Equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities.
Week one of virtual field days is complete! In this photo, Jordan Clasen of Grade A Gardens talks about how he manages weeds in his garlic beds.

Missed a virtual field day that you wanted to attend? There are a few ways to watch recordings:

Vital conversations and actions toward equality
Practical Farmers of Iowa’s mission is to equip farmers to build resilient farms and communities. We cannot achieve our mission without justice and equality for all.

Practical Farmers helps farmers by providing resources, education and a community of connections to help them succeed. To honor our value of welcoming everyone, we are working to be a more inclusive organization by reaching out to Black people, Indigenous people and other people of color.

We are working to create relationships with all Iowans who farm or aspire to farm, learning what challenges they face, what they need to be successful and welcoming them into PFI’s support network. Our network is resilient because of its diversity.

But we know there is more we must do to fight racism and inequality. As a staff, we plan to build awareness through staff training, and then ongoing action, to increase our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion within our organization.

Many of our members have already requested we increase our focus in these areas. During this time where racism is so visibly exposed to all of us through recent, but not isolated, racist acts, our big-tent philosophy stresses that we can all learn how to do better in acting against racism.

While they are tough conversations to have, conversations about our actions are vital on the path to equity in our communities and on our farms.
Field day season marches on
Check out our full slate of 2020 field days. Details and registration are now available.

Next week, a five-part "Botany Beginners" course starts . This class will consist of five sequential webinar-style workshops throughout June and July. All webinars will be held from 6-7 p.m.
Hosted by: Laura Jackson
June 8 | 6-7 p.m.

Hosted by: Tom Wind
June 11 | 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Hosted by: Laura Jackson
June 11 | 6-7 p.m.

Hosted by: Jude Becker
June 12 | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Please join us during a one-hour virtual meet-up to talk about the ongoing changes and challenges specific to your farms and markets due to COVID-19.

We’ll be holding these every Friday at 1 p.m. through June 12.

Our intention is to provide a place for producers to share their insights, struggles, ideas and strategies to manage current and anticipated changes related to consumer demand, market access, labor and enhanced measures for food safety.

June 8: Virtual Field Day - Botany Beginners Pt. 1
6-7 p.m. | Online

June 11: Virtual Field Day - Working With Neighbors
2:15-3:15 p.m. | Online

June 11: Virtual Field Day - Botany Beginners Pt. 2
6-7 p.m. | Online

June 12:  Meet-Up -  Strange Times
1 p.m. | Online

June 12: Virtual Field Day - Pasture Farrowing
12:30-1:30 p.m. | Online
June 17: Virtual Field Day - Botany Beginners Pt. 3
6-7 p.m. | Online

June 17: Virtual Field Day - Termination Dates Rye
7:30-8:30 p.m. | Online

June 18: Virtual Social - Beginning Farmer
1-2 p.m. | Online

June 18: Virtual Field Day - Prairie Strips & Conservation
6-7 p.m. | Online
We want to hear your farm’s stories of resilience in the face of COVID-19. How are you adapting on your farm? What changes have you made? How has your community rallied to support your farm business?

Use the hashtag #practicalresilience to share your stories of resilience and we’ll showcase them on our social media channels and in future issues of “Practical News.” 
Members in the News
Kellie and A.J. Blair of Dayton, Meghan Filbert of Ames and Tim Daly of Farley were featured in Successful Farming: Grazing cover crops
Have you been featured in the media? Tell us when and where to find a link to the article, and we'll feature you in a future issue of Practical News.

Contact:   [email protected]