Yesterday, Sacramento Steps Forward released the 2022 Sacramento Point-in-Time Count, conducted on February 23-24, 2022. The report shows a 67 percent increase in homelessness over the last three years, but also reflects more families being sheltered, and fewer veterans experiencing homelessness.
At yesterday afternoon’s Sacramento City Council meeting, the Sacramento Local Homeless Action Plan was presented. The plan is organized around five core strategies that facilitate a system-focused, equitable framework:
- Strategy #1: Build and scale a Countywide Coordinated Access System
- Strategy #2: Ensure current and new emergency shelter and interim housing is focused on rehousing
- Strategy #3: Increase permanent housing opportunities
- Strategy #4: Expand prevention and diversion resources
- Strategy #5: Invest in community capacity-building & training
As part of the Council discussion that occurred after the presentation, a sixth strategy was added, which was funding and support for mental health and substance abuse issues, to tackle one of the most prevalent root causes of chronic homelessness. To listen or view both the presentation and Council’s remarks, you can view the item here by navigating to Item 4 on the agenda. You can read the full staff report for the item here.