The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) is committed to robust consumer protections for customers participating in the Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) solar incentive programs. As part of that commitment, the IPA works diligently to ensure positive experiences for Illinois residents and business interested in going solar.
There are, however, occasions when solar projects do not proceed as planned, and some of these cases fall under the “stranded customer” category. Examples include:
- Solar companies that are unable or unwilling to complete the solar project installation for customers and/or submit a project application to the Illinois Shines program
- Solar companies that are suspended due to disciplinary action and prohibited from advancing projects through the application process
- Solar companies that have ceased operations
In these cases, the stranded customer may be left without an “Approved Vendor” (AV) and/or “Designee” – solar developers and their contractors participating in the program – to submit application materials, advance their application through the review process, complete system installation, and/or pass through promised REC incentive payments from the contracting utility, where applicable.
In light of an increased volume of stranded customers within the Illinois Shines program, the Illinois Shines website contains a shortlist of registered AVs and Designees interested in serving stranded customers. This published list is being maintained by the Program Administrator to assist stranded customers in finding a new AV or Designee.
While tens of thousands of Illinois residents and businesses have benefitted from the Illinois Shines program, the Agency takes swift disciplinary action against AVs and Designees who are non-compliant with its consumer protection requirements.
In alignment with the IPA’s commitment to consumer protection, the Agency is currently working proactively to increase the economic incentive in the form of a Stranded Customer REC Adder for AVs who take on projects for customers who have been “stranded” by their original AV going out of business or otherwise becoming unavailable. To learn more, visit the Stranded Customer Resources within the Illinois Shines program website.