Our coalition of expert organizations wants to share our technical expertise and resources with your community. If your community wants to work on plans to reduce emissions, attract business investment, implement equitable clean energy policy, and reduce costs – contact us today to set up a meeting!
If your business or organizations would like to support PCFO, we invite you to join the campaign as a PCFO Partner. Contact us for more details.
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