IPA Director Attends ICC Resource Adequacy Policy Sessions
On December 19, IPA Director Brian Granahan presented at the ICC Resource Adequacy Policy Sessions in Springfield, Illinois, alongside representatives from ICC, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), utilities, energy storage industry representatives, energy efficiency advocates, and consumer advocates. Sessions discussed resource adequacy issues in Illinois, examining prospective solutions to resource adequacy constraints linked to expected load growth and planned fossil fuel retirements, including energy storage and efficiency measures. Sessions also explored cost implications and proposed policy solutions.
During the policy sessions, Brian presented on two panels. The first—titled “The State of Illinois’ Current and Future Resource Adequacy (RA)”—discussed the state of resource adequacy in Illinois, explored existing policy mechanisms that incentivize clean energy generation in Illinois, and highlighted the purpose and scope of the Resource Adequacy Study produced by the IPA, IEPA, and ICC and to be completed in 2025. The second panel, titled “Examining Electric Energy Efficiency, Utility-Scale Storage, and Customer Costs,” addressed how energy efficiency and utility-scale storage as potential solutions.
IPA Staff Presents at National Consumer Law Center Webinar
On December 3, IPA Deputy Legal Counsel Sarah Duffy presented on a panel titled “Community Solar: Expanding Access and Safeguarding Low-Income Families,” hosted by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). The panel explored a new report jointly created by the NCLC and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which examined existing community solar programs and highlighted important consumer protection safeguards for customers.
During the panel, Sarah highlighted consumer protection requirements and best practices for customers of IPA-administered solar incentive programs. Additionally, she discussed several IPA consumer protection initiatives being developed to better protect customers. To view the recording and presentation of this webinar, please visit the NCLC website.
Illinois Shines Program Administrator Presents at HACIA Multi-Cultural Jobs Training Program Webinar
On October 5, Illinois Shines Program Administrator Energy Solutions presented on a webinar for Lewis University students enrolled in the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association’s (HACIA) Multi-Cultural Jobs Training Program. Funded by the 2017 Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA), the HACIA Multi-Cultural Jobs Training Program helps ensure equity in the clean energy construction workforce by providing opportunities qualified individuals from traditionally underrepresented groups.
During the event, Energy Solutions staff provided key information on the IPA’s Illinois Shines solar incentive program, including how Equity Eligible Persons (EEPs) can find jobs in the clean energy sector and connect with clean energy companies that are hiring EEPs. Energy Solutions also answered general questions about the Illinois Shines program and how the Program supports existing and prospective Equity Eligible Contractors navigating the solar landscape. To learn more, please visit the Illinois Shines website.