Legislative Newsletter

January 2025

A monthly roundup of news and top highlights from the Illinois Power Agency

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Welcome 104th General Assembly Members

As you settle into the 2025 General Assembly year, the Illinois Power Agency (IPA) would like to highlight informative and targeted resources that may be helpful to you and your constituents:

  • IPA Power Brief is a monthly legislative newsletter including a roundup of news and top highlights from the Agency. All archived issues of Power Brief can be found on the IPA Publications page. To sign up for the newsletter, please contact IPA Legislative Affairs Manager, Whitney Richardson at Whitney.Richardson@illinois.gov.

  • IPA Summer School: Legislative Lunch and Learn is a four-part webinar series designed to help legislators, legislative staff, and government leaders learn more about the IPA, its solar incentive programs, and clean energy initiatives. Recordings and presentations from the IPA Summer School webinar series can be found here.

  • The IPA is committed to consumer protection and works diligently to ensure positive experiences for Illinois residents and businesses interested in going solar. As part of that commitment, the IPA utilizes a proactive approach to consumer education and awareness. The Consumer Protection Resources document is designed to provide an overview of consumer protection requirements in the IPA’s solar incentive programs to help make information on going solar more effortless and streamlined.

  • For any IPA-related questions or constituent inquiries, please contact: IPA Legislative Affairs Manager, Whitney Richardson at Whitney.Richardson@illinois.gov or (312) 639-9486. 


We look forward to working with you over the months to come.

H.B. 587 and its Impact on the IPA’s Work

During the January 2025 Lame Duck Session, the outgoing 103rd General Assembly passed H.B. 587, a small energy package, on January 7. 


The bill's major impacts on the IPA's work include: 


  1. Through changes to Section 16-135 of the Public Utilities Act - The bill requires the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to run an inclusive workshop process in consultation with the IPA to produce recommendations by May 1, 2025, for a process to conduct energy storage procurement. The workshop process is intended to position the IPA with sufficient clarity to conduct and conclude an initial energy storage procurement event by no later than August 26, 2025. It does not, however, authorize or require the IPA to conduct any future energy storage procurement events nor does it include funding to do so. Workshop topics to be discussed include: the contracting structure for a procurement event, geographic and project maturity considerations, and the roles and responsibilities of regulated utilities as the counterparties to energy storage-related contracts.
  2. Through changes to Section 1-75(c)(1)(E) of the IPA Act (including the addition of new subparagraph E-5) - The bill includes provisions to ensure renewable energy developers with existing REC delivery contracts through the Agency's Indexed REC procurements receive payment in the event that projections indicate the statutory annual rate impact cap may be exceeded -- meaning the Renewable Portfolio Standard budget would be exceeded. This will ensure that renewable developers with existing contract awards will be able to continue developing their renewables projects without non-payment risk due to Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) budget concerns.
  3. Through changes to Section 1-56(b) of the IPA Act - The bill clarifies that “low-income household” income-eligibility qualification criteria for the Illinois Solar for All program can now be revised every year instead of every five years.
  4. Through changes to Section 1-75(c)(1)(C) of the IPA Act - The bill provides a pathway for repowered wind projects to qualify for the Illinois RPS for the incremental increase in facility electricity production resultant from repowering.
  5. Through changes to Section 1-75(c)(1)(C)(i) of the IPA Act - The bill allows the IPA, as part of its Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan, to propose adjustments to the RPS percentages required across different technologies -- or different procurement approaches under the same technologies). This language would allow for resetting the 45%/55% wind/solar RPS compliance balance found in the law, allowing the IPA to maximize RPS compliance by sizing program and procurement goals “based on developer interest, market conditions, budget considerations, resource adequacy needs, or other factors.”

The IPA looks forward to working with its partners on implementing these provisions of HB 587 and stands ready to continue its work helping inform energy legislation during the Spring 2025 legislative session.


The IPA factsheet Exploring Illinois Shines & Illinois Solar for All explains the essentials of Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All incentive programs that support rooftop solar and community solar in Illinois. In addition, the factsheet compares similarities and differences between the two Programs to help consumers choose the right solar program based on their needs.  


To access other energy-related factsheets, please visit the IPA Publications page.

Events and Outreach

Illinois Shines Program Administrator Staff Attend 'Meet the Developer' Event

On January 16, staff from Illinois Shines Program Administrator, Energy Solutions, attended an event, titled ‘Meet the Developer: Lunch and Learn.' The event was organized by HIRE360, Illinois AFL-CIO, and Climate Jobs Illinois. The event brought contractors, developers, and nonprofit organizations together to explore equity initiatives, contractor partnerships, and the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). In addition, the event provided a great forum for Energy Solutions staff to meet and answer questions from Approved Vendors (AVs), Equity Eligible Contractors (EECs), and Equity Eligible Persons (EEPs). Additionally, the event discussed how small and emerging businesses can leverage community engagement and contractor partnerships to access opportunities in the clean energy sector.

Illinois Solar for All Program Administrator Staff Present at the MMC Environment and Energy Meeting

On December 17, 2024, Associate Director for ILSFA at Elevate Energy, Jan Gudell, presented at the Environment and Energy Committee meeting hosted by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus. During the meeting, Jan provided a program overview on ILSFA, including requirements for participation, benefits, success stories, and opportunities for the Program.

The meeting was attended by approximately 50 Environment and Energy Committee members. The Committee is part of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, a membership organization of the Chicago region’s 275 cities, towns, and villages.

The Caucus provides a forum for metropolitan Chicago’s chief elected officials to collaborate on common problems and work toward a common goal of improving the quality of life for residents in the area. To access the recording and meeting materials, please visit the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus website.

IPA in the News

Energy News Network: Illinois confident it can continue clean energy progress under Trump, but path expected to be harder

Energy News Network: Illinois explores use of renewable energy credits to juice independent transmission projects

Multi-Housing News: Can solar spark multifamily’s future?

Capitol News Illinois: Lawmakers give small boost to renewable developments, delay broader reform


IPA Solar Incentive Programs 

Illinois Shines Guide to Going Solar 

Solar Credits and Rebates Factsheet 

Exploring Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All 

Illinois Shines Postcard (includes Spanish translation)

IPA Summer School Legislative Lunch and Learn, Session 1: “Understanding the IPA’s Solar Incentive Programs”  

State Incentives for Public Schools to Go Solar

Public Schools Informational Brochure   

Public Schools Project Guide  


Consumer Protection

IPA Consumer Protection Factsheet 

Illinois Shines Program Brochures 

Illinois Solar for All Program Brochures 

Monthly Consumer Protection Working Group 

IPA Summer School Legislative Lunch and Learn, Session 2: “How Consumer Protections for the IPA’s Solar Incentive Programs Work” 


Community Solar

How does Community Solar Work within Illinois Solar for All?  

Explore Community Solar within Illinois Shines  


Equity in the Clean Energy Economy  

Small and Emerging Business Guide 

Small and Emerging Business Hub 

The Work Ahead: Staffing the Clean Energy Economy   

Equitable Solar Workforce Development: Challenges and Opportunities (webinar)

Energy Workforce Equity Portal  

Energy Workforce Equity Portal Flyer (includes Spanish translation)

Equity Eligible Person (EEP) Postcard (includes Spanish translation) 

Equity Eligible Contractors (EEC) Flyer 

Illinois Shines Mentorship Program

Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard (tracks the progress and impact of renewable energy development across Illinois)


Brian Granahan


Illinois Power Agency


Telephone: (312) 814-4635

Whitney Richardson

Legislative Affairs Manager

Illinois Power Agency


Telephone: (312) 639-9486